#07 The 5.0 Journey
The Open Community for Conceptual Modelling, Metamodelling, Next-Generation Enterprise Modelling
Hello everyone! We hope you are all doing well ??
You may already know, that since last October, OMiLAB NPO has been a partner in an EU-funded project called - CoDEMO 5.0 . In this newsletter, we would like to give you more information about the project, its objectives, and the added-value that it brings to you - our community.
CoDEMO 5.0: Co-Creative Decision-Makers for 5.0 Organizations aims to enhance European innovation capacities in the field of value creation for 5.0 organizations. Utilizing the framework of a 5.0 Society, the initiative seeks to foster alignment between Digital Innovation and Green Mindset ??, facilitating the evolution of businesses from a 4.0 paradigm, primarily centered on digitalization and technology, towards a 5.0 focus, emphasizing environmental sustainability, resilience, and human-centric approaches.
You can also learn more about CoDEMO at: https://codemo-project.eu/
Upcoming CoDEMO 5.0 Events #joinus
#getinvolved in one of the following activities/events to learn more about the 5.0 paradigm.
We are happy to announce an upcoming Webinar, taking place online and free of charge on April 18, 13:00 - 13:45 CEST:
Examples of OMiLAB Educational Utilization at OMiLAB@ULBS
of a showcase of applications realized in the OMiLAB node at Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu . The ULBS team organizing and presenting: Professor Adrian FLOREA , Associate Professor Daniel Morariu , Eng. Aida-Mihaela MANTA, Eng. Melisa Cristina Stoisor , and Eng. Andrei P?tr?u?anu .
We will also be at these upcoming events:
Recent OMiLAB Community Activities
What was the community up to in the last few months? Take a look ??
ADOxx Crash Course
On March 21-22, another online ADOxx Crash Course took place. Did you know that all participants receive a digital badge for taking part in the ADOxx Crash Course? You can add it to your LinkedIn skills, CV, and more!
Modellierung Conference and NEMO Alumni Meeting
We were one of the sponsors of this year's #Modellierung2024 conference, and had the pleasure to meet the German Conceptual Modelling community in Postdam, Germany. #thankyou for coming by our booth - it was great to showcase our work and interact directly with the participants!
Also, one of the best moments of our trips are always when we meet & catch up with NEMO Alumni all over the world - from Postdam to Seoul! ?
In March, we had the honor to attend the retirement ceremony of Prof. Dr. Yoshinori Hara from Kyoto University . Prof. Dr. Dimitris Karagiannis from OMiLAB@ Universit?t Wien contributed to a Special Edition of the Kyoto Economic Review, with a paper titled "How digital twins for design thinking support innovative business models".
On the occasion of the 65th birthday of Prof. Dr. Ulrich Frank , Prof. Dr. Dimitris Karagiannis also contributed to the Festschrift in his honour, with a chapter on “AdoScript: A DSL for Developing Conceptual Modeling Methods”. Find the chapter here (#16): https://www.logos-verlag.de/ebooks/OA/978-3-8325-5768-3.pdf along with other very interesting papers from the community!
As always, if you would like your work featured in the next Newsletter, please get in touch! We hope you enjoyed today's update and we will be back soon with another edition ??