国常会:通过印花税法草案 证券交易印花税纳入法律规范
The National Standing Committee:Passed the draft stamp duty law and included securities transaction stamp dutyinto legal regulations
The draft stipulates that the tax rates forsales, technology and other contracts and securities transactions remainunchanged, reduce the tax rates for processing contracts, constructionengineering survey and design, cargo transportation contracts and businessaccount books, abolish stamp tax items such as licenses, and clarify thecurrent overall stamp tax preferential policies constant.
央行最新论文:点名地方政府金融监管四大问题 将强化新兴金融业务监管
The latest paper from the CentralBank: naming the four major issues of local government financial supervisionwill strengthen the supervision of emerging financial services
At present, some local financialinstitutions rely on scientific and technological means to achieve nationaldevelopment and break through the original geographical scope. Operationalvolatility and risk spillover have increased significantly. For this reason,the original local financial supervision is obviously insufficient, and it isnecessary to formulate and formulate on the basis of full investigation andresearch. Improve regulatory policies, strengthen coordination between thecentral vertical supervision and local territorial supervision, and worktogether to prevent risks in new financial formats.
China's Caixin manufacturing PMIfell to 53, but it was still significantly above the line of prosperity
With the expected factors such as strongerglobal demand and the end of the new crown epidemic, the Chinese manufacturingindustry generally believes that the output in the next year will exceed thecurrent level.
The Ministry of Industry andInformation Technology talks about new energy vehicles: A roadmap for theimplementation of the automobile industry will be formulated around the goal ofcarbon neutrality
Xiao Yaqing said that it will strengthenthe innovation of vehicle integration technology and promote the paralleldevelopment of electrification, interconnection and intelligence. He also saidthat “be patient and leave room for 5G. In the near future, 5G will bringgratifying and even unexpected changes.”
Xiaopeng Motors delivered 5,700in December, a year-on-year increase of 326%, a record high
The monthly deliveries of Xpeng P7 andXpeng G3 both hit new highs in 2020. Throughout the fourth quarter, XiaopengMotors delivered a total of 12,964 units, a year-on-year increase of 303%,which exceeded the company's guidance of 10,000 units in the fourth quarter bynearly 30%.
"Electric God Car"Hongguang MINI has sold nearly 130,000 in five months! Pseudo-concept stockWuling Automobile soared by 30%!
过去三个月,五菱宏光MINI一直稳坐全国新能源车销售冠军,完全碾压特斯拉Model 3,单日最高曾卖掉2000辆!
In the past three months, Wuling HongguangMINI has been firmly in the national new energy vehicle sales champion,completely overwhelming Tesla Model 3, and has sold a maximum of 2,000 vehiclesin a single day!
Byton Auto signed astrategic cooperation agreement with Foxconn to promote mass production ofconcept cars in the first quarter of next year
On January 4, The Paper learned from BytonMotors that Byton Motors signed a strategic cooperation framework agreementwith Foxconn Technology Group and Nanjing Economic and TechnologicalDevelopment Zone to jointly accelerate the mass production and manufacturing ofByton’s first model M-Byte , And strive to achieve mass production of M-Bytebefore the first quarter of 2022.
New energy vehicles are toopopular, heavy machinery giant Xugong Group invested 5.5 billion into the war
New energy vehicles are really popular. XCMG Qingshan Holdings smashed5.5 billion yuan. Is new energy heavy truck a dream?
Media: Didi plans to go publicthis year or go to Hong Kong for an IPO, with a valuation of up to US$80billion
During the epidemic, the number of onlinecar-hailing orders fell below 10 million. In this context, "some investorsare eager to cash out."
The full text is released for thefirst time! The Hainan Free Trade Port Law begins to solicit opinions!
The draft proposes to encourage HainanProvince to issue local government bonds within the quota approved by the StateCouncil to support the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port project.Establish a government-guided and market-oriented Hainan Free Trade Portconstruction investment fund.
