花旗亚太区评级新鲜事年度特刊:回首2021,展望2022 | Citi: APAC Ratings Special Edition: Things to Archive for 2021 and to Watch Out For in 2022
1. 2021 saw SE Asian unicorns getting rated; technology names and consumer names dominate the Asian initial ratings market.?Southeast Asia’s ride-hailing and food delivery company Grab, Indian ride-hailing company Ola, India based hospitality aggregator OYO got single-B range ratings from the international rating agencies. It’s worth mentioning that Ola and OYO used the ratings for term loans issuance – an alternative funding route we expect to continue in 2022 for many more Asian unicorns. China is adding its fair share on technology new ratings but with a concentration on IG categories, including Fintech names such as East Money and Futu (both BBB-), as well as Bain-owned internet data center Chindata (Ba2/BBB- from Moody’s and Fitch respectively). Consumer names such as hot pot restaurant operator Haidilao and Mengniu-backed dairy name China Modern Dairy also joined the IG club. We expect, technology (including FinTech) and consumer & healthcare, to continue to drive the new ratings in 2022. It would be also interesting to watch whether the market would finally warm up to more Chinese non-property high-yield names as the sentiments towards in China property continues to wane.
2. China risk:?are we getting near to the end of the tunnel? Agencies have been reviewing Government Related Entities (GRE) support due to the ripple effect from the Huarong credit event, and concluded with systematic cuts of support notches and/or final rating downgrades.?In addition, private sectors such as property and education were hit by fast and severe (oftentimes multiple) downward rating actions: agencies took negative actions on all rated private education names in response to increasing regulatory risks, and more than one-third of rated property entities were in some form of financial problem and got downgraded since then, while some 10 names including Evergrande, averaging a B-range rating one year ago, defaulted in 2021 due to missed coupon/principle payment. 2021 will be marked as the year of the most downgrades for Chinese issuers in recent history.?
In the meantime, there are some green shoots in China too.?S&P changed China’s economic risk trend to positive, which is partly resulting from the property price controls, while Fitch upgraded Chinese banks, securities and leasing companies’ operating environment score to IG. Despite tightening criteria on government support, rating agencies tend to differentiate government-related issuers more clearly. For SOEs deemed very strategically important, they are still comfortable in assigning high support uplifts, such as in Sinochem case post its merger with ChemChina. For 2022, it’s worth watching which sectors Chinese government plans to induce growth from, after its crackdown on multiple private segments.
3. Methodology updates provide mixed signals: is flexibility in rating methodologies a boon or a bane??This long-debated question has been on agencies’ top officers’ radar for decades. S&P, being the historically most rigid rater, has managed to allow comparability modifiers in standalone analysis through its recent FIG methodology update. Comparatively, Fitch, being the historical most pragmatic rater, is tightening its grip by being more prescriptive in their newly released Parent-Subsidiary Linkage methodology. Across the agencies, analysts are taking extra pain to explain their rating action to issuers given the increasing internal guidances from credit policy and methodology officers, as well as the macro trends driven nature of such actions. In our view, methodology is no more than a tool, and rating is more art than a science. We should always embrace flexibility but not to the extent that issuers can take advantage of loopholes in methodologies without being policed, while we should respect ground rules, but not to the extent that rule makers are playing god.
4. Amongst the sectors most devastated by the pandemic, transportation, lodging and gaming names in APAC are facing a slower recovery compared with global peers.?Financial performance for these sectors is now not expected to recover to pre-pandemic level until 2H23.?Gaming industry’s growth is driven by international visitors, which are still to see an uptick in numbers. Lodging has been recovering well with KPIs 20-30% below pre pandemic levels, driven by domestic leisure travel demand, but pre pandemic levels aren’t expected until 2023-2024 due to sluggish business travel. Positive trends continue with the airline industry, but zero COVID policy and the competitive landscape in China and India could stem growth. Shipping industry experienced peak earnings in 2021 because high demand for goods overwhelmed supply chains, but earnings are expected to normalize to near 2019 levels with the supply demand gap narrowing and commodity prices stabilizing.
