ZEEKR:What’s the Secret to Overtaking in the Electric Vehicle Market?  极氪:纯电车市场弯道超车的秘籍是…?

ZEEKR:What’s the Secret to Overtaking in the Electric Vehicle Market? 极氪:纯电车市场弯道超车的秘籍是…?

01 The Rise of ZEEKR


From one car to 100,000 cars, it took Tesla seven years, NIO 1,046 days, and Xpeng 1,460 days. ZEEKR achieved the milestone of 100,000 vehicles in less than 600 days—this is the speed of ZEEKR.


“Many see the innovation, but few understand how it happens.”

While people marvel at ZEEKR's remarkable achievements, they may not realize that its swift rise was already set in motion when it was founded in 2021. This article unveils the lesser-known secrets behind its rapid ascent.




02 From Lynk & Co ZERO to ZEEKR 001


ZEEKR is a brand under the Geely Auto Group, which has been exploring the new energy vehicle (NEV) sector from 2015 to 2020. In September 2020, Geely launched its first luxury electric coupe concept, the Lynk & Co ZERO, marking its entry into the electric vehicle market.


2020年9月,吉利汽车集团发布了首款纯电豪华轿跑概念车领克 ZERO,宣布进军纯电车市场。

The Undefined Lynk & Co ZERO Concept Car 未被定义的领克ZERO 概念车

The Lynk & Co ZERO concept was the predecessor of today’s globally popular ZEEKR 001. Transforming the ZERO from a concept car to a production model required not only advanced manufacturing techniques but also a clear market positioning strategy.

At this critical juncture, CBi China Bridge collaborated with Lynk & Co to develop a new brand—ZEEKR. By 2020, the electric vehicle market was becoming saturated. The NEV sector did not need another Tesla or NIO; Lynk & Co needed to precisely target its market for the ZERO or risk fading into the background.


桥中在这个关键时机与领克开展合作,一个全新品牌 ZEEKR极氪开始孕育而生。 2020年的电动车圈内,市场已经趋于成熟。 新能源市场不需要第二个特斯拉,也不需要第二个蔚来。 领克需要为ZERO实现对目标市场的精准定位与突击,否则很难在市场中激起水花。 如何从用户体验角度出发,对于领克ZERO进行战略设计? 在桥中的服务设计共创方法论的引领之下,领克抓住了什么洞察,实现了品牌升级?

03 Starting and Ending with the User 始于用户,“衷”于用户

Where do electric vehicle users come from, and why do they choose these cars?

Who are they?

What are their attitudes towards cars and brands?

To identify the target audience for ZEEKR 001, understanding the existing market was essential. In our research, we conducted one-on-one interviews with owners of four major electric vehicle brands across various cities in China. We found that EV users share some common traits.

EV owners generally have strong self-awareness, distinct personalities, and a clear lifestyle that they are passionate about. They often have strong opinions and seek a high quality of life, balancing family commitments with their hobbies. They are tech-savvy and are early adopters of products like foldable smartphones and smart home systems.

电动车用户从哪儿来,为什么来? 他们是一群什么样的人? 他们对车和对品牌的态度如何? 想要找准极氪001的目标用户,首先需要了解现有市场。在研究中,我们针对4个主流电车品牌,与来自全国多个城市的电动车车主一对一交流,电动车的用户具有一定的共性。 电动车的用户普遍有自我意识有个性,有明确热爱与追求的生活方式,有强烈自我态度标签。 他们追求生活品质,在顾家的同时不忘追求自己的兴趣爱好,对科技的接受度高,不只是电动车,折叠屏手机,智能家居等新科技产品都会第一时间入手。

However, users of different brands also possess distinct characteristics. The main reason is that each brand conveys a different brand image through storytelling, attracting specific groups of users. EV owners tend to project a strong sense of identity onto the brands they purchase, as shown below:

而对于不同品牌的用户,各自又具备不同特征。 主要原因在于各个品牌在给用户传递不同的品牌印象,通过各种故事以吸引到这群用户。 电动车的用户普遍对自己购买的品牌有明显身份认同的投射,如下图:

Brand Perceptions Among EV Users 用户眼中的电车品牌形象

For example, Tesla takes on the role of a pioneer, telling a “superhero” story reminiscent of Iron Man, appealing to those in the automotive market who seek new experiences and innovations. In the eyes of its users, Tesla embodies the persona of a cold, elite IT professional.

NIO, on the other hand, tells a story centered around enjoyable experiences, attracting EV users who prioritize emotional value and connection. Users view NIO as a warm, reliable, and energetic friend.

