01-21-25 Miami Lakes Council Meeting Review
Lake Glenn Ellen Homeowners’ Association Monthly Meeting
Mary Collins Community Center
15151 NW 82 Avenue, Miami Lakes, FL 33016
Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 7:30 p.m.
1.???? Approval of LGE?HOA Meeting Minutes
2.???? Lake Report
3.???? Bank Report
1.???? Perimeter Wall Discussion
2. Meeting schedule to 4th Tuesday of the month
3. Owners Projects
4.???? No change on Directors
3.???? Owners Comments
Board of Directors, Lake Glenn Ellen HOA
We were unable to watch the Council Meeting because the Town of Miami Lakes made a change on their Council Meeting schedule, changing their meetings from the second Tuesday of the Month to the third which conflicts with our Homeowners Association meetings...
When the Town of Miami Lakes incorporated, the Civic Association analyzed all Town related meetings and decided to institute Council meetings on a set schedule of the second Tuesday of the month to ensure that all HOAs/COAs could attend then conduct their meetings and share with the community what the Municipality discussed, resolved or codified through ordinances...
At some point, the meetings were changed because one Council member was also serving in Hialeah and soon...
The historical lessons of the past were forgotten and now the Council continues to change without fully understanding the impact to the community...
Last night, during our HOA meeting we discussed what to do and chose to meet on the 4th Tuesday of the month, except in November... Why?
This will allow for us to attend or remotely watch the Council Meetings on the third Tuesday of the month and know what the Municipality is doing so we can discuss it on the 4th Tuesday of each month.
The most important reason is that at times, we benefit from Council Members attending our meetings or Town Manager / Staff to help us guide ourselves in accordance to the levels of government that impact our lives.
When I got home, I tuned in and realized that the Council was in full session, including Alejandro Sanches which meant the nomination had been confirmed / ratified by Council...
To be reviewed during the next few days... Stay tuned!
Town of Miami Lakes Regular Council Meeting 01-21-2025
Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YTbRH5OZdU
01-21-2025 Alejandro Sanchez Nomination Confirmed!
Let's review the Council meeting, shall we?
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YTbRH5OZdU Starts promptly at 3:59
Roll Call... Angelo Cuadra Garcia; Steven Herzberg; Ray Garcia; Bryan Morera; Joshua Dieguez; J.C. Fernandez all present, Quorum achieved
04:36 Mayor Dieguez asks Councilman Herzberg to lead the Pledge of Allegiance
04:56 Mayor Dieguez asks Councilman Ray Garcia to lead the Prayer: Guidance, Prayers, Wisdom and Unity
05:30 Order of Business... 14C immediately after Public Comments; Mental Health Task Force report before Blasting Advisory Board; Moved, Seconded, All in Favor
06:24 Public Comments - Clerk Instructions Live / Remote
#1: 08:14 Business Owner Kimberly Trellis, Trellis Cottage in Miami Lakes, denied business tax receipt, small space but affordable, please support the reopening of her shop
#2: 10:03 Armando Gonzalez: In favor of Alejandro Sanchez for Council 2025
#3: Orlando Del Castillo: In favor of Alejandro Sanchez for Council 2025, amazing voice! Christmas Golf Cart Parade that brings joy to all Miami Lakes neighborhoods
#4: Bonnie Cintron... Legalization of artificial turf, hopes it does not happen, worse for the environment, impedes drainage, a problem we experience in Miami Lakes.
#5: Lee Medina, 47 year resident of Miami Lakes In favor of Alejandro Sanchez, a leader and community man who goes above and beyond the call of duty for Council 2025
#6: David Campos In favor of Alejandro Sanchez, Trump flags in yards, we should be allowed to demonstrate our support for President Trump, WOKE is dead!
#7: Luis Moreno on behalf of Epilepsy, community resource specialist, offers partnership to teach about epilepsy, convulsions, seizures 550,000 Floridians experience these symptoms
#8: Fred Senra, 44 year resident. In favor of Alejandro Sanchez, please do not spend resources on an election, not only that, but last time we had to go to a run-off Special Election. Then, only less than 5% of eligible voters showed up at the ballot box!
