04/12/24 Faith & Business Friday

04/12/24 Faith & Business Friday

Personal Development: Leadership scatomas are your blind spots. They keep you from seeing things that are in plain sight. Our subconscious carries preconceived ideas, which can filter what we see and don't see. We all unconsciously build our own scotomas based on what we believe to be true. These self-actualizing beliefs are so powerful they can even trick us into missing what’s right in front of us whether they are opportunities or threats.

Here are several strategies that can help expose your blind spots:

  • Encourage feedback from others, especially from those in your peer group and from trusted advisors.
  • Utilize formal tools such as 360-degree feedback assessments.
  • Actively seek out perspectives that differ from your own.
  • Create a business culture where dissenting opinions are welcomed and encouraged.

Business Mastery: Many business leaders don't want to rock the boat by asking their customers things like "Would you recommend our business to a friend?" as they think they are inviting trouble. The Net Promotor Score (NPS) asks that exact question and it is a valuable predictive tool for businesses to assess customer satisfaction, loyalty as they have a direct impact on key business outcomes such as revenue, profitability, and market share. When a business works on their processes to improve their NPS score, it can drive sustainable growth and competitive advantage in the market.

Spiritual Maturity: John of St. Thomas a student of Saint Thomas Aquinas wrote that our souls were like a sailboat, the gifts of the Holy Spirit were the sails, the oars were our own efforts to move our souls in cooperation with the Holy Spirit - the wind - through the practice of the virtues both theological and human, in the direction of the distant shore – our sanctity.

My contribution to the sailboat metaphor is the addition of the fruits of the Holy Spirit as a kind of navigation system, a compass to help us determine if our earthly efforts are aligned with rather fighting against the winds of the Holy Spirit. Get a copy of the navigation system to see if you are on course to sanctity. https://storage.googleapis.com/msgsndr/0cHvzmnbV20nFVmHgxnA/media/661840ead8985737a6293816.pdf

Catholic Meme:



