打造事業必做的 10 件事 (10 Things You Must Do to Build a Business)

打造事業必做的 10 件事 (10 Things You Must Do to Build a Business)

(ENG below) 萬事起頭難,要重零打造一個事業更是難上加難!




舉例來說,許多中小企業不停地追求「粉絲數、按讚數成長」,但他們不知道的是,只有小於 20%的粉絲會從社群媒體上轉換成購買商品


然而市面上 80% 的行銷心力卻都是投入在社群媒體上,很大部份都是浪費掉的


因此,我們標出 10 樣中小企業必做的事(如下圖),再從中更聚焦,就能以最少的資源,產生最大的業績效能。

Graph of 10 Things SMB Must Do to Build a Business

  1. 產品(或服務):不管是販售產品或服務,都要力求讓顧客感到有價值。
  2. 定位:透過多個面向的定位,找到「針對特定族群而言的產品差異點」,就能聚焦目標受眾,只針對他們做後續的銷售及溝通。
  3. 策略:依據定位,訂定出行銷以及銷售的策略,例如低價搶客。
  4. 溝通訊息:根據策略,擬定明確的溝通訊息,「以顧客為中心」去溝通,套用在行銷相關的素材上。
  5. 活動:計畫活動來促動顧客行動,搭配第四點的訊息宣傳,例如母親節檔期活動。
  6. 官網:所有相關產品與活動訊息的集中地,是品牌的門面,要以寫情書的方式吸引消費者興趣,也是主要網路銷售發生的地方。(以電商而言)
  7. 宣傳:透過媒體、KOL 宣傳產品與活動,例如 Facebook、YouTube,但通常建議專注在1-3個平台即可。
  8. 銷售簡報(或說詞):銷售及業務人員介紹產品的溝通內容,需要依據上述 2、3、4 點去撰寫,才能維持一致的訊息。
  9. 實體店面:陳列商品以及顧客可以實際體驗產品的地方,整體的裝潢、風格與店員服務也需要符合定位的要求。(若無實體店面,則沒有這項)
  10. 品牌:統合上述所有做的事,整體散發出來給顧客的氛圍、感受就會形成品牌的樣貌,但無法單一活動或短期的方式形塑而成。

如圖所示,宣傳只佔了裡頭十分之一,其他 90% 反而是業績能不能夠顯著提升的主要因素。




Starting anything is difficult, and it's even harder to start a business from scratch!

When clients come for consultation, it's common to find that they want to do everything but have not done anything well. Worse still, they haven't thought through the strategic direction of their business as a whole.

Thinking in terms of "subtraction" can better create a profitable business.

For small and medium-sized businesses, manpower and funds are not as abundant as in large companies.

For example, many small and medium-sized businesses are constantly pursuing "fan growth and like growth", but what they don't know is that less than 20% of fans will convert from social media to purchasing goods.

That being say, most people are accustomed to getting information and interacting with the brand on social media, but very few people convert to sales directly through social media.

However, 80% of marketing efforts are invested in social media, and a large part of it is wasted.

We often joke: Most brands, "More than half of the marketing budget is wasted, but they don't know which half", that's what it means.

Therefore, we have marked out 10 things that small and medium-sized enterprises must do (as shown in the graph below), and then focus more on them, so that they can produce the greatest performance with the least resources.

Graph of 10 Things SMB Must Do to Build a Business

  1. Product (or service): Whether selling products or services, strive to make customers feel valuable.
  2. Positioning: Through multiple positioning, find the "product difference for a specific group", you can focus on the target audience, and only do subsequent sales and communication for them.
  3. Strategy: Based on positioning, establish marketing and sales strategies, such as low-price rush.
  4. Message: According to the strategy, formulate clear communication messages, "communicate with the customer as the center", and apply it to related marketing materials.
  5. Campaign: Plan activities to stimulate customer actions, coupled with the message promotion of the fourth point, such as Mother's Day period activities.
  6. Official website: The gathering place for all relevant product and event messages, is the facade of the brand, should attract consumers' interest in the way of writing love letters, and is also the main place for online sales. (In terms of e-commerce)
  7. Promotion: Promote products and activities through media, KOL, such as Facebook, YouTube, but usually advise to focus on 1-3 platforms.
  8. Sales pitch (or script): The communication content of sales to introduce products needs to be written based on the above points 2, 3, and 4 to maintain consistent messages.
  9. Physical store: A place where goods are displayed and customers can actually experience the product, the overall decoration, style, and service of the clerk also need to meet the requirements of positioning. (If there is no physical store, this item does not exist)
  10. Brand: Integrate all the things done above, the overall atmosphere and feelings given to customers will form the appearance of the brand, but it cannot be shaped by a single activity or short-term way.

As shown in the graph, promotion only accounts for one-tenth of it, and the other 90% is the main factor whether performance can be significantly improved.

Not spending your efforts in the right place is the main reason why your business cannot grow.

「Marketing is trade off !」

"knowing what not to do" is the beginning of making money.

Absolutely agree! Knowing where to focus your resources is key to success. Wei-Lin Chen

Varun Puri

CEO @ Rise Media | Marketing Manager @ZOTAC | AI, Digital & Social Media Marketing | NIT

1 年

Can’t agree more! Knowing where to focus is key to success. ??

Can't wait to check out the full article! Wei-Lin Chen


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