#06 Which type of ultraviolet light is best?
As we all know, ultraviolet light, which ranges from 10nm to 400nm, belongs to invisible light. And the function of ultraviolet light depends on the wavelength range.
What we are familiar with are the following three ones:
UV-A, 320nm to 400nm. It makes up the majority of ultraviolet light reaching the Earth. And it can damage our skin and eyes seriously.
UV-B, 280nm to 320nm. It can treat skin diseases. But too much exposure will cause sunburn and even skin cancer.
UV-C, 200nm to 280nm. It is particularly good at sterilizing. But its penetration ability is very weak. Before reaching the ground, all UV-C lights will be absorbed by ozone in the atmosphere.
Nowdays, most ultraviolet disinfection equipment uses UV-C light as the source of its disinfection ability. UV-C light is an effective solution for disinfection, which is why it is the most widely used type of light.
However, it will also cause some serious damage. If you are not careful, UV-C light can penetrate your skin and cause harm or injury. Over time, UV-C light can also damage certain plastics and rubber materials.
Many conventional UV-C lamps even contain mercury, which makes the sterilization more dangerous and complicated.
Return to the question: which type of ultraviolet light is the best? The answer is not certain.
For example, we can use UVC in a confined space to avoid its leakage and over attenuation. And we can also combine UV-A with photocatalyst filter to decomposition and removal of organic compound in air.
What real matters is whether we understand their different features.