#9: Miriam Campos, 32 year Miami Lakes resident. 2 issues, works very hard to get Trump election and received a letter that her flag had to be taken down. Elections, a few candidates have already ran for election, they volunteered for the Town and we should choose someone that was already participated on the campaign trail. Suggests Nayib Hassan for Council... those deserve to be the candidates.
#10: Reinaldo Angulo, In favor of Alejandro Sanchez, doesn't have the voice Orlando has! In complete agreement, the voice is remarkable... magnificent! All laugh:
#11: Larry Borman In favor of Alejandro Sanchez, Miami Laker since 1972, Lake Martha HOA President
#12: William Perez, Veteran In favor of Alejandro Sanchez, 14I Read vs Gilbert, scrutiny applied, least restrictive means, first amendment cases in the military and they lost.
Private property flags, permanent flag pole attached to a pole, it is not a temporary election flag, it is almost a TEAM TRUMP flag and for all those reasons and the strict scrutiny that would need to be applied, carve something that permits it! We have elected you and we have given you our trust... but the people have the fundamental right to vote, the right to choose.
Do not envy your position but you have to make that choice.
#13: Eddie Sede?o Limited Retail Store front
#14: Homero Cruz on Trump flags in the Town of Miami Lakes, the other item is the vote for Council nomination, Charter needs to be amended, has known Alejandro Sanchez for many years as he knows the other applicants of the council seat. Why not select the others that ran for office and already received many votes of the community?
Two candidates ran un-opposed? But now, many want to be council members without the hard work of knocking on doors
#15: Erie? On the removal of Trump flags violation of right to display flags in our property
#16: Dayan Jimenez, In favor of Alejandro Sanchez, this nomination is not like the one prior in 2024. Special election would be too expensive, but look at the Agenda where we have so many new hires, this is the most costly agenda for the Town of Miami Lakes we have had in quite a few years, why hire so many years? 7 people... at $40K.... what? 14I, political flags... these are not political signs! A political flag is a symbol! Get interns to help the council!
#17: Remote Public Speakers: Andres Drew, 14F, operating businesses at home, in favor of Alejandro Sanchez for council seat. Golf cart parades...
Public Comments are closed!
47:54 Vice Mayor Bryan Morera amends the order of business to bring 14F to after the two committee reports, person has limited child care and need to go
48:25 Councilman Ray Garcia notices that several people came into the Chambers during public comments, does anyone want to speak? 14 F, 14L moved after 14F... moved, all in favor, motion carries...
49:36 Mayor Joshua Dieguez explains his nomination of Alejandro Sanchez
No further Public Comments... Mayor Dieguez explains his reasoning which started with the need to submit an irrevocable resignation from his seat to run for Mayor which created a vacancy that needed to be filled. There is no discretion, the Mayor SHALL fill the vacancy
01:00:55 Discussion on the Nomination to Council starts with Councilman Steven Herzberg
01:04:09 Councilman J. C. Fernandez
01:05:27 Councilman Angelo Cuadra Garcia
01:08:45 Councilman Ray Garcia
01-12-07 Vice Mayor Bryan Morera... The Charter is very clear, the nomination has been made, and we must say yes or no, end of story... [Let's read the Charter:
ii) ?If six months or more remain in the unexpired term, the vacancy shall be filled by a nomination of the Mayor made within 30 calendar days following the occurrence of the vacancy, subject to confirmation by the Council. The nominee shall fill the vacancy until the next regularly scheduled election as described in Article 5, at which time an election shall be held to fill the vacancy. However, if the Council is unable to confirm a nominee, a special election to fill that vacancy shall be held no later than 90 calendar days following the occurrence of the vacancy.
01:12:44 Vice Mayor Morera continues by considering the costs of an election... actual numbers of his election were considered, he explains the tough process for the candidate the knocking on doors and the rate of participation achieved. 0 Days of Early Voting! $37,000 + $36,000 = $73,000, early voting is an additional cost... $150,000 or more and he rather spend those funds repairing sidewalks!
01:15 Councilman Ray Garcia tries to motion to include early voting but Mayor Dieguez tells him that is not part of the motion on the table, that would be considered only if the motion to confirm his nominee fails... with brilliant wit he reminds Councilman Garcia that before he voted against early voting and commends Ray Garcia for wanting to include days of early voting! Bravo Mr. Mayor!!!
