#005: How to Notice Trends Naturally

#005: How to Notice Trends Naturally

"Trending", the hottest tab in your favorite social media app. Trends, now more than ever, are defining the future of our planet and how humans live their lives. This is due in part to the increase in scientific and technological capabilities and how we can interact and consume information. Now, you can learn about what is happening anywhere in the world with a few keyword searches or just scrolling through your social media feed. Subsequently, this has increased the speed at which trends emerged but decreased the quality of trends. Rember planking? How you react to the trends is up to you, but in my experience, it is best to observe, learn, and then act rationally.

I first experienced trends in elementary school as a 90s kid, before the internet existed mind you, and what was “HOT” was whatever toy all the kids were playing with. I remember feeling like I had to get that thing or else I would be left out and left behind. Some noteworthy trends I can recall are Beanie Babies, Pogs, Bones, and of course, Pokemon Cards. One of those things transcended the trend and became a staple in popular culture, and the others faded away into the past. However, this pattern remains true now in the 21st century. Some noteworthy trends we can recall lately are Crypto Currency, NFTs, VR, and AI. One of those things will stay a bit longer and maybe change the world, and it’s not NFTs. I always felt like NFTs were the Beanie Babies of now, they have absolutely 0 real value and are gimmicky. That couldn’t be more apparent when someone asked me, “Oh, you’re a designer? Are you doing NFTs?” I just rolled my eyes and ignored that one, and it was a great decision in retrospect. Arguably, Cryptocurrency hasn’t completely failed, but it has been plagued by greedy and immoral human beings like most trends succumb to, and I couldn’t care less about what happens next.

In addition to calling that NFTs and Crypto Currency would fail, I feel confident writing about this topic because I have successfully spotted trends and adapted accordingly seemingly almost every couple of years. One of the most noteworthy trends that I picked up and stuck with, and now defines me professionally, is learning how to use Figma in 2016 when the app became public. I picked it up because I was trying to learn how to build a digital product, and the only tools I knew how to use were Graphic Design variety. Figma was faster, cheaper (free), and easier to use, all defining elements of a trend. After finding huge success in following my gut, I felt that maybe I should start listening to my gut more often. I have continued to follow my intuition consistently throughout my career, and it continues to pay dividends.

In my opinion, what is trending right now and what will pave the way for future trends in the Product Design Industry are the following:

The Apple Watch, iPhone, and Apple’s human-centered design principles.

Apple has been one of the biggest players in product trends and will continue to do so as long as they continue to innovate. That is less of a guarantee now, but as billions of people keep using Apple products, innovation is inevitable. In my experience, the Apple Watch, and wearable technology in general, has provided us with a whole new value for our product purchases. Now, our technology can save your life rather than drain it. One feature that I keep thinking about is how phones and watches can now monitor your physical health and even alert you when something is wrong. In the most extreme cases, your phone can also call someone for help if you are in danger or if you get into an accident. This product provided you with value you did not even anticipate, but now that it did, you couldn’t be more grateful for its existence.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality becoming more accessible to the average person.

VR and AR are some hot acronyms right now, and the possibilities are endless. We are only scratching the surface of this technology as it is extremely bulky and expensive, much like the first computers ever utilized by humans. The capabilities and experiences are undeniable, but until everyone can experience it, just like the iPhone, then it will start to impact humanity. I feel that AR and VR are still a bit gimmicky, but there is a lot of potential to start bringing unforeseen value to the average person, and maybe that will improve the lives of everyone collectively. I just hope that advertisements don’t ruin it like they ruin everything else in the world.

Robotics and Engineered Machines replacing humans.

Machines have been replacing humans consistently since the Industrial Revolution. If you can achieve the same efficiency and productivity results without having to pay someone, then why would you continue to hire for that job? A robot does not need to eat, sleep, or voice its opinions, a robot will do exactly what you tell it to do forever. I think some of the first jobs that will be completely erased in the next decade by machines are employees at warehouse fulfillment centers, truck drivers, cashiers, and farmers.

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In general, my approach to noticing trends is by removing every single assumption that I have about a topic, getting extremely curious, talking to strangers, and trying to get outside of my comfort zone. I ask a lot of questions and listen to what people say, a skill that unfortunately many people do not have or seem to care about. I also immerse myself in a lot of news, current events, and general happening around my community. Finally, the easiest way to notice trends is by being patient and consuming as much relevant content as you can, and that you care about. If you don’t care about it, and all you care about is making money, then it is unlikely to pay off in the long run. Some people enjoy that, and that is your prerogative, but I will continue to maintain my mindset and let the trends come to me.

Good luck out there, make sure you are following the right trends!


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