當網路攻擊越來越複雜,為何Anycast 網路成為保護企業的首選?

當網路攻擊越來越複雜,為何Anycast 網路成為保護企業的首選?

在親俄駭客 NoName057 對台灣的攻擊中,Anycast 網路架構展現了顯著的優勢。Anycast 是一種讓單一 IP 地址能由多個數據中心同時響應的技術,它使攻擊流量能夠自動分散到全球各地的數據中心,從而大幅減少單點瓶頸的風險。


台灣目前使用的主要網路安全與分佈式防禦服務,包括本地 ISP 業者、三大公有雲、其他雲地架構等,雖然有類似的防禦功能,但它們不完全基於 Anycast 架構,而是採用了其他架構來分發流量與緩解攻擊。以下是台灣企業常見的架構名稱,包括:

1. Anycast 架構

基於網路層的全球分散技術。Anycast 允許同一個 IP 地址對應到多個伺服器,並由 BGP 路由自動將流量分配到最近或最佳的伺服器。當流量或攻擊來臨時,全球網路會自動將流量分散到不同的節點,提供天然的 DDoS 防護和負載均衡,無需額外的 DNS 設置或應用層干預。

2. ISP 資安供應商:Unicast + 地區性流量調度

主要依賴於傳統的 Unicast 架構,也就是每個數據中心或伺服器群有一個唯一的 IP 地址,流量根據來源地區被導向至指定的伺服器或數據中心。這樣的架構通常通過地區性流量調度系統(比如 GSLB,全球伺服器負載均衡)來分配負載。

3. 傳統應用層防禦供應商:Unicast + GSLB(全球伺服器負載均衡)

該架構類似於 ISP 資安,也基於 Unicast 和 GSLB 技術。它通過全球伺服器負載均衡來分發流量,根據客戶的地理位置、伺服器健康狀態等動態調整流量,但不具備 Anycast 這類基於網路層的自動化全球流量分散能力,主要是提供在本地或數據中心內部部署,且需要針對每個數據中心或伺服器進行個別配置。

4. 傳統防火牆/威脅檢測供應商:Unicast + 安全防火牆 + DDoS 緩解

架構更多集中在 Unicast 和 安全防火牆 上,並整合了 DDoS 緩解 和威脅檢測技術。有的會使用 NGFW(下一代防火牆) 和 IPS(入侵防護系統) 來防禦網路攻擊,並在特定場景下提供 DDoS 防護,但其流量管理架構仍依賴傳統的 Unicast 和應用層負載均衡。

5. 三大公有雲:多區域架構 + 內建流量調度

公有雲多使用多區域架構,它們依賴 Unicast 並通過 DNS 路由 和內建的全球流量調度來分發流量。根據流量來源的地理位置和區域資源的健康狀態,例如透過 Route 53、Traffic Manager 等工具來進行全球負載均衡。這些調度方式是基於應用層的調度,而不是網路層的自動分發。

6. 傳統 CDN 防禦供應商:Unicast + DNS 路由(CDN 為主)

更多依賴於 Unicast 路由,即每個伺服器有一個獨立的 IP 地址,並透過 DNS 導向流量到最適合的伺服器。透過本身龐大的 CDN(內容分發網路)架構來分發流量,但這是基於 DNS 層級的調度,而非 Anycast 的自動流量分散。因此,靠 DNS 解析的全球性節點網絡來實現流量負載分配,並不是 Anycast 方式。


Anycast 和 三大公有雲(多區域架構 + 內建流量調度) 的差異

  • Anycast 是一種完全自動化的基於網路層的技術,它通過單一 IP 自動分散流量,反應速度快、能自動應對流量激增和 DDoS 攻擊,且不需要進行複雜的配置。
  • 多區域架構 + 內建流量調度 是基於應用層和 DNS 層的技術,允許企業靈活配置不同區域的資源和流量調度策略,適合複雜的業務需求,但可能在應對極大規模的攻擊時自動化程度不如 Anycast。