01:15:35 Mayor Dieguez takes a moment of personal privilege to recognize two individuals that are now in the chambers, his opponent and previous Vice Mayor Tony Fernandez and Councilwoman Marilyn Ruano who has also entered the Chambers... Thanks Mayor, we do not have that vantage point from remote access to meetings!
01-16-10: In closing, Mayor Dieguez makes final remarks... mentioning his consideration of former Councilwoman Marilyn Ruano but in the end he selected from those who applied to be on the council...
01:18:02 Madam Clerk please call the roll... Gina Inguanzo reiterates the Motion on the table, approval of the nomination to Council of Alejandro Sanchez
Council Votes:
Motion passes, Alejandro Sanchez becomes a Council member by nomination of Mayor Joshua Dieguez
01:18:51 - 5 minute recess as Alejandro Sanchez will now work with the Town Clerk to formally come on board! Councilman Sanchez will join the Council during this meeting.
01:19:21: Vice Mayor Morera takes a moment of personal privilege to recognize Maurits Acosta who is going to Harvard! Congratulations!!! A super star in the room!
01:20:06 Mayor Dieguez calls Claudia Luces to ask if there are others in Miami Lakes that are going to Ivy League schools? Both will text message later to coordinate...
TO BE CONTINUED... 01:30 on the dial... Meeting 04:52:21
01:30:30 Town Clerk Gina Inguanzo says Councilman Sanchez please take your seat on the dais...
Gov. Ron DeSantis ordered that flags be flown at full-staff Monday to mark the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump, a pause in a 30-day order for flags to be flown at half-staffin honor of the late President Jimmy Carter.
“Inauguration day is an important tradition of our Republic where Americans come together to celebrate the peaceful transition of power between presidents,” DeSantis wrote in a memo Tuesday to Brian Fienemann, state director of real estate management and development.
“It represents a season of new hope and limitless potential for America’s future,” DeSantis continued. “In light of the importance of this day, and on this patriotic occasion, I hereby order all flags to be raised to full-staff at the Florida Capitol and across all state buildings, installations, and grounds for the inauguration of the 47th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.”
Video: https://www.clickorlando.com/news/2025/01/15/florida-gov-desantis-orders-raising-flags-for-trump-inauguration/
Agenda is now online: https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/Meeting.aspx?Id=6f89c9f1-5f89-4c48-aeb8-3d72c5ba6eb5&Agenda=Agenda&lang=English
Please be advised that this public meeting is open to the public and will be held in Town Hall Government Center, 6601 Main Street, Miami Lakes, FL 33014. Public Meetings will be held at the physical meeting location stated above. For access to the meeting agendas please visit www.miamilakes-fl.gov/agenda. For Live video stream of meetings please visit www.miamilakes-fl.gov/agenda
Public Comments will be accepted by the following means:
(1) Join the meeting via: https://www.miamilakes-fl.gov/remotecomments. You must have a working microphone and working web camera in order to participate in live remote public comments. If you wish to speak you must raise your hand by clicking on the Reactionsicon and selecting Raise Hand. IT will allow each participant to speak one at a time as the Raise Hand icon appears. If you would like to show your live feed/video, please request it when unmuted to speak.
(2) Call in live during the meeting to listen to the meeting via phone and/or to participate in public comments. If you wish to speak, please raise your hand by pressing *9. This will show the Raise Hand icon on the screen and IT will allow each participant to speak one at a time as the Raise Hand icon appears.
You may call in to any of the following numbers:
+1 786-635-1003 +1 312-626-6799 +1 929-205-6099?+1 253-215-8782?+1 301-715-8592 +1 346-248-7799?+1 699-900-6833
666 475 152#
Public Comments will be heard at the beginning of each meeting and once all are heard, Public Comments will be closed. Each speaker will be afforded (3) minutes to speak.
