#007- The biggest mistake I used to make with my rehab plans
Alright, this week's resource?is about one thing that REALLY stands out to me?when I see other rehab pro's do it, and that's because I used to do it too!
It's the biggest mistake I feel that I?used to make with my rehab plans...
They weren't planned!
I used to decide what exercises I was going to give to a client?mid-session, and I'd wait until their next session?before making any progressions or changes.
Having worked with high quality performance and rehab coaches, I now see the immense value in having?a plan, structure, and being organised.
For me, that looks like having 4 weeks worth of exercise?programming DONE, with the appropriate progressions and variations already written out for that training block.
Week 1:?3 x 10
Week 2:?3 x 10?(increase load)
Week 3:?3 x 8
Week 4:?2 x 10 (de-load)
You may be thinking "hang on... isn't that a bit?restrictive and cookie-cutter?"
The opposite is true. The more structured and organised I am, the more it actually frees me up to make adjustments along the way that are inevitably needed based on the individual.
The client comes into their session with me, and we both already know what to expect from the session.
Remember "the six P's"
If you're just winging it session to session, then they may lose?confidence in you, and it makes your life alot harder?which can ultimately knock your confidence if something goes wrong.
If I catch myself?mumbling things like "hmmm, I think we'll try this" or "let's see how you go this week", it often means that I haven't done enough prep.
Of course there will be a lot more of this in the early stages of seeing someone, as you're troubleshooting your way through acute rehab- but pretty quickly you can move someone into a performance based plan with structured sessions and programming.
So, my challenge to you this week is to write out an exercise program for your clients?to do for the next 4 weeks,?and see them multiple times within that timeframe to coach through it.
If you run into problems- make the necessary adjustments, but still STICK TO THE ORIGINAL PLAN as much as possible, and let me know how you go!
If you would like some help with this, please reach out. I will be expanding on this in upcoming editions.
You've got this ????