New Year's Day boxoffice record high in 2021
The National Film Bureau released data onthe 4th. From January 1 to 3, 2021 (New Year's Day file), the national moviebox office reached 1.299 billion yuan, breaking the historical record of 1.271billion yuan box office created in 2018, of which 601 million yuan on NewYear's Day , A year-on-year increase of 107.12%, breaking the single-day boxoffice record of 368 million yuan on New Year’s Day created in 2018.
Today it rose 51.7 billion yuan,China's new richest man = Jack Ma + 2 Wang Jianlin! What business is soprofitable?
This is the first time that a Chinese has enteredthe top ten of Bloomberg's global billionaires list, and Zhong Weiyi's networth is only US$1.4 billion short of the sixth-placed Buffett.
员工猝死事件发酵 拼多多美股下跌超6% 上海劳动监察部门已介入开展检查
Sudden death of employeesfermented, Pinduoduo US stocks fell more than 6%, Shanghai labor inspectiondepartment has stepped in to carry out inspections
Knowing that the remarks on the accidentaldeath of employees released by Pinduoduo's official account have aroused marketattention, Pinduoduo has clarified that it has not issued an online response.At present, the Shanghai Labor Supervision Department has stepped in to carryout inspections
The British Prime Ministerannounces that the strictest control measures will be implemented againthroughout England
At 20 pm local time on the 4th (4 pm on the5th Beijing time), British Prime Minister Boris Johnson delivered a televisedspeech, announcing that from the 5th to mid-February, the UK will implement thehighest level of strict control measures throughout the country, replacing thecurrent one in England The four-level, three-level, and second-level controlmeasures implemented by the regions respectively to stop the rapidly spreadingnew coronavirus infection epidemic.
In order to speed up thevaccination rate, the US government is considering halving the dose of Moderna
The Trump administration once stated that20 million people will be vaccinated before the end of 2020, but less than aquarter of the total number of vaccinations currently completed. To speed upthe vaccination schedule, US officials are considering halving the vaccinationfor young adults.
The Olympics are hanging again?At the beginning of the new year, Japan is considering declaring Tokyo's stateof emergency again
If the state of emergency is implemented,it will reduce Japan's GDP by 2.8 trillion yen (5%) and dim the outlook for theOlympics.
Transportation delays "ablessing in disguise"? US December Markit manufacturing PMI unexpectedlyrises to the highest in six years
The main driving force for the final valueof the overall index to rise instead of falling is "supplier performancehas dropped significantly", cost burden has been significantly pushed up,output price index hit the highest since May 2011, and supplier delivery timeis the longest in history . According to the analysis, despite the temporarydata improvement, these two reasons will limit production capacity andexacerbate the plight of the US manufacturing industry.
成立仅三年 “三巨头”合资的医疗保健公司Haven将于下月解体
The healthcare company Haven, ajoint venture of the “Big Three”, will be disintegrated next month
Three years after its establishment, Haven,a joint healthcare company composed of Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway, and JPMorganChase, will soon be dissolved at the end of February this year. The closure ofHaven may indicate that it is very difficult to fundamentally improve the US healthcaresystem.
OPEC+2月按兵不动?俄罗斯提议继续缩小减产 但多数国家反对
OPEC+ will not move in February?Russia proposes to continue to reduce production, but most countries oppose
According to the media, at the OPEC+meeting this week, Russia proposed to reduce the scale of production cuts byanother 500,000 barrels per day in February, but most OPEC+ countries opposefurther increases in production in February, and countries such as Saudi Arabiasupport keeping the joint production cuts in January to 2 month.
玩得就是心跳!创纪录新高后,比特币大幅回调17%,创3月以来最大单日跌幅 Play is heartbeat!After hitting a record high, Bitcoin pulled back 17% sharply, the biggestone-day drop since March
Bitcoin once plunged $5,500 in a singleday; historical experience has shown that in the years when Bitcoin performedwell in the fourth quarter, the subsequent new year January often experienced aretracement.
Tuesday, January 5th, don’t get confused
Munger told everyone that it is a good thing to desperately want to know what happened. He asserted that in the long run, this way of thinking can improve our ability to solve real-world problems. People who don't care about the whole thing are doomed to fail, no matter how smart they are, it will not help.
Author: Zhang information consulting services studio
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Source: Wall Street