02 | A better invitation to extend this Holy Week.
"Invite someone to Church this Easter season!"
For those of us who make up the Church, we have all heard our pastors provide us with this encouragement as we anticipate celebrating together this weekend.
We all see the "Join us for Easter" signs posted up around basically every church in our area this time of year. Even on social media, churches are ramping up their campaigns to encourage members to invite coworkers, family members, and friends to their church. This is Super Bowl week for the global Church, and rightfully so, we are celebrating core message of the Gospel, the work of Christ for us.
I want to clarify, this is important for us to be outward-focused and thinking about those people in our lives who we could invite to an Easter gathering who may never think about going to church the rest of the year.
However, what if God is calling us to more than simply being a promoter for an event? What if there was a better invitation we could extend?
What if instead of inviting someone into a potentially intimidating place to hear about Jesus, we could be the people who are equipped to invite someone into a life with Jesus, right where they are.
I'm going to share a secret. Here's the real desire that we Church leaders would have for us who are a part of the Church. Ready? Our desire is for the entire Church to be mobilized to do the work of ministry in our sphere of influence (Eph. 4:11-12). One pastor can't reach everyone, that is why the Church matters. To reach a dark world, we must all carry light into our unique life situations.
I really believe all of us have a part to play in God's story. However, sometimes we defer specific ministry work to other people and pastors when perhaps God is calling us to that specific assignment in our workplaces and communities.
The future church in my view will rely mainly on conversations, not monologues, to effectively minister to people. The challenges that exist in our world today are highly nuanced, and therefore we need conversations to reign supreme in how we do ministry.
By this point, I'm imagining some of us already have people who we are helping to live and love like Jesus. That is amazing and keep building those relationships! I also could guess that some of us are in a place where we want to participate in ministry, but maybe we don't know where to start.
That being said, I want to share a few examples of some open-ended, starting point questions to ask as we come in contact with people. Obviously, it is encouraged to tailor these to our specific context. Also, begin with prayer before asking any of these. Ask the Lord to tee up opportunities to minister to a person or people. Trust me, He will do it! It's important to remember God will guide our interactions and conversations, there is no need to force anything.
Notice that these are questions that are more personal in nature, but I would argue that people love talking about themselves and people want to be known. I would advise, don't force asking all of these if there is not a prompting. Also, notice we are starting with asking, not telling. We are creating space for conversations, not a sermon. I've seen in my own experiences, people often are surprised that someone would take a real interest in their personal life.
If we are building relationships with coworkers, these questions could be better suited to ask outside of the work flow. This could look like taking someone out for lunch or coffee with the sole purpose of getting to know them and their story. Our aim here is simply to get to know them, we're building a real relationship with a person, not treating them as our spiritual project. This will take time, but I believe that as we continually pray for and love the people around us, we will earn the trust of the person and God may set up conversations for us to receive spiritual questions from that person and even share about what He's done for that person! The key is being prepared for those opportunities (1 Peter 3:15).
Remember, those of us who follow Jesus are called into full time ministry, whether we receive a salary from a church or not.
Be encouraged, God is not calling us to change people, that's His job. He's calling us to be faithful in loving people like He loves them, sharing what He's done for people, and inviting people into the abundant life He is offering. Allow Him to take care of the rest!
Director of Business Development
1 年This is such a great call to action! It calls us to be introspective and to first acknowledge the question, “Am I equipped to give the gospel myself?” This reminds me of Colossians 4:5-6 “Conduct yourself with wisdom in your interactions with outsiders (non-believers), make the most of each opportunity [treating it as something precious]. Let your speech at all times be gracious and pleasant, seasoned with salt, so that you will know how to answer each one [who questions you].” I believe this can even play into the intentionality you raise about simply building relationships and getting to know individuals and not just serving them a sermon! This newsletter is very timely!
Well-Being Coordinator at Cigna Healthcare
1 年Very encouraging for this week and beyond! It's amazing to see what happens when the body of Christ functions as one unit, with each part fulfilling its unique purpose. God will surely equip us all to do what He has called us to do; to lead others to Christ with love through the Gospel of truth.