All comments or questions from the attending public shall be directed to the mayor, in a courteous tone. To ensure the orderly conduct and efficiency of the meeting, public comments shall be limited to three (3) minutes maximum per person.No clapping, applauding, heckling, verbal outburst in support of, or in opposition to a speaker or his/her remarks shall be permitted. Should a member of the attending audience become unruly or behave in any manner that disrupts the orderly and efficient conduct of the meeting, such person will be asked to leave the meeting. As a courtesy to others, all electronic devices must be set to silent mode to avoid disruption of the proceedings.IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990, PERSONS NEEDING SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO PARTICIPATE IN THE MEETING SHOULD CALL TOWN HALL AT (305) 364-6100, BY 5 PM, NO LATER THAN (2) BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO THE MEETING FOR ASSISTANCE.
a. Blasting Advisory Board Report
Report: https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=29545BAB Attendance Record: https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=29547
b. Mental Health Task Force Report
Memo: https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=29548Minutes of 12-18-24: https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=29549
a. Introduction of New Town Staff Employees
Ydalis Navarro, Marketing & Digital Services Specialist, Communication & Community Affairs DepartmentNoah Maklouf,? Communications & Community Affairs Specialist, Communication & Community Affairs DepartmentIsabela Creighton, Town Committee Liaison, Communication & Community Affairs DepartmentAlexis P. Martinez, Deputy Town Clerk and Assistant to the Town Council, Office of the Town ClerkAaron Borno, Arbor Coordinator, Parks & Recreation DepartmentTaylor Fowler, Programs Coordinator, Parks & Recreation DepartmentJustin Telleria, Transportation Coordinator, Planning Department
a. Approval of Minutes
Attached please find the following minutes for your review and approval:Memo: https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=29564October 15, 2024 Regular Council Meeting: https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=29565October 29, 2024 Regular council Meeting: https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=29566December 10, 2024 Special Call Meeting: https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=29567
b. Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) FY 2024-2025 Watershed Planning Program Grant Application (Shock)
c. Recommendation for Professional Engineering and Related Services for the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Comprehensive Vision Zero Safety Action Plan - RFQ 2025-01 (Marrero)
Memo: https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=29569 Recommendation: It is recommended that the Town Council authorize the Town Manager to enter negotiations with, and upon mutual agreement, award a contract to EXP U.S. Services, Inc. (“EXP”), to provide Professional Engineering and Related Services for the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Comprehensive Vision Zero Safety Action Plan in the amount not to exceed budgeted funds. Funding for these services will come from a United States Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Grant.Resolution: https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=29570Professional Services Agreement: https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=29571Town of Miami Lakes Vision Zero... What does that mean? That we do not see?https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=29572A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF MIAMI LAKES, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE AWARD OF A CONTRACT FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING AND RELATED SERVICES FOR THE SAFE STREETS AND ROADS FOR ALL, COMPREHENSIVE VISION ZERO SAFETY ACTION PLAN, TO EXP U.S. SERVICES, INC. (“EXP”) IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED BUDGETED FUNDS; PROVIDING FOR AUTHORITY OF TOWN OFFICIALS, AUTHORIZING THE TOWN MANAGER TO EXPEND BUDGETED FUNDS; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION OF RECITALS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE.
a. Tree Trimming Vendor Registration Program (Bajdaun)
Memo: https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=29559Resolution: https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=29560Tree Trimming Registry Program Criteria: https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=29561Application Form: https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=29562Registered Tree Trimmer, ML 2025-001 Vendors Here Expires 12-31-2025https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=29563A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF MIAMI LAKES, FLORIDA, IMPLEMENTING A TREE TRIMMING VENDOR REGISTRATION PROGRAM; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION OF RECITALS; PROVIDING FOR AUTHORITY TO EXPEND BUDGETED FUNDS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE.
a. Identification for Town Staff (Morera): Recommendation:
I have had numerous residents approach me with either compliments or grievances about various members of our Town Staff. While we are sometimes able to eventually identify the staff member through a description, many times, we are not. This hurts our ability to properly recognize our staff members who go above and beyond in their duties and hurts our ability to correct and hold accountable those that are falling short.I would like to have a discussion with my colleagues and the Town Manager about requiring our Town Staff to wear name tags while engaging in any Town-related functions or duties, whether at Town Hall or elsewhere around Town, unless they are wearing a Town polo or other garment with their name already displayed.Additionally, I know that some of our Town Staff are given business cards, but I am not sure if all Town Staff are given business cards. If all Town Staff are not given business cards, then I would like to ensure that all Town Staff that interact with residents in performing their duties, whether at Town Hall or elsewhere around Town, are given business cards and require that they carry a handful of them when engaging in any Town-related functions or duties.