1. 流量分配方式

  • Anycast:基於網路層的路由技術,單一 IP 地址可以對應到多個地理位置不同的伺服器或數據中心。當流量到達網路時,路由協議會自動將流量導向距離最近的伺服器,全球的用戶可以自動訪問最接近的數據中心,減少延遲和負載壓力。Anycast 是由網際協議(如 BGP 路由協議)實現的,因此流量的分配是由全球路由器動態完成的。
  • 多區域架構 + 內建流量調度:AWS、GCP å’Œ Azure 使用 多區域架構,這意味著它們有多個數據中心(區域)分佈在世界各地,用戶可以選擇在哪個區域部署資源。當用戶訪問應用時,這些平台會根據配置好的流量路由策略來將流量分配到不同的區域。這通常由 DNS 路由 或 全球伺服器負載均衡(GSLB) 完成,並且需要先進行域名解析,才能將用戶的流量導向最近或最佳的數據中心。

2. 自動化程度

  • Anycast:完全自動化。當攻擊流量或正常流量進入網路時,路由器根據距離和網路狀況自動選擇最優路徑,無需用戶干預。流量分散的過程是無縫進行的,無需進行額外的 DNS 或應用層設定。
  • 多區域架構 + 內建流量調度:相對來說需要更多配置。公有雲會根據使用者的設定來管理流量分配(通常是基於 DNS 路由)。例如,AWS çš„ Route 53、Azure çš„ Traffic Manager 或 GCP çš„ Global Load Balancer 都需要用戶預先設定路由規則,如基於地理位置、健康狀態、流量分佈策略等進行流量分發。這種配置需要事先設置,並可能根據不同場景做調整。

3. 路由技術

  • Anycast:基於 BGP 路由協議(Border Gateway Protocol)進行網路層的路由,這是一種網際網路的核心技術。它能夠確保當多個地點使用相同的 IP 地址時,流量會自動路由到離請求來源最近的伺服器。由於這是在網路層進行的操作,反應速度非常快,且自動分散流量,無需應用層干預。
  • 多區域架構 + 內建流量調度:主要依賴於 DNS 路由 å’Œ 應用層的負載均衡。當用戶發出請求時,首先需要進行域名解析,DNS 系統會根據預先設置的路由規則分配用戶流量到特定的數據中心區域。這種基於 DNS 的方式較 Anycast 慢一些,因為 DNS 解析需要多步操作,而且調度決策依賴於應用層的規則,而非網路層自動完成。

4. 應對 DDoS 攻擊的能力

  • Anycast:因為 Anycast 在網路層進行分散,當發生 DDoS 攻擊時,攻擊流量會自動分散到全球多個數據中心。這使得單一伺服器或地區不會成為攻擊的焦點,具有天然的抗 DDoS 能力。攻擊者需要發動大範圍的全球攻擊才能對所有數據中心造成壓力。
  • 多區域架構 + 內建流量調度:公有雲平台也有 DDoS 防護,但它們通常基於應用層和 DNS 層來實現。當發生 DDoS 攻擊時,這些平台可以透過智能 DNS 調度和應用層的防護(如 WAF 和流量限速)來分散攻擊流量。不過,由於 DNS 層有其固有的解析時間,防禦反應速度可能略遜於 Anycast。

Unicast 和 Anycast 差異

  • Unicast 是傳統的點對點通信方式,數據包被發送到單一的目的地 IP 地址,適合需要靜態配置和集中管理的應用。
  • Anycast 則是將同一 IP 地址分配給多個地理上分散的節點,通過動態路由和自動流量分發實現低延遲、高可用性和抗 DDoS 能力,適合需要全球分發和高效流量處理的應用。

1. 概念


單播:Unicast 是一種點對點的通信方式,指的是從一個單一的來源設備向一個單一的目的設備發送數據包。每個數據包都有一個唯一的目的地 IP 地址,這使得每個數據包都是針對特定設備進行傳送的。

路由:當一個數據包通過網路時,它會根據目的地 IP 地址進行路由,並且只有到達該目的地設備的路由器會處理該數據包。


任播:Anycast 是一種將同一個 IP 地址分配給多個地理上分散的伺服器或節點的技術。當數據包被發送到這個 IP 地址時,網路路由器會將流量路由到距離來源設備最近的節點。

路由:Anycast 使用 BGP(邊界網關協議)來實現流量的自動路由,根據網路拓撲和路由表將數據包發送到最佳的伺服器節點。

2. 流量分發





多點接收:數據包被發送到具有相同 IP 地址的多個伺服器節點。網路中的路由器會自動選擇最近的或最優的節點來處理流量。

動態路由:Anycast 使用 BGP 進行動態路由,根據網路狀況和路由表自動調整流量的路由路徑。

3. 抗 DDoS 能力


集中處理:DDoS 攻擊通常會集中於單一的伺服器或 IP 地址。由於流量被直接發送到特定的伺服器,這使得攻擊流量更容易導致伺服器過載。

防護挑戰:在 Unicast 系統中,防護和緩解 DDoS 攻擊可能需要專門的設備和技術來處理集中攻擊流量。


分散處理:Anycast 可以將攻擊流量分散到多個地理位置的節點,這樣單一節點不會承受過多的攻擊流量。這種分散的特性使 Anycast 在應對大規模 DDoS 攻擊時更具優勢。

