攜手前進,共享成功 - WEBA Holdings 與 Kramer Electronics 達成代理戰略合作協議 - Distributorship 2023
攜手前進,共享成功 - WEBA Holdings 與 Kramer Electronics 達成代理戰略合作協議 - Distributorship 2023
Work Together, Win Together - WEBA Holdings signed distributor agreement with Kramer Electronics in Hong Kong - Distributorship 2023
2023 年 7月,WEBA 維柏 - 九龍灣體驗中心正式宣布與國際影音知名品牌 Kramer Electronics 達成代理戰略合作協議 ,雙方將在影音工程領域深化緊密合作。此次合作將為雙方帶來更多的市場發展機遇與優勢。
In July 2023, WEBA Holdings officially announced signing a distributor agreement with Kramer Electronics, which would deepen the integration with the professional audio video industry to the market. With the new path of collaboration, sustainable development would grasp the opportunities arising from the rapid growth and consistent market liberalization in the APAC Market.
Kramer Electronics 為一家影音業內知名的國際品牌,成立於1981年,總部位於以色列貝爾谷。Kramer Electronics 是全球領先的AV解決方案提供商之一,專注於設計、開發和製造高品質的專業影音產品和解決方案。Kramer Electronics的產品線包括數字矩陣切換器、視頻擴展器、視頻轉換器、視頻分配器、數字標牌和控制系統等。憑藉其卓越的產品質量和優秀的品牌形象,深受業界消費者的喜愛。
Headquartered in the heart of the Startup Nation – Tel Aviv, Israel – and with locations around the world, Kramer’s audio-visual experts are designing the future of engagement technology. Physical and digital boundaries have blurred. Still, no matter how hybrid our world is, our desire for real, human connection will never cease. Kramer’s intuitive, seamless technology erases boundaries and transforms the way people engage.?(Kramerav.com)
WEBA Holdings作為一家具有創新精神和實力的企業,在市場上贏得了良好的口碑。此次合作將充分發揮雙方的優勢,共同打造更高品質服務與專案,為業界與用家帶來更好的體驗。
As an innovative and powerful Technology Service Company, WEBA Holdings has the vision and mission to empower partners with professional and up-to-date design for unique clients. "If you want to go far, go together."
Kramer Electronics 與 WEBA Holdings 為市場提供最新的影音產品和技術支持和服務。同時,WEBA Holdings 也將善用其創新精神和優質服務體驗,為Kramer Electronics 用家提供更加全面的整合方案,實現雙方的共贏發展,為用家帶來更多驚喜與機遇。
Not only products and services, WEBA Holdings is also in the running for spec in consultation. For users, a good solution means to bring the best investment in technology that fulfilled the AVIT needs. To win together with partners, all-in-one solutions would be the key to success.?
WEBA Holdings 的負責人表示:「此次代理戰略合作上,Kramer Electronics 肯定我們的專業能力與價值,我們非常期待能夠與 Kramer Electronics 進一步深化合作,為業界消費者帶來更加優質的產品和服務。」
WEBA Holdings stated that with recognition of WEBA's professional values, we are excited to deepen the collaboration with Kramer Electronics to provide better products and services to the market.
Kramer Electronics 的負責人提及:「我們非常榮幸能夠和WEBA Holdings 達成合作協議,我們相信這次合作將為雙方帶來更多的機遇和成就。」
Kramer Electronics Asia Pacific also mentioned that the successively signed co-operation agreement with WEBA Holdings, would strength ties and co-operation with market.
WEBA Holdings is keen to create more opportunities for partners and users together with Kramer Electronics in the coming period. Let's follow us and stay tune.
Work Together, Win Together
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