#05|24: Cool for the climate

#05|24: Cool for the climate

Today we are once again bringing you a wide range of stories relating to ebm-papst. In Hong Kong, a huge retrofit in supermarkets is delivering energy savings of 50%. FanScout makes it easy for you to select the right fan directly in your browser. A new website tells you all about sustainability and innovation at ebm-papst and how we are advancing this area. And in a technical article, we explain what safety extra-low and extra-low voltage mean for different applications.

Cool for the climate

The DFI Retail Group operates more than 10,000 supermarkets in Asia and is aiming to be carbon neutral by 2050. To achieve this goal, Jon Abel, Group Facilities Management Director, implemented a huge retrofit together with Joe Chow from City Facilities Management. 10,000 AC motors in the refrigerated display cases of Hong Kong supermarkets were replaced with efficient iQC motors.

?? Read all about it

Do you already know the new FanScout?

Our new FanScout is the smart selection tool for the right fan solution, regardless of the application and requirements. Discover the browser-based tool!

?? Use FanScout now


Our brand claim is “Engineering a better life” – and we put this into practice in our day-to-day work on new, intelligent and ever more efficient products and solutions. Find out more about sustainability, digitalization and innovation at ebm-papst.

?? To overview page

Small and powerful

Safety extra-low voltage and extra-low voltage are not the same thing. They are used in industrial drives depending on the specific application, for example in medical technology or automated guided vehicles. Find out more in the technical article.

?? Read the article

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