成功與人生:十個章節的深度對話 (Success and Life: A Ten-Chapter In-Depth Exploration)
故事舉例假說: 阿明在大學畢業後一心只想賺大錢,認為那才是「成功」。他拚命接案、投資,財富雖增加,卻慢慢感到空虛。直到某天他陪母親散步時,聽到母親說:「你快樂嗎?」他才驚覺自己雖物質有餘,但心裡毫無成就感。於是阿明開始思索「我究竟想要的人生是什麼」,並加入公益組織,找到助人時的成就與平靜,才領悟成功不僅是金錢,更是人生價值的實現。
故事舉例假說: 小華在事業上表現出色,卻忽略家庭,妻子和孩子在家總是等待,導致家庭關係日漸疏離。某天他在公司飲水機前聽到同事分享:「我把家庭看成成功的重要部分,因為家人的支持才能走得長遠。」小華突然醒悟,如果只有工作成就,卻無法與家人分享,那成功意義何在?於是他開始協調時間,照顧孩子、陪伴家人,發現這種「多面向成功」才讓他更幸福。
故事舉例假說: 小玲想成為著名音樂家,但她也渴望家庭幸福和充實的社交圈。剛開始她一頭栽入音樂練習,卻發現自己無暇陪父母,也疏遠好友。後來在老師指導下,她將「鋼琴演奏大師」的夢想分解:每週固定練琴時間、排定家人聚會、留出社交時段……透過有條理地分配生活,既未放棄音樂理想,也維持了與家人的關係與自身健康。
故事舉例假說: 小安從小就渴望成為畫家,但家境困窘、父親反對,更遭逢健康打擊。她一度想放棄,認為老天對她不公平。後來她從名人傳記中發現,許多成功者正是面對失敗、病痛或反對聲音,仍堅持創作或研究,才能突破自我。於是她轉而以樂觀態度調適身體條件,在家中一面療養,一面作畫,最終出版畫冊,口碑不斷擴散。
故事舉例假說: 小強在企業上班多年,業績中上,但總覺得缺乏動力。一次他在閱讀心理書籍時驚覺自己對「戶外探險」充滿熱忱;便決定每週末參加自然探險社團。此舉激發他對人生新思維,也意外拓展了人際圈。他在公司也更有活力,更樂意接手富挑戰性的業務,最後創下個人最佳銷售紀錄,成為部門明星。
故事舉例假說: 阿宏因個性孤僻而缺乏合作意識,業績雖不錯但人際關係糟糕。某次公司大型企劃需要跨部門協作,他初期排斥,但經過談心後發現同事們其實各自具備專長,若能合作反而可事半功倍。最終企劃獲得大成功,阿宏也經由團隊工作感受到成就與歸屬,體認到「成功並非單打獨鬥」。
故事舉例假說: 小英曾想創業卻慘敗,負債離場。她陷入自我懷疑,認為「我不適合成功」。然而在休息期間,她反思了過去經營管理上的疏失、顧客需求了解不足等。重新歸納經驗後,她帶著新觀點重新出發,並與一位懂市場的好友合作,最終在新事業上穩紮穩打。她感嘆若沒經歷那次失敗,自己不會懂得那些寶貴教訓。
故事舉例假說: 小芬在業務職務中一路衝刺,升遷快速。但她卻長期焦慮、失眠,甚至感到無趣與倦怠。後來她開始定期健身與靜坐,每天寫下三件感謝之事,發現情緒變平穩,也更能冷靜應對市場變化。她了解到成功不能只靠狂熱衝刺,也需要對壓力做平衡調適,這樣在關鍵時刻反而能更專注與從容。
故事舉例假說: 阿安在職場崛起後,因自傲而停滯學習。然而市場瞬息萬變,他的舊方法逐漸失效。看著一同進公司的同事不斷進修,掌握新技術,他被趕超感到挫敗。於是他學會謙遜、重新投入學習,跟上數位化浪潮並改善思維模式,最終再次逆轉局面,領導新專案成功落地。
故事舉例假說: 小安在創業成功後不忘初心,他成立一個社會企業計劃,幫助年輕人獲得指導資源、增加就業機會。他說:「我曾幸運得到別人的幫助,也希望把成功帶來的影響力擴大到更多人身上。」這不僅提升了員工對公司的向心力,也帶給小安更深刻的人生成就感。
透過這十個章節,我們得以從「人生」的視角審視「成功」:它不再只是單一的財富或名聲,而是一個融合個人成就、健康人際關係、內在滿足以及社會責任的多面體。 想要取得真正的成功,不只是某一時刻的光鮮亮麗,更是人生中持續追尋理想、面對逆境時的堅韌與創新,以及與他人相互扶持、回饋社會的長遠規劃。當我們懂得關注自己的內心與價值、面對失敗時勇於學習、在成功後願意分享與回饋,才能在屬於自己的人生舞台上,演出更深刻而動人的成功篇章。
-李士展 (Shi-Zhan Li)
英文版(English version)
“Success” is often equated with career achievements or wealth, but in reality, it also involves multiple facets of life: self-worth, the quest for meaning, relationships, and community impact. If success is pursued without considering life’s broader issues, it may become a narrow pursuit of “money or status,” overlooking inner fulfillment, health, and happiness. Below are ten chapters, each featuring a hypothetical story example to illustrate how “success” can be redefined through the lens of life, along with (3 Key Points) at the end of each section for clarity.
