#01: October 2023 Edition: Making Water Conservation Visual
Ira Sustainable Water Solutions
Water Conservation & Water Management Professional Services Company. We're on a mission to Make India Water-Secure????!
Welcome all to our first edition of FloWise (pronounced floh-vize), we're super excited to share this with you all ??
??What's Inside
Here at Ira, we've been experimenting a lot this year with increasing the water conservation awareness. So we've taken to internet to share our knowledge, learning, and experiences in text, audio, and visual formats on different platforms. FloWise is one such initiative??
In this edition we've got content updates for you, the resources & platforms, field notes covering ongoing water management project, key events from last quarter, some more fun stuff!
??Content Updates
We've been making videos, writing articles, conducting webinars; in this newsletter it's our effort to bring all those updates together in one place for you and make water conservation simple and visual.
Hover on the pics; click, follow, share, subscribe, it's all good ??
YouTube's got the How-To playlists, Webinar Recordings, more
Medium hosts Ira's blog
We have 4 verticals Industry, Institutions, Community and International. Addressing water conservation for these verticals requires a technical know-how. Through the blog we share technicalities, our approach and case studies in simplified manner.
???LinkedIn - Newsletter, monthly updates
In our quest to "Make India Water Secure!" we feel the need to increase impact and it starts with awareness, hence this Newsletter initiative. We share monthly updates on what Ira is doing, what's happenings in the country, what're water conservation possibilities Subscribe here and stay updated
Denmark relies entirely on groundwater, they have resources dedicated to safeguarding and monitoring groundwater. In August 2023, Government of India hosted a Danish delegation to explore the Sustainable Water Action Plan (SWAP). This collaborative effort aims to identify innovative partnerships involving Danish and Indian research institutions, universities, and private enterprises, all focused on achieving secure water solutions.
??Field Notes: Ongoing Project
Flood Mitigation & Groundwater Recharge for American Auto Manufacturer
Key area within the facility was becoming inaccessible due to flooding with increased rainfall intensity. The facility also has plans to expand and is proactive in implementing water conservation measures. Ira’s solution effectively addresses both the issues 1. flooding 2. need for water conservation. The solution includes channelizing the floodwater and reusing it, in addition to groundwater recharge.
Our Key Knowledge Recommendations
??For You to Read: SDGs
Let's look at the history of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). United Nations' 17 SDGs were explicitly designed to engage the private sector in addressing the world’s most pressing challenges in 2015. Read up to find out if SDGs offer business opportunity, how are they integrated in business strategy or not and more in this HBR article
?? For You to Watch: Water Accessibility
At a planetary scale, Earth can’t run out of freshwater, thanks to the water cycle. Water cycle is a system that continuously produces and recycles water, morphing it from vapour, to liquid, to ice as it circulates around the globe. So this isn’t really a question of how much water there is, but of how much of it is accessible to us.
??For You to Listen: Indus Water Treaty
The Indus Waters Treaty is considered one of the most successful water sharing endeavours in the world, since from the ratification of treaty in 1960, India and Pakistan have not engaged in any water wars. But as water becomes a scarce resource and the nations' security hinges on water availability, how it would affect the treaty in coming times. Listen to this podcast
??For You to Try: Water Footprint
Do you know what’s the water footprint of your current lifestyle? You might be surprised! Calculate your personal water footprint here
Words of Wisdom
We'd like to quote Dr. Rajendra Singh, the Waterman of India ????
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Solution to India's Water Crisis is Respecting Water-Women-Rivers !
??Monsoon 2023 Update
The monsoon has been erratic this year in the country ????. It arrived a week late in June, recording overall 10.1% rainfall deficiency. But in July 12.6% above-normal rain compensated for the deficit. What really made the headlines though was August for being the driest ever August since 1901.
India recorded 162.7 mm of rain in August, a 36% deficit, the driest August in the more than 120 years.
July and August are usually the peak monsoon rainfall months - meeting the kharif crop’s requirements, filling up ponds and reservoirs and recharging groundwater tables. With deficit in rainfall, load increased on the irrigation departments and underground water reserves to salvage the situation.
September recorded 18.7% surplus rainfall, acting as a life-saver for the parched crops and raising the reservoir water levels.
Source: The Indian Express
??Certification: Water Audit
Water Conservation in industries is a topic close to our heart. Water use optimization, improving water accounting systems, identifying water losses and opportunities for water savings can serve as an effective approach for reducing water consumption.
Certifications from elite institutes help us interact with key water professionals across the country, validate our experiences, share the best practices and hone our process further. We try to keep up with the latest from the greatest!
??????Work With Us, We're Hiring!
Solution Architect
Sustainability-Enthusiast who combines expertise in engineering principles and knowledge of water/groundwater, who has got drafting skills to design and develop comprehensive water conservation solutions. Write to [email protected]
Marketing Manager
With all of our endeavors, we are enthusiastic to share that we are expanding our team to support and sustain our growth. We are looking for a talented Marketing / Project Manager (Remote, Part-time) to complement our efforts in bringing more awareness to the work that we do. Write to [email protected]
This edition is compiled and published by Vrushali Potdar Get in touch with Vrushali for feedback/queries/or just to say hi ??
Wish you all a water-secure future??!
— Team Ira
? 2023 Ira Sustainable Water Solutions, All rights reserved.
Going beyond ideas
1 年Dear Swapnil I found this newletter very informative and useful and hope you will continue to contribute towards building the awareness of water as a precious resource- not just for India but global challenge. The articles sited were very informative! Keep up the great work. Will try to figure out my personal water footprint too! :-)