白驹过隙 (bái jū guò xì)

The Chinese idiom 白驹过隙 (bái jū guò xì) is often used to describe how quickly time passes.

Literal Meaning:

  • 白驹 (bái jū) – A white horse
  • 过 (guò) – Passing
  • 隙 (xì) – A narrow gap or crevice

It comes from ancient Chinese texts, where a fleeting white horse dashing past a small gap is used as a metaphor for the rapid passage of time. It conveys the idea that time moves so fast that it’s almost impossible to grasp, just like a horse galloping past a tiny opening.

English Equivalents:

  • "Time flies."
  • "Life passes in the blink of an eye."

Usage in Context:

  • In daily conversation: "大学生活转眼就结束了,真是白驹过隙啊!" (College life ended in the blink of an eye; time really flies!)
  • In philosophical reflection: "人生短暂,犹如白驹过隙,我们要珍惜每一天。" (Life is short, like a fleeting horse; we must cherish every day.)

This idiom reminds people to appreciate the present moment because time waits for no one.






David Anthony Werner ?

Multidisciplinarian | Passionately Driving Change through Management & Innovation | Improving Organizational Performance & Quality of Life ? | Let's connect and create impactful solutions together!

1 天前

Thanks for sharing, such a coincidence since this morning I was thinking of a quote that my great-grandmother always recited “Time and tide wait for no man”


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