

English follows Japanese.

こんにちは、インデックスグループにて採用を担当しているHRブランディング Sae Barada です。














1. NOと言えるDNA

2. パイオニア精神

3. ダイバーシティ


今回のブログでは、クレド1の「 NOと言えるDNA」について深堀していきます!












これは、インデックスグループ内においても同様です。代表の 植村公一 や事業会社の役員らに対しても、当グループのためや同僚のためにならないことに関しては、新入社員であってもしっかり意見し、建設的に議論することを良しとする風土があります。













Greeting from Index. I am? Sae Barada , in charge of recruitment for Index Group as HR branding staff.


It has been a while since we introduced Group Mission. How is everything going?


We want to introduce the Credo of Index Group today to below away the summer heat!


Credo means what actions and mindsets we need to achieve our mission below.



Building Construction, Social & Civil Infrastructure, Facilities.

Through project management for diverse needs, our aim is to provide solutions to various issues, improve social systems, and contribute to global prosperity.


The candidate's attitude toward our mission and philosophy was considered during the initial interview at Index Group. We also consider whether candidates can demonstrate the following credos in the discussion and particular episode.



  1. DNA to say No
  2. Be a pioneer
  3. Innovate through Diversity


In this blog, we will take a deeper look at Credo #1, "DNA to say NO!"


Private companies, as well as regional, national, and international governments, are among our clients.


In order to accomplish our mission, we must have the DNA (courage) to refuse anything that is harmful to our customers, the local communities, the countries, or the society, even if the other party is a customer.


For example, if there is even the slightest possibility that the buildings our client wants to build up will have a negative impact on the environment, the project manager who works in Index with the above-said mission must work to improve the client's ideas and the building concept in order to prevent the building from contributing to social issues.


You may hesitate to voice your viewpoint to the clients who are supposed to pay us, people in authority, or someone higher than you.


At such times, "DNA to say NO" is a credo that serves as a backbone to clearly communicate what is right and what is wrong, based on whether it is in the best interest of society and clients.


Within Index Group, this is also true. Even new employees are encouraged to voice their ideas and have productive conversations with the CEO 植村公一 , and the directors of the operating companies about issues that are not in the Group's or the coworkers' best interests.


I would be glad if Index Group members understood the value of having the "DNA to say NO" because they manage projects on behalf of a variety of clients in the public and private sectors and help to address societal challenges.


Please feel free to get in touch with us if you share our group's philosophy and have the "DNA to say NO" since we would want to have a casual interview with you whether or not you plan to apply.


Next time, we'll take a deeper look at Credo #2, "Pioneer spirit!"


What is good about Index, a highly acclaimed and developing construction consulting company?

Please see below for past postings.

①?~Our Philosophy~

②?~Our Mission~


Index Group的更多文章

