

I’m your “intention interpreter” rather than “talk interpreter”??

When I started working as a green & fresh ?? interpreter (20 y.o.), I asked myself.

“Do you wanna study methodology at first or do you wanna seek and cultivate your methodology, then later compare my own with existing theories?”

I chose the 2nd option.

It really happened. I found 2 technics about which books or manuals don’t tell at all.Then I was sure that I could introduce new business - “not just interpreting, but additionally… “.

Doing business means always creating never-ending ADDITIONAL VALUES. Otherwise, I cannot set higher prices, dear.

?? I have many photo shots with my clients, historically?, but I never used them as #marketing #tools .

Clients, especially #japanese SALES DIRECTORS traditionally? told me - YOU MUST DO!!!!!!

According to them, If I show photos & business cards with/for whom I worked like #hitachi #toyota #panasonic #mitsubishi ….I’ll be more attractive & reliable for potential big corporates??


In such a case…



My clients came to know that I was/am pretty stubborn & old-fashioned, besides I’m an egoist - believing in my skills and talents more than "too much”.

Hypothesis and suggesiton:

If I won't carry on typical marketing advised by clients and I won’t be attractive enough to earn business, in such case, I’ll quite “being myself” and become an employee.

- becoming an employee was something which discredits my personality??

How were results?

I made it ??

Then am I great?

No. ??

Each client supported me a lot that I got many opportunities to try something new - they paid for my fresh services.

I could gain new knowledges and skills and sell them to other companies - I gained experiences.

Doing business means certainly building #relationships BUT I’M NOT WILLING TO BUILD relationships at first - standard marketing.

Good relationships are just results of cooperation - deliberate precise plans and actions provided by me.

??Then why this photo now?I

t’s high time to say… as a matured & experienced business woman (40 y.o.) that WHAT I or you (all professionals & experts, c'mon!) can do is creating #job opportunities for others such unexperienced, hesitating persons, I dare say, especially #female potential #workforce ??

Don't you think so?

Working or doing business is, for me, pretty easy, so I should do something more difficult ??

Anyway, #interpretation is a very healthy job for me although it’s not my core business.


I’m a kind of an artist who loves sailing own BEST PERFORMANCE.

Sure I prepare and train myself 10,000 times?

But as an interpreter, I can’t.

I don’t sale my performance, but I just support others to sale their performances.

If I want to be perfectly ready, I need to know about the client in detail and prepare to be his/her AIR, It would take 1 week, but nobody is willing to pay for preparation - training to be perfect.

REGRETTING that “I made mistakes here and there (let’s say minor errors)” is for me very #healthy .

I as a business advisor in my core business, I hardly do so, that’s why.

FEELING SORRY?? is much nice than feeling “I’m good”.


#日本 #チェコ #通訳 と #マーケティング とビジネス戦略のお話です。














TAKAHASHI IDE 株式会社 工業デザイナー

11 个月

?? ?? ?? ??



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