Hello Community!??

We have exclusive news for you today: There is a NEW RELEASE of ADOxx *AND* a NEW LOOK for the ADOxx.org website!??

Let's start with the new release of the open-source metamodelling platform - ADOxx 1.8 - and what can you expect:

  • EASY download & ONE CLICK installation for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux.
  • The ADOxx platform is now built as a 64-bit application using the latest MSVC Runtime libraries.
  • Use of a smaller, simpler file-based database system.

  • Additional AdoScript commands, including further HTTP_REQUEST capabilities, a RELOAD command to apply changes to the meta-model and various commands for inspection and manipulation of the meta-model.
  • GraphRep can now display images from the internet (HTTP) as part of an object's notation.
  • ...and more??. We let you discover them!

ADOxx is the open-source meta-modelling platform for implementing domain-specific modelling tools. Dynamic metamodelling, blockchain-enabled and generative AI ready! Through the platform's openness, there is no limit to your implementation effort! A global community supports you in your endeavour!

Curious and ready to try ADOxx 1.8??? Go to https://www.adoxx.org/


If you clicked on the link above that's great! It means you already saw the new look of the adoxx.org website. A more modern and minimalistic style to help you find your way more easily through the documentation of ADOxx and AdoScript.

The content from the legacy page of ADOxx will be migrated over the next months - be patient with us as there is a loooot of content to make our way through!

AdoScript commands with explanations and examples!

Build & Deploy your OWN ADOxx-based modelling tool

One other cool update is that now you have the possibility to build and deploy your modelling tool using the GitLab repository of the OMiLAB Community.?? Every time you have a new version/library update you can release all the changes independently and have them appear directly on the Community Modelling Tool page in your project space.

ADOxx Crash Courses: online training & free of charge

Four times a year we organize ADOxx Crash Courses that are free of charge and held online for everyone who is interested in learning metamodelling with the ADOxx platform or wants to refresh their skills for the functionalities and capabilities of the platform + learn what's new on the platform.

??The next training is this week on Thursday (09.11.2023) and Friday (10.11.2023). More information & registration to save your spot: https://www.omilab.org/activities/events/adoxxcrashcourse2023_november/

PS.: #savethedate already for the ADOxx Crash Courses in 2024:

  1. ADOxx Crash Course - February 01 - 02
  2. ADOxx Crash Course - March 21 - 22
  3. ADOxx Crash Course - July 11 - 12
  4. ADOxx Crash Course - October 24 - 25

As always we are eager to hear from you if you have feedback, ideas, suggestions! #thankyou for reading until the end and #comeback again next month!??