b. Discussion of Advisory Boards (Garcia): Recommendation:
The last Council voted to end all NSD advisory boards. I believe there is an opportunity to discuss reviewing each individual Board on its merits and discuss whether some or not all the boards should be reinstated with a detailed scope of duties that are clearly defined to avoid any perceived overreach of their defined duties. This will go a long way in encouraging the participation of our residents in their community and the democratic process
c. Council Vacancy-Seat 4 (Dieguez)
Council Members:
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and as we wind down the clock on 2024, I wanted to take some time to announce two important decisions. The first announcement will be my nomination to fill the Seat 4 vacancy which we will vote on at our next Regular Council Meeting taking place on January 21, 2025. The second announcement concerns my new assistant who will be my right hand at Town Hall as I fully begin my duties as Mayor.Council Vacancy – Seat 4Before I name my nominee to fill the vacancy in Seat 4 caused by my resignation to run for Mayor, I wanted to take some time to clear up any potential confusion regarding my decision to make a nomination. First and foremost, Section 2.5(c)(ii) of the Town Charter requires that the Mayor make a nomination within thirty calendar days following the occurrence of the vacancy. Said nomination is then voted on by the Town Council and the nominee is either confirmed or rejected. Earlier this year, I joined two other colleagues in voting against the prior Mayor’s nominee to fill the vacancy caused in Seat 6 by the resignation of former Vice Mayor Alvarez. The reasons for doing so are on the record for all to see. However, I want to re-emphasize my decision on the special election at that time and draw a contrast with why I believe an appointment is more appropriate in this instance.In my remarks this past January, I stated that my vote was based on an evaluation of what I believed the Town needed at the time of making an appointment and the history of those appointments. I joined many residents in stating that I believed what the Town needed most then is continuity. I recounted how in every other instance of an appointment for the Town Council, there was no shortage of experienced council members to guide the new member being appointed. I also pointed out the unprecedented situation of potentially being as many as 5 new members of the Town Council with no prior public budgeting experience and that any nominee would only serve until November and yet make decisions that impact the Town well beyond that time. Combined with the prior Mayor’s nominee stating she would not run for a full term, this created a situation that was unacceptable to me as it would be detrimental to the Town’s long term best interests. Accordingly, a special election was more appropriate because, by doing so, the eventual winner would serve for two years and would likely be someone committed to running for re-election—the sort of individual who is better suited to making long term decisions. Additionally, the eventual winner would immediately start immersing themselves in the budget process and, because of the longer term, would retain that knowledge on the dais to help out the new council members just elected this past November. In short, in light of the circumstances that existed at that time, I made a decision consistent with my belief that what the Town needed most was continuity and the outcome of a special election was the only way to achieve that result.Unlike last January, there is no immediately pending election in which (as a result of term limits) as many as 5 entirely new members of the Town Council would be elected. In fact, all members of this Town Council are committed to serving for the long term—including the nominee I have selected. Further, there are now three members of the Town Council who have experienced at least one budget cycle instead of just two members. Additionally, unlike in years prior, this nomination follows a public and open call for applications for the appointment and consultation with you, my colleagues, on what they would like to see in a nominee at our recent Sunshine Meeting. To summarize, none of the circumstances existing in January 2024 that led me to decide a special election was more appropriate at that time are present in this case.Now turning to my selection, my overriding goal was to select a candidate who I believed would join me and you in putting the interests of the Town above political considerations.I wanted someone with a history of involvement in the Town and someone who would work well with us and town staff. I shared with you my concerns in nominating someone who had previously run for office unsuccessfully since voters had clearly indicated a preference not in their favor although we all agreed it is commendable that they threw their hat in the ring and demonstrated “tough skin” by doing so. Taking these considerations and others into account, I have decided to nominate Alejandro Sanchez for the Seat 4 vacancy and ask that you support his nomination.Alejandro, or simply “Alex”, is a sixteen-year resident of the Town of Miami Lakes and a decorated veteran of the United States Navy. His public service in the Town of