天然防護:Anycast 的分散架構提供了天然的 DDoS 防護,因為攻擊流量被分散到多個節點,減少了單一節點的負擔。

4. 延遲和性能





低延遲:Anycast 使流量能夠自動路由到最近的節點,這樣可以減少延遲並提高性能。對於全球分布的用戶,Anycast 可以提供更快速的響應時間。


5. 應用場景


單一服務器:適用於流量集中於單一伺服器或數據中心的應用場景,如企業內部應用和特定的 Web 服務。



全球 CDN 和 DNS:適用於需要全球內容分發和高效流量處理的應用場景,如 CDN 和 DNS 服務。

分布式服務:適合需要低延遲、高可用性和抗 DDoS 能力的應用,如大規模的 Web 服務和在線應用。

為什麼 Cloudflare Anycast 會在 Noname057 攻擊中形成優勢

本次 Noname057 攻擊給許多 IT, MIS, Security and Infra 同仁許多麻煩,包括網路流量激增、系統不穩定、基礎設施弱點、設備扛不住、反應時間困難、臨時配置困難、人力限制......這些問題需要 IT 團隊具備靈活的應急能力、高效能且易上手的工具,而 Cloudflare Anycast 架構及易用性,恰好站在本次應對挑戰的利基點,包括:

1. 全球流量分散減少負載

在傳統架構中,單一地區或特定數據中心常常會因大量的惡意流量受到壓力,從而導致服務中斷。Cloudflare Anycast 網路可以將攻擊流量自動分配到其全球 300+ 個數據中心。這意味著即使 Noname057 發動大規模 DDoS 攻擊,攻擊流量會迅速分散,單一伺服器或地區不會承受全部壓力,避免了系統過載或癱瘓。

相較於他家:許多傳統防禦架構採用的 Unicast(單播)模式,會將流量路由至特定數據中心或伺服器,這使得在面臨大規模攻擊時,該數據中心成為攻擊的瓶頸。

2. 第一次就上手

簡單的界面和工具:Cloudflare 提供直觀易用的管理界面和工具,這使得即便在應對複雜攻擊時,操作也能夠簡化。用戶可以快速設定和調整安全策略,從而更高效地管理流量和防禦機制。

相較於他家:在偵測攻擊後可能需要人工介入或手動調整防禦策略,這導致了反應時間較長,而 Cloudflare 的系統完全自動化,能即時做出反應,提升防禦效率。

3. 不會讓你來不及配置

Cloudflare 的 Anycast 架構與其內建的 DDoS 緩解系統無縫結合,當系統偵測到攻擊流量時,能快速啟動自動防禦機制。可以在攻擊發生時自動適應流量變化,這樣可以大大降低部署過程中的錯誤風險。這對於處於攻擊風險中的企業來說尤為重要。


4. 供應商情報充足

Cloudflare 不僅僅是一個基於 Anycast 的網路架構,還擁有全球範圍的威脅情報系統。這使得當 Noname057 攻擊台灣時,Cloudflare 可以利用來自其他地區的攻擊數據,迅速應對類似的攻擊模式,並更新其防禦策略,提升整體的應對速度和精確性。

相較於他家:其他公司可能沒有 Cloudflare 如此廣泛的威脅數據和全球網路,難以做到如此全面的防禦和即時情報更新。

雖然有些供應商也會號稱擁有強大的全球威脅情報系統,但由於其系統的設計更偏重於大型企業和應用層安全,可能會在全球威脅快速響應和 DDoS 攻擊的防禦反應速度上稍顯遲。Cloudflare 因為專注於基於網路層和應用層的全自動化防禦,在此方面更具優勢。


Cloudflare 的 Anycast 網路架構 在面對 Noname057 這類大規模、跨國界的 DDoS 攻擊中,展現了強大的分散流量、防止單點瓶頸的能力。相比其他傳統或集中化的架構,Cloudflare 能夠快速響應攻擊,降低延遲,同時擁有強大的擴展性和全球威脅情報支持,這些優勢使得 Cloudflare DDoS Protection 在這次針對台灣的攻擊中佔據了明顯的技術領先地位。