5. Huarong serves as a classic case to test agencies’ rating signaling system: all rivers run into the sea, however, some rivers are rough, some are smooth.?The state-owned asset management company got international attention since its miss of 2020 results publication in April, when all rating agencies started to consider rating signals. Embarking from different starting lines, i.e. A3 (Moody’s) / BBB+ (S&P) / A (Fitch), all agencies ended up rating the company at BBB at year end. Having said that, both Moody’s and Fitch took a much more drastic approach to get there: we witnessed multiple downgrades within short timeframe from Moody’s and also observed mixed rating signals from Fitch. Comparatively S&P did it neatly – simple moves and clear signaling. Balancing between SOE beliefs and standalone credit profiles, while also trying to stay within the confines of globally comparable rating scales is important, but what is critical in our view, is clear investor signaling.
5.?华融成为检验各机构评级信号系统的经典案例:各行其道,殊途同归。华融在2021年4月份因未能按时发布2020年业绩而引起国际资本市场关注,进而所有评级机构开始考虑发出评级信号。虽然各家评级起点不同——穆迪: A3,标普:BBB+,惠誉:A,但到了年底收官之际所有评级机构的华融评级均为BBB。尽管如此,穆迪和惠誉在此过程采用的方法要激烈得多:穆迪在短期内多次下调评级,而惠誉曾发出前后不一的评级信号。相比之下,标普的做法显得更巧妙:动作简单、信号清晰。虽然在国企信仰与独立信用状况之间取得平衡,同时保持全球可比的评级尺度是评级机构的必由之路,但我们认为最关键的还是向投资者发出清晰的信号。
6. Agencies added insult to the injured Chinese property developers, market confidence recovery on the sector will take time.?It all started with Evergrande and its floundering liquidity issues but never stopped there. B-rated developers are the most impacted, however, BB-names and even IG names such as Shimao are no longer intact. Negative rumors usually came first, then diminished investor confidence and constrained refinancing channels coupled with pre-existing liquidity pressure are sinking the ship. Agencies were somewhat caught off-guard and mostly playing catch-up to the market, and investors were almost left on their own to react. All three agencies predict 10%-15% slide in property sales in 2022, partly because most investors and home buyers are still in wait-and-see mode. That said, the spillover risks to other sectors are largely contained so far, but the sector's woes also could be a slight downward drag to China’s GDP growth. Developers are exploring alternative funding plans through asset sell-downs and secured financing, to shore up their liquidity position for the next 12 months, as market confidence comeback is not yet around the corner.
7. Digitalization is the absolute future, but the question is who’s going to take the cake.?Asia has observed unprecedented growth in fintech industry, with India and China leading the space, while South-east Asia is gaining momentum as the region’s digital transformation gathers pace. However evolving country specific regulations could pose significant challenge as we have seen for new Chinese Fintech players while protecting some of the industry incumbents. Banking industry, which has a direct business competition from the growing fintech sector, is also rapidly adopting technology to retain its market share, challenging the virtual banks. On the other hand, central banks are swiftly making progress with Central Bank Digital Currencies (‘CBDC’) which is expected to have far-reaching implications to the future of banking, and in Asia-Pacific the implication could vary depending on the region. China is leading from the front, with Australia, Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore not far behind. Up to now the incumbents FIs have not faced rating pressures from the growing competitive threat from Fintech, but this is still something to watch out for in the coming years.
8. Listing through SPAC merger has opened doors for rated private companies to improved liquidity and financial flexibility, a key credit positive event.?Use of listing proceeds to reduce debt, significant reduction in financial sponsors’ stakes, signaling a more conservative finance policy and potentially less reliance on debt for future acquisitions are some of the observed rating positives. In such cases the post-transaction capital structure and the immediate reorganization after the transaction closure becomes the pillar of rating reviews. Recently, Grab was upgraded by Moody’s to B2 from B3 following its public listing via merger with Altimeter, a NASDAQ listed SPAC, due to improved liquidity and financial flexibility following its successful listing. And with the new SPAC regime from Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX), which favors new and innovative industries, we believe SPAC listing will be conducive for rated startups to improve their ratings profile.