Li Auto is perceived as an understanding middle-aged figure, while Xpeng is seen as a trustworthy and dependable companion.

Through comprehensive insights and analysis, ZEEKR 001 identified an unmet user need in the market.

例如, 特斯拉扮演的开创者的角色,讲述了一个“钢铁侠”的好莱坞超级英雄故事,转化了汽车用户中更追求新事物新体验的用户,在用户眼中特斯拉是一个高冷的精英IT技术男。蔚来讲述了一个体验愉悦的故事,吸引了电动车用户群体中,更重视情绪价值体验的用户,在用户眼中蔚来是一个温暖靠谱有朝气的朋友。 而理想是一个善解人意的中年人小鹏是一个老实可靠的伙伴。 通过充分的洞察和论证,极氪001找到了用户需求的空白点。

04 Building ZEEKR’s Unique Advantage Through Service and Experience


The "ownership experience" of existing EV brands has matured, sharing common traits such as transparency, intelligence, predictability, and convenience, aligning with the "smart technology" attribute of their products. Most major brands use a combination of offline stores and online apps to gather private traffic and engage users through a mix of online and offline operations. They offer direct communication channels, remote services, and mobile support to enhance maintenance and repair experiences, freeing up users' time.

目前电动车竞品的“拥车体验” 经过沉淀,具有一定的共通性。主流品牌基本均具备“透明、智能、预见、便捷”等共性,匹配产品的“智能科技”属性。 例如,目前电动车竞品普遍采用线下自营体验店+线上APP汇聚私域流量+线上线下用户运营的模式,为用户提供多渠道直接沟通接触的途径,与用户进行强互动,普遍采用远程服务、移动上门服务的形式为提升用户的车辆保养、维修体验,以解放用户的时间等;

However, each brand also has its service shortcomings, presenting opportunities for ZEEKR 001 to explore and improve. For instance, Tesla's service is somewhat lacking, offering an instructional interaction where the brand leads and the user follows, resulting in limited user engagement and an absence of a cohesive, scalable user community to support sustainable growth.

In contrast, NIO provides comprehensive services and interacts with users in a nurturing way, but its heavy reliance on user feedback poses risks if expectations are not met. As the number of vehicles increases, it requires a significant investment in manpower, resources, and finances to maintain high service levels.

Li Auto and Xpeng also face challenges in their service strategies, such as inadequate service layout and infrastructure investment, as shown below: 然而各个品牌也存在一些服务短板,这也是极氪001可以为之探索与挖掘的机会点。 例如,特斯拉服务缺失,主要以导师的形象与用户进行教导式互动,品牌是主导者,用户无强参与感,难以形成规模化、有凝聚力的用户社区,以作为品牌可持续发展的助力。 对比之下,蔚来服务全面多样,以一种创业者的形象与用户进行供养式互动,极度依赖用户口碑,存在过分承诺与期望落空的风险,随着车辆保有量上升,需要铺设更多的人力,物力财力去维持高水准的服务水平。 理想和小鹏在服务布局方面也有各自不足之处,如下图:

In general, the differentiation in service among EV brands mainly comes from the "quantity" of services provided. Therefore, CBi China Bridge and the Lynk & Co team agreed that ZEEKR 001 should maintain the intelligent core of electric vehicles while breaking away from the single-dimensional competition of service "quantity" by focusing on differentiated services. 电动车竞品的服务从总体上看,彼此间的差异主要源于服务“量”的单向维度。 因此,桥中和领克团队达成共识,极氪001将持守电动车的智能核心,以差异化服务,突破服务“量”上的单向竞争格局。

Differentiated Service as the Direction for ZEEKR 差异化服务是极氪的发展方向

How Should Differentiated Services Be Reflected? Leveraging the inherent strengths of Lynk & Co, which has always focused on youth and trends, this aligns with the characteristics of EV users who seek the latest trends and technology. "Trendiness" has become ZEEKR's main breakthrough in the electric vehicle market.

差异化的服务应该从何体现? 结合领克的先天优势,领克一直以年轻,潮流为主打,这与电动车用户追求潮流,科技的特征相呼应。 “潮”成为了极氪在电车市场的主要突破口。

Lynk & Co: Born for Trendiness 为潮流而生的领克

As a result, the experience positioning for ZEEKR 001 has gradually become clear:

ZEEKR 001 needs to take "smart technology" as its core, inheriting the "youthful, stylish, and sporty" DNA from Lynk & Co, while further embodying the ZEEKR philosophy of "equality, co-creation, diversity, and sustainability" to create a vibrant, trendy mobility brand for the future.