#cloudflare #developers

Here is the translation of the provided text into English:

Why Anycast Networks Are Becoming the Top Choice for Protecting Businesses in the Age of Complex Cyber Attacks

In the attack by the pro-Russian hacker group NoName057 on Taiwan, Anycast network architecture demonstrated significant advantages. Anycast is a technology that allows a single IP address to be served by multiple data centers simultaneously. This enables attack traffic to be automatically distributed across data centers worldwide, thereby greatly reducing the risk of single-point bottlenecks.

Current Situation

In Taiwan, the major network security and distributed defense services in use include local ISP providers, the three major public clouds, and other cloud architectures. Although these services offer similar defensive capabilities, they are not fully based on Anycast architecture. Instead, they utilize other architectures for traffic distribution and attack mitigation. The common architectures used by Taiwanese enterprises are as follows:

1. Anycast Architecture

Based on network-layer global distribution technology, Anycast allows a single IP address to correspond to multiple servers, with BGP routing automatically directing traffic to the nearest or best server. When traffic or attacks occur, the global network automatically disperses traffic across different nodes, providing inherent DDoS protection and load balancing without additional DNS settings or application-layer intervention.

2. Local ISP Security Providers: Unicast + Regional Traffic Scheduling

Primarily relies on traditional Unicast architecture, where each data center or server cluster has a unique IP address, and traffic is directed to specific servers or data centers based on the source region. This architecture usually employs regional traffic scheduling systems (such as GSLB, Global Server Load Balancing) to distribute load.

3. Traditional L7 Defense Providers: Unicast + GSLB (Global Server Load Balancing)

This architecture is similar to that of local ISP security providers, also based on Unicast and GSLB technologies. It distributes traffic through global server load balancing, dynamically adjusting traffic based on customer geographical location, server health status, etc. However, it does not possess the network-layer automated global traffic dispersion capability of Anycast, mainly providing local or data center-level deployment and requiring individual configuration for each data center or server.

4. Traditional Firewall/Threat Detection Providers: Unicast + Security Firewalls + DDoS

Mitigation This architecture focuses more on Unicast and security firewalls, integrating DDoS mitigation and threat detection technologies. Some use NGFW (Next-Generation Firewalls) and IPS (Intrusion Prevention Systems) to defend against network attacks and provide DDoS protection in specific scenarios. However, its traffic management architecture still relies on traditional Unicast and application-layer load balancing.

5. Major Public Clouds: Multi-Region Architecture + Built-in Traffic Scheduling

Public clouds often use a multi-region architecture, relying on Unicast and DNS routing along with built-in global traffic scheduling to distribute traffic. Based on the geographical location of traffic sources and the health of regional resources, these public cloud platforms use tools like Route 53 and Traffic Manager for global load balancing. These scheduling methods are application-layer-based rather than network-layer automatic distribution.

6. Traditional CDN Defense Providers: Unicast + DNS Routing (Primarily CDN)

More reliant on Unicast routing, where each server has a separate IP address, and traffic is directed to the most suitable server via DNS. The large CDN (Content Delivery Network) architecture distributes traffic but is based on DNS-level scheduling rather than Anycast's automatic traffic dispersion. Therefore, it uses a globally distributed node network based on DNS resolution for traffic load distribution, which is not the same as the Anycast method.

Architectural Differences

Anycast vs. Multi-Region Architecture + Built-in Traffic Scheduling

Anycast is a fully automated, network-layer technology that distributes traffic through a single IP address. It responds quickly, automatically handles traffic spikes and DDoS attacks, and requires no complex configuration.

Multi-Region Architecture + Built-in Traffic Scheduling is based on application-layer and DNS-layer technologies, allowing businesses to flexibly configure resources and traffic routing strategies across different regions. While it is suitable for complex business needs, its level of automation in dealing with large-scale attacks may not match that of Anycast.

