008: Hybrids, Storybook & Other Things

008: Hybrids, Storybook & Other Things

January is almost gone. For many of us, we're all still just coming out of that Christmas/New Year headspace. This week's piece is at TripleByte and narrates my experience of working with hybrid mobile apps. Ionic as a framework is quite nifty but it does have its limitations.

This is also another throwback piece I wrote for TripleByte. Storybook is the new up and comer for frontend developers wanting to regain a certain level of sanity and control over their UI.

Side Pieces & Throwbacks

In this week's side piece on Medium, I celebrate paying off my student loan in full and sidestep into ideas that got me there. There are also throwback pieces on work and life things that you might be interested in.

Cool Web Finds

It's been a busy week for me but there have been a few cool web finds that I think you might like.

Final Thoughts

As I'm working on closing up January's tickets for work, life, and side projects, I'm also in the process of doing my quarterly life review. Most people do it at the end or beginning of the year but I do mine near the end of January. Why? Because it's less hectic and there's more mental space for me to operate in.

Maybe I'll come up with more grand plans and side projects to do. As the world starts to settle into the new way of life, it's easy to become complacent and start cruising along with the flow. I've got a count down date now to work towards before everything will need to temporarily shut down. I've been mentioning this thing for several weeks now and maybe in a few weeks' time, I'll tell you all about it.

But for now, not yet.

-- Aphinya

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