由此,极氪001的体验定位逐渐明晰: 极氪001需要以“智能科技”为内核,继承“年轻、时尚、运动”的领克基因,更为彰显“平等、共创、多元、可持续”的极氪理念,打造未来“缤纷”的出行潮牌。

ZEEKR 001: Crafting a Trendy and Tech-Infused Lifestyle Experience 营造潮流科技生活方式和体验的极氪001

05 Crafting a High-End Trendy Experience for ZEEKR


What kind of differentiated service system and business model should be designed around ZEEKR 001 to reinforce its high-end trendy image in users' minds? CBi China Bridge recommended creating a tech-trendy service experience covering the entire user journey—from awareness, interaction, purchase, use, to lifestyle—based on four differentiated service strategies to complete the business loop.

围绕着极氪001,我们应该打造什么样差异化的服务体系和商业模式才能强化极氪在用户心中高端潮流的印象呢? 桥中团队建议从用户旅程出发,从“认知,互动,购买,使用,生活”全流程打造科技潮流的服务体验,基于4大差异化的服务战略,实现商业闭环。

ZEEKR User Journey and Strategies 极氪用户旅程及战略

Setting the right strategy is important, but executing it effectively is crucial.

Through the stages of concept co-creation, iteration, and testing, all service highlights have been implemented and operationalized. 制定正确的战略固然重要,但更重要的是战略的执行。 在经历了概念共创,迭代,测试,各个服务亮点均已实现落地运营。

Action 1: Emphasize Experience Over Sales, Separate Sales and Experience, and Increase the Focus on Value-Added Services

举措1 重体验、轻销售,销售与体验分离,加大对车的附加服务比重

Pre-Sales Experience: ZEEKR users seek novelty and excitement. Therefore, ZEEKR combines strong online marketing with immersive offline content by collaborating with third-party platforms and its own experience centers to attract users. ZEEKR engages with crossover brands through e-commerce platforms, themed offline experiences, and events to create differentiation, catch attention, and drive targeted marketing. 售前体验: 极氪用户追求新潮,求新求趣。因此极氪在自营模式的基础上,采用重线上传播+线下内容搭建,通过第三方平台合作及自营体验店引流。 极氪通过与跨界品牌合作的电商平台、线下主题式体验空间、主题活动等形式,达到差异化夺人眼球,同时做到精准引流的目的。

ZEEKR Centers Across the Nation 遍布全国的极氪中心

In sales scenarios, ZEEKR has established specific service protocols for test drives and consultations to ensure a seamless user experience. Some owners have shared that sales staff, who are also ZEEKR 001 users, share their personal experiences, making the engagement more convincing.

Community Engagement: ZEEKR has organized a series of community events to build connections between ZEEKR 001 owners, enhancing their lifestyle experiences and brand affinity. Activities include technology-focused Z-talks and outdoor water gun battles. 在销售场景下,对于试驾和商谈等环节,极氪也制定了一系列的服务规范,保证用户体验。有车主在分享经历时表示,部分门店的销售甚至自身也是极氪001的用户,以真实车主身份分享用车感受,非常具有说服力。 社区活动: 极氪策划了一系列的社区活动帮车友们贴近与极氪001的关系,更享受生活,从而达到品牌认同感,活动形式包括专注于汽车科技的Z-talk,户外放肆嗨的露营水枪大战等等。

Water Gun Battle Event 水枪大战活动

Action 2: Establish a Proprietary Charging Network for Comprehensive and Flexible Charging Experiences

举措2 建立自有补能体系,提供全面灵活的补电体验

ZEEKR Power Charging Services: Charging is a frequently used service for users. ZEEKR has strategically built ZEEKR Power, a closed-loop charging system that includes superchargers, a battery swap network, and integrated home charging solutions, as well as on-site charging services.

Mobile charging and shared regional charging stations provide differentiated services, addressing charging needs in special circumstances.

ZEEKR Power补能服务:


极氪战略性地打造了ZEEKR Power构建闭环补能体系。这是一个以超充为主,部署换电网络,集成了智能家充,充电网络,送电上门的服务。


ZEEKR emphasizes co-creation with users, listening to their feedback. To protect user rights, ZEEKR regularly gathers feedback and has quickly responded by updating the battery warranty terms in the ZEEKR User Manual to reflect user concerns.


Action 3: Comprehensive and Personalized Ownership Experience

举措3 多方面的配套服务,又个性、又安心的拥车体验

Premium Service Packages: ZEEKR 001 offers various service packages beyond basic insurance, including regular maintenance, vehicle protection, repair and maintenance pick-up, tire support, convenient driving services, and exclusive vehicle experiences. The tire support service is especially popular among users who frequently drive on rough terrain, offering peace of mind.