Here are the detailed differences:

1. Traffic Distribution Method

  • Anycast: Based on network-layer routing technology, Anycast allows a single IP address to correspond to multiple servers or data centers in different geographical locations. When traffic reaches the network, routing protocols automatically direct it to the nearest server. Users worldwide can automatically connect to the closest data center, reducing latency and load pressure. Anycast is implemented through internet protocols like BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), so traffic distribution is dynamically managed by global routers.
  • Multi-Region Architecture + Built-in Traffic Scheduling: AWS, GCP, and Azure use a multi-region architecture, meaning they have multiple data centers (regions) distributed worldwide. Users can choose where to deploy resources. When users access applications, these platforms use configured traffic routing strategies to direct traffic to different regions. This is typically done through DNS routing or Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB), requiring domain name resolution to route user traffic to the nearest or optimal data center.

2. Level of Automation

  • Anycast: Fully automated. When attack or regular traffic enters the network, routers automatically select the optimal path based on distance and network conditions, requiring no user intervention. The process of traffic dispersion is seamless, with no need for additional DNS or application-layer configuration.
  • Multi-Region Architecture + Built-in Traffic Scheduling: Requires relatively more configuration. Public clouds manage traffic distribution based on user settings, often through DNS routing. For example, AWS's Route 53, Azure's Traffic Manager, or GCP's Global Load Balancer require users to pre-configure routing rules based on geographical location, health status, traffic distribution strategies, etc. This configuration needs to be set up in advance and may require adjustments based on different scenarios.

3. Routing Technology

  • Anycast: Utilizes BGP routing protocol for network-layer routing, a core technology of the internet. It ensures that when multiple locations use the same IP address, traffic is automatically routed to the server closest to the request source. Since this operation occurs at the network layer, the response speed is very fast, and traffic is automatically distributed without application-layer intervention.
  • Multi-Region Architecture + Built-in Traffic Scheduling: Primarily relies on DNS routing and application-layer load balancing. When a user makes a request, domain name resolution is required first. The DNS system allocates user traffic to specific data center regions based on pre-set routing rules. This DNS-based approach is slower compared to Anycast, as DNS resolution involves multiple steps, and scheduling decisions depend on application-layer rules rather than automatic network-layer distribution.

4. Ability to Handle DDoS Attacks

  • Anycast: Since Anycast disperses traffic at the network layer, during a DDoS attack, the attack traffic is automatically spread across multiple global data centers. This prevents any single server or region from becoming the attack's focal point, providing inherent DDoS protection. Attackers need to launch a broad global attack to put pressure on all data centers.
  • Multi-Region Architecture + Built-in Traffic Scheduling: Public cloud platforms also offer DDoS protection, but it is usually implemented at the application and DNS layers. During a DDoS attack, these platforms can use intelligent DNS scheduling and application-layer defenses (such as WAF and traffic throttling) to disperse the attack traffic. However, due to inherent DNS resolution times, the defensive response may be slightly slower compared to Anycast.

Differences Between Unicast and Anycast

Unicast is a traditional point-to-point communication method where data packets are sent to a single destination IP address, suitable for applications that require static configuration and centralized management.

Anycast involves assigning the same IP address to multiple geographically dispersed nodes. It uses dynamic routing and automatic traffic distribution to achieve low latency, high availability, and DDoS protection, making it ideal for global distribution and efficient traffic handling.

  1. Concept

  • Unicast:

Point-to-Point: Unicast is a point-to-point communication method where data packets are sent from a single source device to a single destination device. Each packet has a unique destination IP address, which means each packet is specifically addressed to a particular device.

Routing: As a packet traverses the network, it is routed based on the destination IP address, and only the router connected to that destination device processes the packet.

  • Anycast:

Any-to-Any: Anycast is a technique where the same IP address is assigned to multiple geographically dispersed servers or nodes. When a packet is sent to this IP address, network routers route the traffic to the nearest node to the source device.

Routing: Anycast uses BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) for automatic traffic routing, sending packets to the optimal server node based on network topology and routing tables.

2. Traffic Distribution

  • Unicast:

Single Point Transmission: Packets are sent from a source point to a destination point, meaning each packet must independently pass through every router in the network until it reaches the destination device.

Static Routing: Traffic distribution relies on statically configured routing policies and device load balancing, often requiring manual configuration and management.

  • Anycast:

Multiple Point Reception: Packets are sent to multiple server nodes with the same IP address. Network routers automatically select the nearest or most optimal node to handle the traffic.

Dynamic Routing: Anycast uses BGP for dynamic routing, automatically adjusting traffic routes based on network conditions and routing tables.

3. DDoS Protection

  • Unicast:

Centralized Processing: DDoS attacks typically target a single server or IP address. Since traffic is directed to a specific server, attack traffic can easily overwhelm that server.

