New Year Greetings/新春のご挨拶

New Year Greetings/新春のご挨拶

Happy new year !

After a long time, I bought a new song called "Now And Then".

In college, a professor of philosophy said,

"When I first listened to the song 'I Want To Hold Your Hand', I felt "What is this !?"."

I first heard it when I was in junior high school.

Now, even if I think back then, It wasn't that surprising music.

Stairway to Heaven



I remember that this song's dignity was overwhelming. but,

Bruce Springsteen

Roger Waters

Jimmy Page,

they say that there are clear differences before and after THE BEATLES.

Apparently, including those around me,

If I summarize the story comprehensively of those who lived in the era at that time, In the music world, movement, world economy, and ideology, THE BEATLES was seems to be the source of a big change.

Also it's worth noting that after listening to THE BEATLES' song, many people (especially young people) at the time felt that “I'm able (or allowed) to speak as I am, to act as I am, and to start myself !” ?

Adopting own experiences and ideas into the lyrics

? The new style of music band that they handle themselves about Lyrics, Music, and Performance

? A novel and technical chorus configuration that it will not be clear who is the main vocal, because high-tone voice and bass voice are mixed (sometimes replaced)

※ For example, especially we can find in the hook part of Off COURSE's song "Into ?Love (Ai no nakae)", 'Let me hear your voice' (Of course, they are also artists who were influenced by THE BEATLES.), or the hook 'I wanna hold (John main till this) and (Paul main from this) your ha a a a and' of the song "I Want To Hold Your Hand", or there are plenty parts in "She Loves you", too.

? Men(Male)'s Long hair

? A bold statement at the time "We didn't discriminate?anybody from the beginning", that was not a side (an eria) theory of "opposition to racism".

※ There was a time THE BEATLES was one of the main exports in the UK.

? The tyranny leaders were afraid of acceptance of THE BEATLES and their social phenomena, because their influence that the people can feel the light of hope in the near future could collapse the system governed by propaganda, and the size of the sensational being was something they couldn't ignore.

and so on

I combined what I saw and heard, these are anecdotes that THE BEATLES left behind.

For a long time two BEATLE only, but they took a step at the end of 2023.

And now, here they are, THE BEATLES (I remember this announcement by MC from 'Live At The Hollywood Bowl' record that I was stolen in high school.) also 2024.

※ In Japan, this year called 'The year of the Dragon'.

I pray that THE BEATLES and everyone of the world will ride on the back of the dragon and continue to keep rising.

※ I will cling to the scales of the dragon and do my best by the remoras business method.

2024 New Year's Day

Toshiyuki Murakami (Artist Name: "Tommy" Murakami)



久々の新曲、 Now And Then 購入しました。

大学時代、哲学の教授が 「『I Wanna Hold Your Hand』を初めて聴いた時 『何じゃこれは!』と思った。」 と言っていました。


今思い返しても そんなに驚くような音楽ではありませんでした。

Stairway to Heaven



の方が圧倒的な楽曲威厳が高かったと記憶しています。 ただ、





どうやら私の周辺を含め 当時の時代を生きた方々の話を総合すると、







?Lyrics, Music, Performannce と三位一体のバンドの在り方、

?殊にオフコースの「愛の中へ」のサビ 「聞かせて貴方の声を」のパート

 にみられるような 高温低音が入り混じって(時に入れ替わって)



?「人種差別反対」という側的発想ではなく、 はなから人種を差別などしていないと口にする当時としては大胆さ、










二人になって久しいビートルズメンバーが 2023 年暮れに仕掛けてきました。

晴れて 2024 年。



※ 私はウロコにしがみついてコバンザメ商法で頑張ります。

2024年 元旦

村 上 利 幸(Artist Name : "TOMMY" MURAKAMI)


Toshiyuki Murakami的更多文章

