荣获马桥镇颁发的“合作贡献奖” I was also honored with the "Cooperation Contribution Award."
2月11日 参加2025闵行区马桥镇企业家联谊会
我个人也获得了“合作贡献奖”(只有2位个人荣获此殊荣) 我只是为当地做了些力所能力的事情 感谢认可与鼓励
只要做有价值的事情 那些真正在做事的人不仅能看到 也能给予肯定与赞扬的
On February 11, I attended the 2025 Minhang District Maqiao Town Entrepreneurs' Association.
Qiaotian Intelligence once again received the "Economic Development Contribution Award."
I was also honored with the "Cooperation Contribution Award."(only two individuals were awarded this distinction). I just did what I could for the local community. Thank you for the recognition and encouragement.
As long as we do valuable things, those who are truly making a difference can not only see it but also offer their affirmation and praise.
Keep pushing forward.