カテゴリー:Environmental and Social Sustainability
1. エネルギー効率の向上 ホテル全体のエネルギー消費削減に向けて、LED照明やプレゼンスセンサー、高性能なHVACシステム(暖房?換気?空調)を導入し、エネルギー効率を大幅に改善しました。これにより、電力使用量の削減に成功しています。
2. 水資源の保護 水道の蛇口やシャワーに節水デバイスを設置し、使用量を60%削減。さらに、スタッフへの節水トレーニングを行い、全体的な水資源の効率的な利用を実現しました。
3. フードロスの削減 「Too Good To Go」アプリ※1を活用し、朝食の余剰食品を地元コミュニティ向けの低価格な食事として提供しています。この取り組みにより、地域住民は3ユーロで1バスケット分の食品を購入可能となり、食品廃棄物を減らしつつ地域社会に貢献しています。また、残った有機廃棄物は毎週収集され、堆肥としてリサイクルされています。
1. 地域社会への寄付活動 「ピンク?オクトーバー(乳がんとの闘い)」や「ゴールド?セプテンバー(小児がんとの闘い)」などのキャンペーンを通じて、宿泊費に1ユーロを上乗せする形で寄付を集めています。この取り組みで2023年には合計3,550ユーロが集まり、地域社会の課題解決に役立てられました。さらに、ホテルのオーナーがこれらの寄付額を倍増させることで、より大きなインパクトを生み出しています。
2. 従業員の満足度向上 スタッフのウェルビーイング(心身の健康と幸福感)を重視し、働きやすい職場環境の提供に努めています。これにより、従業員のモチベーションが高まり、顧客満足度やホテル全体のサービス品質の向上につながっています。
1. エネルギー効率の改善 LED照明や省エネ家電への切り替えを進める。 簡易的なモニタリングツールでエネルギー消費を把握する。
2. 節水対策 節水デバイスや自動停止機能付き蛇口を導入する。 従業員への意識向上トレーニングを実施する。
3. 食品廃棄物の削減 地域コミュニティと連携し、余剰食品をリソースとして活用する仕組みを構築する。
4. 地域社会との連携強化 地域の課題解決に貢献できる小規模な取り組みから始める(例:寄付活動やボランティア)。
※1:「Too Good To Go」アプリは、現在日本ではダウンロードできないようですが、国内向けの食品ロスアプリがいくつかありますので、自社に合ったアプリを検討してみてください。
#観光業界の持続可能性 #サステナビリティ #グリーンホスピタリティ #地域社会とともに #観光業界の未来
Toward Sustainability in the Tourism Industry: How a Historic Hotel is Leading the Way to a Greener Future
Sustainability in the tourism industry is no longer just a trend; it has become a crucial factor for business success. This article highlights the inspiring story of the Victoria Palace H?tel in Paris, a historic hotel with over 110 years of tradition, that has integrated sustainability into its operations to enhance its value and contribute to the local community. From energy efficiency to social engagement, the hotel provides actionable insights that can inspire the tourism industry to move toward a more sustainable future.
Blending History and Innovation: The Value of Sustainability
First opened in 1913, the Victoria Palace H?tel is a symbol of timeless elegance and a beloved landmark in Paris’ 6th arrondissement. With a commitment to sustainability, the hotel has transformed its operations to prioritize environmental protection and community well-being. While preserving its historical charm, the hotel is forging a new business model that balances tradition with sustainability.
General Manager Mélodie Flanagan Salama shared, “Sustainability was a new challenge for us, but it has brought positive impacts to our staff, the community, and our guests. It’s a journey we’re proud to continue.”
Key Sustainability Initiatives
The Victoria Palace H?tel has implemented a wide range of initiatives to reduce environmental impact and strengthen ties with the community. Here are some highlights:
1. Enhancing Energy Efficiency The hotel has significantly improved energy efficiency by installing LED lighting, presence detectors, and advanced HVAC systems. These efforts have reduced overall energy consumption and minimized waste.
2. Water Conservation Water-saving devices, such as faucet aerators and efficient showerheads, have reduced water usage by 60%. Employees are also trained to use water resources responsibly, ensuring a comprehensive approach to conservation.
3. Reducing Food Waste To address food waste, the hotel partners with platforms to repurpose leftover food into affordable meals for the local community. While the “Too Good To Go” app is not available in Japan, similar domestic apps can help reduce food waste and support local initiatives. (See footnote below for more details.)
Commitment to Community and Employees
Victoria Palace H?tel’s sustainability efforts go beyond environmental practices, extending to community support and employee well-being.
1. Community Contributions The hotel participates in initiatives like “Pink October” (to combat breast cancer) and “Gold September” (for pediatric cancer research). A €1 donation is added to each night’s stay in specific months, with guests having the option to decline. At the end of the month, the hotel’s owners generously double the amount collected. In 2023, these efforts raised €3,550, which was donated to the Gustave Roussy Institute, a leading cancer research center.
2. Prioritizing Employee Well-Being By fostering a supportive and inclusive workplace, the hotel enhances staff satisfaction and productivity, which in turn improves guest experiences and overall operational performance.
Lessons for the Tourism Industry: First Steps Toward Sustainability
The Victoria Palace H?tel’s success provides valuable insights for businesses in the tourism sector looking to embark on their own sustainability journey. Here are some actionable steps:
1. Improve Energy Efficiency Transition to LED lighting and energy-efficient appliances. Use monitoring tools to track and optimize energy consumption.
2. Conserve Water Install water-saving devices such as aerators and self-closing faucets. Provide staff training on sustainable water usage.
3. Minimize Food Waste Collaborate with local platforms to repurpose surplus food. Explore innovative food-sharing initiatives that support the community.
4. Strengthen Community Engagement Partner with local charities and organizations to address community needs. Start small, such as organizing donation campaigns or volunteering programs.
A Call to Action: Embracing Sustainability Today
The Victoria Palace H?tel’s story is a powerful example of how the tourism industry can take meaningful steps toward a sustainable future. By reducing environmental impact and creating shared value with local communities, businesses can build resilience and enhance their competitiveness.
Now is the time to integrate sustainability into your business strategy. Start with small, actionable changes, and together, we can create a significant positive impact on the industry and the planet.
※1: The ‘Too Good To Go app is currently not available for download in Japan, but there are several domestic food waste reduction apps available. Please consider exploring options that best suit your business needs.
#SustainabilityInTourism #GreenHospitality #ReducingFoodWaste #CommunityEngagement #SustainableFuture