“如果没有一个好的环境,再美丽的房子又有什么用呢?” —梭罗《Familiar Letters》
80年代末,我刚到美国,这里的一切对我来说都是那么的不同,尤其是细微的生活小事。 其中改变了我日常生活习惯的莫过于垃圾回收处理。我们家平时用的垃圾回收箱有3个:一个放日常垃圾,一个放纸张,一个放瓶子、铁罐和塑料制品。另外院子里面有一个雨水桶和一个降解蔬菜叶子、果皮、剪草坪下来的草与落叶等有机废物的堆肥箱。堆肥箱一年一般清空二次,春秋各一次,是我们的菜园有机肥料来源之一。 雨水桶则给我们平时给院子里面的花浇水和洗庭院劳动工具等提供方便的来源。即环保又便利,利己利人。记得那一年,镇上第一次卖雨水桶,我父亲是第一个去购买的。镇上的小报给父亲拍了相片,发了新闻稿。这次回家想找出那篇报道,没有找到,有点遗憾。
停泊在回收站上的回收箱子连接到一个压力装置上,可以将回收物品压缩起来,保证最高效的运输 。
Our Children’s House
What is the use of a house if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on? — Henry David Thoreau, Familiar Letters (1865)
When I first came to the United States in the 80s, many aspects of daily life were different, strange, and often eye-opening for me. One of the differences I was most struck by was the emphasis on recycling in trash disposal. Instead of looking at their weekly garbage as one indistinguishable pile, households sorted their waste into separate bins for recyclable materials such as plastic, glass, or paper. The little town we lived in also sold compost bins for breaking down organic waste.
It was an adjustment to look at my weekly trash with such a critical eye, a shift in mindset. And in sorting out the trash on a daily basis, I inevitably became aware of what kinds of waste I was producing—how much plastic, glass, paper, etc. Packaging that I had never given a second thought to seemed, well, wasteful when you considered that plastics could take 400 years or more to decompose on its own. It was jarring to think that what I bought and discarded today would be part of what I left behind, my legacy, for my children, and their children’s children.
Environmentalism isn't a new philosophy in America. A long history of eco-consciousness can be traced back to the late 19th century with Henry David Thoreau’s Walden to the hippie movement and the establishment of Earth Day in the 1960s and 70s. The American youth of today seem more eco-conscious than ever, with an awareness of sustainable farming and production, as well as organic foods.
At EventDove, We’ve incorporated an eco-conscious mindset into our products and services. All our badges are printed on paper, without the need for any plastic holders. Taking into consideration the number of attendees at every event, this seemingly small change makes a large impact. We have also focused on distributing promotional information through electronic means. This way, we can update any necessary information without any delay, and also without any waste in terms of throwing away outdated paper brochures, flyers, posters, etc. More changes and choices will be implemented in the future, and for the future.
And hopefully, these changes will affect the event organizers and attendees who work with us. Some may not give any thought to why we use paper badges, but others may. And those who do might begin to think about paper and plastic, and other ways to reduce waste. And truly, it’s the thought, the mindset, that creates change.
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9 年Thank you for your sharing.