Miami Lakes includes service on the Planning and Zoning Board, Veterans Affairs Committee, Neighborhood Improvement Committee, and Town Manager Selection Committee.Of all the applications we received for the Seat 4 vacancy, his application notably included the most letters of recommendation from everyday town residents. His policy and budget priorities also are similar to the priorities many of us have identified as our own with a decidedly local focus on the Town. Although Alex previously filed to run in the 2016 election for Town Council, he ultimately withdrew and therefore voters have not yet weighed in on his candidacy. However, he has committed to running for re-election for a full term in 2026 when voters will then get the opportunity to weigh in on his record at that time. Alex has also demonstrated a great level of transparency and candor during this application process, which I know is the sort of personal character we all appreciate in a colleague.I sincerely wish to thank all the applicants who put their names forward. They were all highly qualified individuals with commendable service records and deserve praise for being willing to increase their involvement in making our Town a better place to live, work, and play. I fully expect we will continue to see them actively involved.Mayor’s AssistantTurning to my second announcement, I am pleased to announce that I have selected Joshua Villorin to serve as my assistant. We’ll have to work out a nickname for him to avoid confusion with me when someone is trying to get our attention, but I’m sure we’ll work that out in due time! In the meantime, I’ll go with JV. JV is a young energetic Marketing Communications Coordinator for Greenspoon Marder, LLP where he was responsible for a variety of tasks including research and analysis, drafting press releases and newsletters, and providing support in the development of requests for proposals. Previously, JV served as a Staff Assistant to Congressman Mario Diaz- Balart and as an intern for former Miami Beach City Manager Jimmy Morales where he developed an interest in public service and was responsible for constituent services—an area that will be top priority for me during my time in office as Mayor. JV will officially join the Office of the Mayor beginning January 21, 2025 and will not only be my assistant but also a trusted confidante and gate keeper to ensure I carry out my various priorities.Sincerely, /s/ Joshua Dieguez
d. Proposal to Amend Special Rules of Order Agenda to Add Separate Police Report (Herzberg): Recommendation:
I propose amending Section 3.1 of our Special Rules of Order to add a Police Report item immediately following Appointments. Currently, the Police Report is included as part of the Town Manager’s Report at the end of council?meetings. Public safety is the top priority of any government, and moving the Police Report earlier in the agenda will emphasize its importance, provide greater visibility for residents attending or watching the meeting, and allow council members to ask the Police Major questions before discussing New Business items. This report would be presented by our Police Department through the Town Manager but would be separate from the Manager’s Report in terms of its timing on the agenda.This adjustment aims to improve transparency and encourage greater resident engagement by addressing public safety when attendance is typically higher.
e. Legalization of Artificial Turf (Cuadra Garcia): Recommendation:
I would like to have a discussion with my colleagues about the legalization of artificial turf.
f. Revision of Permitted Uses in RO-13 and RO-50 Zoning Districts (Morera): Recommendation:
I would like to have a discussion with my colleagues about amending portions of the Town Code relating to RO- 13 and RO-50 Zoning Districts which currently prohibit all retail uses in such zones. In the wake of the pandemic, we have seen the rise of a new business structure: the online brand with limited brick and mortar sales. As small businesses, they are unable to shoulder the financial burden of renting a full retail location. Instead, given their small size and low traffic, they seek out office spaces. However, rather than supporting and promoting this segment of the business community by allowing such use in RO-13 and RO-50 Districts, the Town is currently shutting these businesses down.Thus, being priced out of Zoning Districts that currently allow retail, and being shut down in RO Zoning Districts, these businesses are essentially unwelcome in the Town of Miami Lakes.To remedy this situation, the Town Code should be amended to create a new use called “Limited Retail” and make it a permitted use in RO-13 and RO-50 Zoning Districts.The attached proposed ordinance defines “Limited Retail” and sets forth a system that allows these businesses to flourish while ensuring that traditional retail uses do not overburden existing infrastructure, levels of service, and resources in RO-13 and RO-50 Zoning Districts.Additionally, to prevent further shutdowns of family-owned small businesses in our Town while this matter is considered by the Town Council, I would like to encourage my colleagues to support the establishment of a 180- day moratorium on the enforcement of the prohibition of retail uses RO-13 and RO-50 Zoning Districts.
