

カテゴリー:Environmental Sustainability



ハイアット?リージェンシー?アムステルダムの持続可能性へのアプローチは、「ボタニー(植物)」「サステナビリティ」「ウェルビーイング(健康と幸福)」という3つの柱に基づいています。これらの原則はホテルの運営やゲスト体験の全体に浸透しており、専属チーム「インパクト?スクワッド」がプロジェクトの実行と改善を監督しています。さらに、同ホテルはHyatt EcoTrackというデータ分析ツールを活用し、温室効果ガス排出量、エネルギー消費、水使用量、廃棄物削減、リサイクル率といった重要なサステナビリティ指標を継続的にモニタリングしています。この取り組みは、環境負荷を「見える化」し、継続的な改善を支える土台となっています。



1. 地中熱システム


2. 緑化された外壁


3. エネルギー効率の向上


4. 室内の垂直庭園




エネルギー効率を高める技術の採用                          コスト効率の良いLED照明や節水型シャワーヘッド、モーションセンサーを導入することで、運営コストを削減しながら環境負荷を軽減できます。

自然との共生を意識した設計                             室内外の緑化を進めることで、環境改善だけでなく、ゲスト体験の向上やリラックス効果も得られます。

データによる持続可能性の「見える化」                        簡易的なツールを利用して、エネルギー使用量や水消費量を定期的に測定し、小さな改善を重ねていくことで、大きな成果を生むことができます。

従業員の巻き込み                                  サステナビリティへの理解を深めるためのワークショップやチーム作りを通じて、従業員全員がプロジェクトに参加する体制を整えましょう。




#観光業界の未来 #サステナビリティ #持続可能な観光 #環境に優しいホテル #地域と共に

Driving Sustainability in the Tourism Industry: Hyatt Regency Amsterdam’s Commitment to Protecting the Environment

Category: Environmental Sustainability

The tourism industry plays a crucial role in shaping a sustainable future for the planet and its communities. This article highlights the innovative and environmentally conscious initiatives of Hyatt Regency Amsterdam, a hotel that exemplifies the integration of sustainability into hospitality operations. By learning from their strategies, businesses in the tourism sector can take actionable steps toward a greener future.

Building Sustainability on Three Pillars

Hyatt Regency Amsterdam’s sustainability approach is built on three key pillars: Botany, Sustainability, and Wellbeing. These principles influence every aspect of the hotel, from operations to guest experiences. The dedicated Impact Squad, a team focused on sustainability efforts, ensures the successful implementation and continuous improvement of projects that align with these core values.

The hotel leverages Hyatt EcoTrack, a data-driven tool that monitors key sustainability metrics, such as greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption, water usage, waste reduction, and recycling rates. By embracing this transparent approach, Hyatt Regency Amsterdam is able to measure its environmental footprint and continuously work toward reducing it.

Innovative Design for Environmental Stewardship

Hyatt Regency Amsterdam’s commitment to sustainability extends beyond its operations to the very design of its building. Its thoughtful architectural and technological choices demonstrate how environmental responsibility can coexist with exceptional guest experiences:

1. Geothermal Energy System

The hotel uses a geothermal system that stores energy underground, providing efficient heating and cooling throughout the year. This innovation significantly reduces energy consumption while maintaining guest comfort.

2. Green Fa?ade                                

The building’s exterior is adorned with lush greenery, which helps manage stormwater and improves urban air quality. This blend of sustainability and aesthetics creates a harmonious connection between nature and urban living.

3. Energy-Efficient Technologies

From A-label certified elevators to LED lighting and motion sensors, the hotel has adopted cutting-edge solutions to minimize energy usage and enhance operational efficiency.

4. Indoor Vertical Garden

An award-winning indoor vertical garden not only purifies the air but also enhances guest relaxation and wellbeing. Winner of the “Interior Landscaping of the Year 2018”, this feature helps absorb carbon dioxide, generate oxygen, and promote a healthier environment for guests, employees, and the local community.

Lessons for the Tourism Industry

Hyatt Regency Amsterdam’s initiatives provide valuable lessons for businesses, regardless of size. Here are a few actionable takeaways for small and medium-sized enterprises:

? Adopt Energy-Efficient Technologies

Implementing cost-effective solutions like LED lighting, motion sensors, and low-flow showerheads can significantly reduce energy and water consumption while lowering operational costs.

? Integrate Nature into Design

Adding greenery, such as vertical gardens or planters, can improve air quality, create a relaxing atmosphere for guests, and contribute to environmental goals.

? Leverage Data for Continuous Improvement

Use tools to measure energy and water usage, even on a small scale, and focus on incremental changes that build toward long-term sustainability.

? Engage Employees in Sustainability Efforts

Create sustainability workshops or committees to involve staff in meaningful initiatives. Employee participation can amplify the impact of sustainability programs and create a shared sense of purpose.

A Shared Vision for a Sustainable Future

Hyatt Regency Amsterdam’s efforts demonstrate that environmental stewardship and business success can go hand in hand. For Japan’s tourism industry, adopting sustainability-focused practices that value local communities and the environment is key to staying competitive and fostering long-term growth.

Now is the time to integrate sustainability into your business strategy and take that first step toward a greener future. Together, we can create a tourism industry that thrives in harmony with our planet.

#FutureOfTourism #SustainabilityInTourism #EcoFriendlyHotels #EnvironmentalStewardship #SustainableTravel