尊享服务包: 极氪001为车主提供了不同档位的服务包,除了基础的保险外,还包含了常规保养,拥车保障,维修/保养取送车,轮胎出行保障,便捷代驾,新车惊喜&尊崇用车几个大分类。 其中轮胎出行保障服务深受用户欢迎,对于喜欢户外自驾的车主,经常遇到路况较差造成车胎磨损的情况,有了尊享服务包,出行完全没有顾虑。

Personalized Customization: Users have said, "No one can resist the visual impact and sense of security that a set of great wheels brings." ZEEKR 001 offers a variety of exterior and interior customization options, especially a wide range of wheel choices that cater to users' desire for a unique sporty look.

个性化改装: 用户说:"谁也无法拒绝一双'大鞋'带来的视觉冲击力以及安全感。" 极氪001在外观上直击潮流爱好者的同时,还提供了多种外饰和内饰的配置选择,尤其是车轮的多种选择满足用户对猎装轿跑个性化的需求。

DIY Configuration Interface DIY配置界面

Due to ZEEKR's strong emphasis on customization, many ZEEKR owners share their personalized modifications online right after taking delivery, creating a buzz and generating word-of-mouth marketing that further promotes the brand.


Action 4: A Sustainable Ownership Model with Upgrades, Subscriptions, and Recycling

举措4 可升级、可订阅、可回收的可持续拥车方式

Subscription Services: For users who enjoy new experiences and have diverse travel needs, ZEEKR has boldly introduced a subscription model. This redefines mobility solutions in the new energy era and expands ZEEKR's ecosystem of services. Unlike traditional car rental, ZEEKR's subscription offers personalized options, allowing users to choose models, appearances, and additional services based on their needs, providing flexibility across various travel scenarios.

This model allows potential buyers to experience the vehicle beforehand and caters to various travel demands, gaining recognition from owners of premium brands like BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Audi (BBA).

订阅服务: 对于乐于尝新和有丰富出行需求的用户,极氪大胆尝试,推出订阅服务。它重新定义新能源时代的出行解决方案,并将进一步丰富极氪的生态服务体系。 和传统的租车模式不同的是,极氪订阅更具个性化,用户可根据个人喜好选择车型、外观等。另外,用户还可根据实际出行需求选择相对应的出行配套,真正做到能够适配出游的N种场景,畅享出行自由。 这一模式,既可以让有购买意愿的车主提前体验,也可以满足用户多场景的出行需求,受到了众多BBA车主的认可。

Trade-In Services: To address users' concerns during vehicle trade-ins, ZEEKR provides a one-stop professional service that supports trade-ins for any brand, ensuring smooth transitions between old and new vehicles. Unlike mainstream used car processes, ZEEKR's trade-in procedure is transparent, fully online, and negotiation-free, offering convenience and peace of mind.

置换服务: 为满足用户在置换汽车时的痛点,极氪为用户提供的一站式专业服务,支持全品牌旧车置换,帮助用户做好新旧车辆的交接。与市场主流旧车处置方式相比,极氪置换流程无任何谈判环节,全流程线上可视化,置换价格公开透明,省心便捷。

06 Play Together, Innovate Together, Grow Together

一起玩? 一起创新? 一起成长

ZEEKR has redefined the relationship between the brand and its users, transforming them from "users" to "partners."

With "intelligence" at its core and "trendiness" and "equality" as its expressions, ZEEKR connects with crossover trend industries and brands externally, while internally, it fosters a co-creative and symbiotic business model with like-minded users. This allows users and ZEEKR to "play together, innovate together, and grow together."



Technology is the foundation, products are the gateway, but service and experience are the emotional connection that binds users. By applying service design methods, ZEEKR has transformed insights into strategies, accurately targeting its user base and designing differentiated user journeys, service concepts, experience strategies, and business models. This is the secret behind ZEEKR's "speed," accelerating from 0 to 100,000 vehicles.

技术是基石,产品是敲门砖,而服务和体验则是维系用户情感的纽带。 通过服务设计的方法,极氪将洞察转化为策略,找准了自己的用户定位,设计了差异化的用户体验旅程、服务概念、体验策略及商业策略。正是用“极氪速度”从0到10万辆的弯道超车的秘密。

Creating a strategy with differentiated services and experiences is a trend.

For this trend, companies have three attitudes:




Make it happen,

Watch it happen,

Wonder it happen.

Which one do you choose?

What can other companies learn from ZEEKR's case of making it happen, achieving rapid growth and overtaking in the EV market?



Make it happen的案例中,


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