Protection Challenges: In a Unicast system, protecting and mitigating DDoS attacks may require specialized equipment and techniques to handle concentrated attack traffic.

  • Anycast:

Distributed Processing: Anycast can disperse attack traffic across multiple geographically distributed nodes, so no single node bears excessive attack traffic. This distributed nature provides a natural advantage in mitigating large-scale DDoS attacks.

Inherent Protection: The distributed architecture of Anycast offers built-in DDoS protection, as attack traffic is spread across multiple nodes, reducing the burden on any single node.

4. Latency and Performance

  • Unicast:

Fixed Routing: Since traffic is sent to a specific server, latency depends on the length of the network route and the server's processing capabilities. This can result in higher latency, especially when servers are farther from users.

Performance Constraints: Network routing and load balancing rely on static configurations, which may lead to performance bottlenecks and latency issues.


Low Latency: Anycast allows traffic to be automatically routed to the nearest node, reducing latency and improving performance. For globally distributed users, Anycast can provide faster response times.

Efficient Performance: Traffic distribution and load balancing are dynamic, adjusting based on network conditions, which can enhance overall performance and availability.

5. Use Cases

  • Unicast:

Single Server: Suitable for scenarios where traffic is concentrated on a single server or data center, such as internal enterprise applications and specific web services.

Fixed Routing: Ideal for applications requiring static traffic management and customized configurations.

  • Anycast:

Global CDN and DNS: Suitable for applications requiring global content distribution and efficient traffic handling, such as CDN and DNS services.

Distributed Services: Ideal for applications needing low latency, high availability, and DDoS protection, such as large-scale web services and online applications.

Why Cloudflare’s Anycast Architecture Proved Advantageous During the Noname057 Attack

1. Global Traffic Distribution Reduces Load

In traditional architectures, a single region or specific data center often bears the brunt of malicious traffic, leading to service disruptions. Cloudflare’s Anycast network automatically distributes attack traffic across its 300+ global data centers. This means that even if Noname057 launches a large-scale DDoS attack, the traffic is quickly dispersed, preventing any single server or region from being overwhelmed and avoiding system overload or outages.

Compared to Others: Many traditional defense architectures using Unicast route traffic to specific data centers or servers, creating a bottleneck during large-scale attacks where the data center becomes the focal point of the attack.

2. Immediate Usability

Simple Interface and Tools: Cloudflare provides an intuitive and user-friendly management interface and tools, simplifying operations even in the face of complex attacks. Users can quickly set and adjust security policies, managing traffic and defenses more efficiently.

Compared to Others: Other solutions might require manual intervention or adjustments to defense strategies after detecting an attack, leading to longer response times. Cloudflare’s system is fully automated, allowing for immediate reactions and enhancing defense efficiency.

3. Avoid Configuration Delays

Seamless Integration: Cloudflare’s Anycast architecture integrates seamlessly with its built-in DDoS mitigation systems. When an attack is detected, automatic defense mechanisms are quickly activated. This adaptation to traffic changes during an attack significantly reduces the risk of deployment errors, which is crucial for enterprises at risk of attacks.

Compared to Others: Users may face more configuration options and complex management with other providers. While this offers more control, it lacks the quick deployment and straightforward defense needed by clients who need fast and simple solutions.

4. Comprehensive Threat Intelligence

Global Threat Intelligence: Cloudflare is not just based on Anycast architecture but also has a global threat intelligence system. This allows Cloudflare to utilize attack data from other regions when Noname057 attacks Taiwan, rapidly adapting to similar attack patterns and updating defense strategies to enhance overall response speed and accuracy.

Compared to Others: Other companies may not have as extensive a threat intelligence network as Cloudflare. They might struggle with comprehensive defense and real-time intelligence updates due to their focus on larger enterprises or application-layer security, which may result in slower global threat response and DDoS defense.

While some vendors claim to have powerful global threat intelligence systems, their designs are often more oriented towards large enterprises and application-layer security, which may result in slower response times for global threats and DDoS attacks. Cloudflare, with its focus on automated, network-layer, and application-layer defense, is better positioned in this regard.

許庭瑜,從事互聯網工作 7 年,其中包括開發者相關工作 5 年,2022 年底加入資安公司,面向大中華區資安長/技術長/開發人員等提供資安與網路效能初期需求。

Marsha Hsu, have been working in the internet industry for 7 years, with 5 years of experience specifically in developer-related roles.


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