The phrase "若是他人母、必用白虎汤" (ruò shì tārén mǔ, bì yòng báihǔ tang)can be literally translated as “If it is someone else's mother, I will definitely use White Tiger Decoction. This saying originates from the classic Chinese medical text "Shang Han Lun" (伤寒论, Treatise on Febrile Diseases) written by Zhang Zhongjing (張仲景) during the Eastern Han dynasty (25-220 CE). This aphorism carries a profound message about medical ethics and decision-making. The White Tiger Decoction is a potent herbal formula in traditional Chinese medicine used to treat severe febrile conditions, known for its strong cooling properties.
The core lesson of this saying is the importance of maintaining objectivity and making unbiased decisions, especially in critical situations. It suggests that a physician should treat all patients with equal care and consideration, regardless of their relationship to the doctor.
Interestingly, modern medical ethics align with this ancient wisdom but take it a step further. Today, it's generally advised that doctors avoid treating close relatives whenever possible. This is because emotional involvement can cloud judgment, potentially leading to over-treatment or under-treatment. A doctor might be overly cautious with a loved one, missing necessary but risky treatments, or might be tempted to bypass standard procedures due to familiarity. By having another doctor treat a close relative, one ensures more objective care and maintains professional boundaries.
This principle extends beyond medicine. In many fields, including education and mentoring, it's often more effective for a third party to guide or teach one's own children or close relatives. This approach helps maintain objectivity, reduces emotional complications, and often leads to better outcomes. For instance, a parent mentoring their child might struggle to provide constructive criticism or might have difficulty recognizing the child's true capabilities due to inherent biases.
For leaders, this ancient wisdom remains highly relevant. First, it underscores the importance of impartiality and ethical consistency in leadership. Leaders must strive to make decisions based on merit and need, rather than personal relationships or biases. This approach fosters an environment of trust and respect, where all team members or stakeholders feel equally valued and fairly treated. It also emphasizes the need for courage in decision-making, as sometimes the right choice may be difficult or unpopular.
Secondly, this wisdom highlights the significance of professionalism and the ability to separate personal feelings from professional judgments. In the complex landscape of modern leadership, maintaining this distinction is crucial for effective governance and management. Leaders must be able to make objective assessments and take necessary actions, even when they involve individuals with whom they have close personal ties. This principle of professional detachment, when applied judiciously, can lead to more balanced and fair outcomes in various organizational contexts.
Lastly, the ancient saying teaches leaders about the importance of recognising one's own limitations and the value of delegation. Just as a doctor should acknowledge when their personal involvement might compromise patient care, leaders must be aware of situations where their close personal ties or emotional involvement might hinder rather than help. In such cases, the wise leader knows when to step back and entrust responsibilities to others who can approach the situation with greater objectivity. This self-awareness and willingness to delegate not only leads to better decision-making but also demonstrates humility and trust in one's team, qualities that are highly valued in effective leaders.
#leadership #impartiality