8.?通过SPAC合并上市为受评非上市公司创造了条件,可以提高流动性和财务灵活性,是重要的信用利好事件。利用上市募集资金减债、大幅减少财务投资者的股权、发出更保守的财务政策信号,以及减少未 来收购案对债务的依赖,显然都是评级利好。在这种情况下,交易后的资本结构和交易结束后即时重组成为评级考量的关键。最近,Grab通过与纳斯达克上市SPAC公司Altimeter合并而实现公开上市之后,穆迪鉴于公司流动性和财务灵活性在上市后有明显改善,将其评级从B3调升至B2。随着港交所推出有利于新兴和创新行业的新SPAC制度,我们认为SPAC合并上市将有利于受评初创公司的评级。
9. ESG ratings: Green shoots emerge, methodologies are rapidly evolving. It’s not only a market share fight, but a business model combat as well.?We witnessed all agencies updating their ESG methodologies over the year, we saw Fitch’s release of its brand-new ESG Rating under the Sustainable Fitch brand; we also observed Sustainalytics and MSCI becoming more known to the market than ever. Many players are playing all-in, but issuers are still feeling confused. Unsolicited ratings are conducive for market share, but not helpful for client engagement and relationship. Methodology evolution is painful for issuers too – not only is it a moving target, but sometimes unrealistic bars as well. Grievances from issuers about their ESG ratings will push ESG rating agencies to be more transparent on their rating methodologies and also to focus more on issuer communications. Investor-paid rating model dominates, as MSCI champions, but the way forward is uncertain if it doesn’t learn to listen to the issuers.
9. ESG评级:市场飞速发展,方法论迅速演进——这不仅是市场份额之争,也是商业模式之争。过去的一年见证了评级机构ESG评级方法的屡次更新,惠誉高调推出Sustainable Fitch品牌提供全新的ESG评级服务,Sustainalytics和MSCI在市场上如日中天。评级机构一腔热血,但发行人却满脸懵逼。不请自来的评级有利于扩大市场份额,但对于客户互动和客户关系并无益处。方法论的演变也使发行人感到彷徨:不仅标准变得快,而且还时不时有点儿离地。发行人对ESG评级的不满将促使ESG?评级机构提高其评级方法的透明度,并更加关注与发行人沟通。以MSCI为代表的投资者付费评级模式持续占领市场,但如若不重视倾听发行人爸爸的声音,ESG评级的前途并不明朗。
10. Global ESG reporting standards harmonization is underway, mandatory ESG reporting is coming to APAC.?IFRS Foundation announced the formation of the new International Sustainability Standard Board (ISSB) in November 2021 for the development of global sustainability reporting standards, which will initially focus on climate-related reporting. HK Exchange (HKEx) and Singapore Exchange (SGX) followed such global initiative to push for mandatory Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) disclosures: HKEx published a detailed guide on Climate Disclosures in November to prepare for mandatory TCFD-aligned disclosures by 2025, SGX has also announced that all issuers must include TCFD disclosure in FY2022 on a ‘comply or explain’ basis, and such disclosure will gradually become mandatory in 2023 or 2024. As sustainability disclosure become more standardized, we expect sustainability strategy with specific KPIs to become more prevalent and core to capital market communications in the near future. This should also encourage more harmonization between ESG raters.
11. APAC economic recoveries are underway, albeit at different paces.?In 2021, we have seen a few positive rating actions for APAC sovereigns such as India, New Zealand, Vietnam and Taiwan, while almost all rating actions were negative in 2020. A waning of liquidity pressure, easing fiscal constraints and increasing competencies in supply chain reconfigurations are the key reasons for positive rating actions. In contrast, tourism-dependent economies continue to suffer from the pandemic, coupled with pre-existing public finance turmoil. Most Asian economies will see growth rebound in 2022, but the outlook for APAC sovereign creditworthiness is stable overall. Sovereigns with higher vaccination rates and trade-oriented economics will lead the recovery, while travel restrictions will continue to be a negative drag. In addition, China’s economic slowdown, further COVID-19 outbreaks and difficult financing conditions associated with US monetary tightening could post challenges too. APAC may see its first sovereign default in many years in 2022 as Sri Lanka, currently split rated at Caa2 / CCC+ / CC, faces looming bond maturities.
Source: Moody’s, S&P and Fitch
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