罢官还犊 (bà guān huán dú)

The Chinese idiom is not a very common one, but let's break it down for a better understanding:

  • 罢官 (bà guān) means "to be dismissed from office" or "to step down from an official position."
  • 还犊 (huán dú) literally means "to return the calf."


This phrase originates from a historical anecdote in ancient China. It refers to an upright official who, after being dismissed from office, chooses to return gifts (such as livestock) that he received during his tenure. It symbolizes honesty, integrity, and moral uprightness—the idea that a just official does not take undue advantage of his position and leaves office without personal gain.


Imagine a government official who is forced to resign or is removed from their position. Instead of keeping any perks, gifts, or benefits they received while in office, they return everything and leave with a clean conscience. This idiom embodies the principles of integrity and incorruptibility in Chinese culture—a contrast to those who exploit power for personal gain.

Want to learn more about China and the Chinese culture? Join me tomorrow 12:30 (CET) on FREE webinar: https://chun-s-china-courses.thinkific.com/products/live_events/unlock-pinyin-live-event

See you tomorrow!









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