g. D.O.G.E. Advisory Board (Garcia): Recommendation:
I would like to discuss the creation of a D.O.G.E Advisory Board of residents with Business and Government experience to review the budget and process of procurement to help find efficiencies in our process to help stretch every tax dollar for our residents.
h. Revision to Building Department fee Schedule (Dieguez): Recommendation:
I move to direct the Town Administration revise the Building Department Fee Schedule so that any permit fees calculated for construction of a new addition to an existing dwelling only be based on the square footage of the new addition and not the entire dwelling with the new addition.
i. Proposal to Allow Public Participation in Committee Meetings via Zoom (Herzberg): Recommendation:
I propose allowing the public to participate in our resident-led committee meetings via Zoom, similar to how public participation is facilitated during Town Council meetings.The committees would benefit from greater resident input and engagement, as would our residents. Since committee meetings are already live-streamed, integrating Zoom for public participation could enhance accessibility and transparency. This is particularly important given that committee meetings are held at various times throughout the day, from as early as 9:00 a.m. to as late as 8:00 p.m.This initiative would encourage greater resident involvement and should not incur additional costs.
j. MLOP Back Stops (Garcia): Recommendation:
The residents of Miami Lakes deserve an Optimist Park they can be proud of. They voted not to approve the park bond in 2020 but expect progress on a plan b to improve park infrastructure to a standard they deserve and expect in Miami Lakes. I believe we have an opportunity to start the process by focusing on the easily fixable infrastructure. The low hanging fruit. I ask that my colleagues approve and request that the Town Manager and staff provide a plan to replace, pay and complete the Back Stops and fencing that are orange from rust using existing MLOP funds. The residents deserve that we stop the paralysis through analysis and show progress on our signature park.
k. Proposal to Reinstate Committee Attendance Rules (Herzberg):
Memo: https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=29542I propose amending Section 10 of the Committee Rules, Regulations, and Procedures to reinstate attendance rules for town committees and boards. Previously, members with more than three unexcused absences from regular meetings were automatically removed, and members were required to attend at least 50% of committee events.To provide flexibility, I propose granting the Chair of each committee the discretion to determine what constitutes an excused or unexcused absence. Absences due to medical reasons, bereavement, or significant unforeseeable emergencies, shall always be excused.Attendance is critical for effective committee operations, and I believe smaller, committed committees are more productive than larger ones that frequently fail to meet quorum.Resolution: https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=29543Section 10. Attendance: https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=29544
l. Political Flags (Dieguez): I would like to have a discussion with my colleagues about amending the Town Code as it relates to political flags for clarification.
*This item requires the waiver of Section 7.2 of the Special Rules of Order.
a. Report on Blasting Advisory Board (Herzberg): Update on progress relating to mine blasting legislative efforts, collaboration with the Blasting Advisory Board, recent advocacy at the Miami-Dade Delegation Meeting, and upcoming legislative events and schedule.
b. Miami Lakes goes Ivy League: Congratulations to Maurits Acosta
c. Police Contract Report (Garcia): I kindly request the Town Manager to provide a report asked by the last Town Council, on how we can renegotiate our Police Contract with the new Sheriff on the Management fee etc., so we can save enough to add additional Police Officers.
a. Police Report (Major Gonzalez)
MLMD Crime Report dated 12-31-2024: https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=29524
Targeted Crimes Year to Date: 095 - Town of Miami Lakes
b. Public Works Infrastructure Report (Santos)
Memo: https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=29555July 24 Item 14H: https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=29556Oct 29 Item 14A: https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=29557
c. Update on Par 3 (Bajdaun/Pidermann)?= Oral Update
d. Report On Arbor Management CRM (Bajdaun)
Memo: https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=29553
e. Royal Palm Removal & Maintenance Report (Bajdaun)
Memo: https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=29554
f. Cultural Affairs Committee Request to Transfer Funds (Pidermann)
Request: https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=29530
g. Legislative Travel (Pidermann)
Memo: https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=29531Resolution: https://pub-miamilakes.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=29532
This meeting is open to the public. A copy of this Agenda and the backup therefore, has been posted on the Town of Miami Lakes Website at miamilakes-fl.gov and is available at Town Hall, 6601 Main Street, Miami Lakes 33014.