#05 Why is ultraviolet light used for sterilization?
To keep our environment virus and bacteria free, people have adopted a lot of techniques, and one of the most recent and successful procedure is ultraviolet light for disinfection.
Ultraviolet light is a form of light that is undetectable to the human eye. And it helps in the disinfection of any surface. It is able to destroy all kinds of microorganisms, including drug-resistant bacteria.
Why use ultraviolet light for sterilization?
Ultraviolet light contributes to quick and successful deactivation of germs through a physical procedure. It works essentially by demolishing the DNA or RNA of the germs.
It is highly recommended to be used in situations with high hygienic requirements, because it eliminates the reproduction system of germs, stops them from multiplying, which is a major source of infections.
Advantages of ultraviolet light for disinfection:
There are several advantages of using the ultraviolet light disinfection method.
· Ultraviolet light is an effective disinfection method
Ultraviolet light disinfection is done by dismantling the nucleic acids and disorganizing their DNA and RNA, leaving them powerless to execute essential cellular obligations.
Ultraviolet light disinfection is practiced in a number of applications, such as food, air, and water disinfection.
Ultraviolet light disinfection is a fast and immediate type of disinfection where results can be seen within few minutes.
· Ultraviolet light contains no chemical material
The ultraviolet light disinfection technique is suitable to use and no chemicals are required.
It needs no shipment, warehousing or handling of toxic and harmful chemicals. This means that adapting this technique for disinfection and sterilization will have no risks in the surrounding community.
Consequently, no chemical residue is left behind after the application of ultraviolet light. It is extremely helpful in sanitizing and disinfecting all of the surfaces in a territory, with the least effort and without life-threatening chemicals.
· Ultraviolet light doesn't form harmful by-products
By-products can be formed when disinfectants react with compounds already available in the water. The development of these by-products predominantly occurs through reactions in which organic substances play a part.
But ultraviolet light disinfection is a chemical-free activity which adds up nothing to the water other than ultraviolet light, thus no by-product is formed.
· Ultraviolet light is non-toxic
The most fundamental advantage of ultraviolet light disinfection is that it is non-toxic. As opposed to severe chemicals that are used in purification and sanitization products, ultraviolet light is an environment favorable.
The ultraviolet light disinfection is not a chemical process, it is a physical one. Ultraviolet light disinfection is secure for use on food as well as food prep services and non-food items.
Though humans can be injured by too much Ultraviolet vulnerability, proper safeguarding makes this a safe and non-toxic disinfection method for the restaurant, cafes, and medical fields.
Like the toxic chemicals in cleaning products, ultraviolet light do not cause damage, if a person takes the precautionary measures.