Visa and Necessary Preparations for Working in Japan. 日本で働くためのビザや必要な準備について
JLPT N1/N2レベルの日本語学習者のためのサービスを運営しています。 I operate a service for learners of Japanese at the JLPT N1/N2 level.
"English translation below"
こんにちは!株式会社Helteの大野 Shingo Ono です。 私たちは、日本語学習者の皆さんが日本人と自然な会話を楽しめるよう、「Sailアプリ」や「世話カツ」といったサービスを提供しています。
1. 日本で働くために必要なビザ
1.1 技術?人文知識?国際業務ビザ
1.2 特定技能ビザ
1.3 技能実習ビザ
1.4 経営?管理ビザ
1.5 高度専門職ビザ
1.6 永住ビザ
2. 技術?人文知識?国際業務ビザを持つ外国人に多い業種
2.1 IT業
2.2 製造業
2.3 宿泊業
2.4 飲食業
2.5 教育
3. 仕事探しの方法
4. 日本での生活と適応ポイント
4.1 住居探しのポイント
4.2 日本語の学習方法
4.3 日本の文化とマナー
5. まとめ
私たちにサポートできることがあれば、ぜひお気軽に私( Shingo Ono )にDMをくださいね!
?? 日本語をもっと練習したい? Sailアプリなら、日本人とリアルな会話ができる!
?? 世話カツで仕事を探す
【English Version】
Guide to Visas and Necessary Preparations for Working in Japan
Hello! I'm Shingo Ono from Helte Inc. We provide services such as the Sail App and sewa-katsu to help Japanese language learners enjoy natural conversations with native speakers.
In recent years, Japan has been expanding its acceptance of foreign workers, and many people are aiming to work here. This guide provides a clear overview of the visa requirements, popular industries, job-hunting methods, and key points for living in Japan for those who wish to work in the country.
1. Visas Required to Work in Japan
To work in Japan, you need to obtain an appropriate work visa based on the type of activity you plan to engage in. Below are the main types of work visas and their features:
1.1 Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services Visa
1.2 Specified Skilled Worker Visa
1.3 Technical Intern Training Visa
1.4 Business Manager Visa
1.5 Highly Skilled Professional Visa
1.6 Permanent Resident Visa
2. Common Industries for Foreigners with Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services Visa
Below are some of the most common industries employing foreigners under this visa category:
2.1 IT Industry
2.2 Manufacturing Industry
2.3 Hospitality Industry
2.4 Food Service Industry
2.5 Education Industry
3. How to Find a Job in Japan
There are several ways to search for jobs in Japan:
4. Key Points for Living and Adapting to Life in Japan
4.1 Finding Housing
4.2 Learning Japanese
4.3 Understanding Japanese Culture and Etiquette
5. Summary
To work in Japan, it is essential to:
? Obtain the appropriate visa.
? Find the right industry that matches your skills and aspirations.
? Adapt to Japanese work culture and daily life.
Continuous learning and utilizing available support services will help you succeed in building a career in Japan.
Introduction to Our Services: Sail App & sewa-katsu
At Helte Inc., we support Japanese language improvement as well as job-hunting and settling into life in Japan!
If there's anything we can help with, feel free to send me (Shingo Ono) a DM!
?? Want to practice Japanese with native speakers?
With the Sail App, you can chat with real Japanese people anytime!
Looking for job opportunities in Japan? sewa-Katsu can help!
See you in the next article! ??