Grandma wakes her up at 7 am with tea in bed. She drinks but falls asleep again. Grandma comes back at 9 am for breakfast, she takes breakfast and sleeps again.
Grandpa goes to grandma and says, “we shall take her to hospital.” ”No, it is not physical, it is mental. She may have a spell of an evil soul,” grandma suggests. “You have gone crazy,” he replies. “You never listen to me,” she complains. “All your life you spoke nonsense, how would I pay attention to your ideas,” he explains. “You have to come with me to the village, every sunday that old tantrik meets people.” she requests. “I will not come with you,” grandfather denies outrightly. “Then I will not cook food,” she says. “Do whatever you want,” he replies. “I will go alone,” she says.
She packs a handful of rice in a potli made of handkerchief. She keeps it in a cloth bag along with a dozen bananas. She starts for the village alone but finds grandpa following her. He can't let her go alone as the village goes through a dense forest. Both of them are hungry but they need to reach there without having any food. Midway, there is spring water, they drink water and wait for a few moments. They start the walk and see blood flowing down their legs. Leeches are hanging on their legs. Grandma starts crying, and grandpa consoles her. “I came because of leeches not because of tantrik” says grandpa. He gets a packet of salt from his bag. He puts salt on the legs where leeches are sticking and sucking the blood. All leeches leave their grasp, and he removes them with his hand. Some blood is still coming but they continue their walk. They barely walk for a few minutes and grandma asks, “did you know about the leeches?” “Yes, I have come on this route before, but I did not know about the bear”, grandpa replies in a voice full of fear. They see a brown bear coming toward them. “I never listened to you all my life, you shall forgive me,” says grandma. Tears come out of grandpa’s eyes, “I was too busy in my office, I could have given you much time,” he repents. “I always cared for my mother and brother, but not you, God shall forgive me,” adds grandma. “Hey God, take care of our kids,” both of them close their eyes and hug each other. They hear stomping passing through them. They are too afraid to open their eyes. Both of them are thinking of their best moments and praying to gods for their progeny’s wellness. Nothing happens for a long time. They open their eyes. Grandpa whispers in grandma’s ear “are we still alive?” Grandma opens her eyes and says, “bear will eat us after drinking water”. She points to the bear, who is drinking water from the spring. A few moments later the bear goes in another direction. “Bear was not hungry” says grandpa and they continue their journey.