Chief Happiness Officer Association
Co-create happiness for sustainable business
由本å”會è¯åŒé¦™æ¸¯æ’生大å¸é–‹è¾¦çš„首屆首å¸å¿«æ¨‚官(CHO)於10月14日圓滿çµæŸï¼Œæœ€å¾Œä¸€èª²ç”±é¦–å¸å¿«æ¨‚官å”會創始人兼執行主å¸å«ç¾Žå¦®å¥³å£«ï¼ˆMs. Mary Suen)授課,分享讓微笑力é‡é€²é§ä¼æ¥çš„æ€ç¶èˆ‡å¯¦è¸ï¼Œç•¶ä¸åŒ…括è¨è¨ˆæ€ç¶å¯¦ç”¨å·¥ä½œåŠã€‚
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The first Chief Happiness Officer (CHO) introductory course held by the Association and the Hang Seng University of Hong Kong successfully ended on 14th Oct. The last lesson was taught by Ms. Mary Suen, the Founder and Executive Chairman of the Chief Happiness Officer Association, sharing the power of laughter in enterprises, including practical workshops on design thinking.
After three days and a total of 18 hours of creating workplace happiness, each participant learnt to be the chief happiness officer, infecting their work environment, family and friends with the positive energy of happiness, so as to create a happy tomorrow! Looking forward to seeing more and more CHO in the future!