The First Message of 2025: A Guide to Success! And What Exactly is Success?
1: Beginning with Life—Why Does Success Need a Life Perspective?
Hypothetical Story Example: A-Ming believed success meant making lots of money and climbing the social ladder. After years in a big corporation, he felt hollow. One day, his mother asked, “Are you truly happy?” Realizing that, despite material comfort, he lacked fulfillment. He re-examined his life and found he yearned to do something meaningful—he resigned and joined a nonprofit to tackle education inequality. Although his salary dropped, he felt genuine satisfaction for the first time.
(3 Key Points):
2: Success’s Diverse Meanings—Career, Family, Health, and Self-Fulfillment
Hypothetical Story Example: Xiao-Hua excelled at work but neglected his family, leaving his wife and child waiting at home, gradually undermining their bond. One day, he overheard a coworker say, “Family is central to my success because their support helps me go far.” He realized that if only one area (career) thrives but can’t be shared with family, then success loses its essence. He began redistributing his schedule to include family time, discovering that this “multidimensional success” made him far happier.
(3 Key Points):
3: Setting “Life Goals”—How to Maintain a Grand Vision Across Life Domains
Hypothetical Story Example: Xiao-Ling dreams of becoming a renowned musician while desiring a happy family and an active social circle. She initially devoted all her time to music practice, neglecting her parents and friends. Under her teacher’s guidance, she broke down her grand music ambitions into smaller targets—fixed daily practice, scheduled family gatherings, and social time. By allocating time carefully, she didn’t have to sacrifice music, family, or well-being.
(3 Key Points):
4: Overcoming Life’s Challenges—Success Requires Dancing with Adversity
Hypothetical Story Example: Xiao-An always wanted to become a painter, but her poor family finances and parental disapproval, combined with a health problem, nearly shattered her dream. Feeling life was unfair, she read biographies of famous figures who faced failures, illnesses, or social rejection yet pushed through. Inspired, she adopted a hopeful mindset, painting during her recovery. Eventually, she published her art in a collection that gradually gained praise. She realized adversity helped her identify her weaknesses and strengthen her perseverance.
(3 Key Points):
5: Passion and Success—Finding the “Fuel” that Drives You
Hypothetical Story Example: Xiao-Qiang had been working in an office for years, producing average results but feeling unmotivated. After discovering a passion for “outdoor adventures,” he decided to join a weekend nature exploration club. This sparked new insights and expanded his social circle, reinvigorating his day job. He embraced demanding tasks with renewed vigor, eventually earning top achievements in his division.
(3 Key Points):
6: Relationships and Success—Working Together for Mutual Victory
Hypothetical Story Example: A-Hong’s introverted nature caused him to avoid teamwork, though his performance was decent. During a big cross-department project, he realized he couldn’t handle every detail alone. He hesitantly teamed up with colleagues—one organized schedules, another executed technical tasks, another oversaw marketing. As their synergy grew, they finished well ahead of schedule, receiving high praise. A-Hong realized collaboration multiplies success and fosters a sense of belonging.
(3 Key Points):
7: Learning from Failure—Converting Mistakes into Opportunities for Growth
Hypothetical Story Example: Xiao-Ying tried launching a business but failed, leaving her in debt and doubting her ability. During her downtime, she reviewed flaws in her management approach and recognized her oversight of customer needs. After reorganizing her strategies, she partnered with a market-savvy friend and carefully rebuilt. This time she succeeded, realizing failure was the key that revealed her blind spots, enabling her eventual breakthrough.
(3 Key Points):
8: Mindset Adjustments—Facing Pressure to Embrace a Balanced Life Philosophy
Hypothetical Story Example: Xiao-Fen soared up her company’s sales ladder, but stress and anxiety plagued her; she felt bored and drained. Turning to daily exercise and reflection, she listed three points of gratitude each evening. Her mood stabilized, and she learned to tackle market shifts calmly. She discovered that success isn’t just about relentless pushing but also about balancing pressure with healthy decompression so she can remain focused during critical times.
(3 Key Points):
9: Continuous Growth—Success is an Evolving Marathon
Hypothetical Story Example: A-An, after quickly rising in his field, became complacent and ceased learning. When the market changed, his old methods no longer worked, and newly equipped peers surpassed him. Alarmed, he regained humility and updated his knowledge, adopting digital solutions and new mindsets. He came roaring back to lead an innovative project successfully, realizing that success is dynamic and demands ongoing adaptability.
(3 Key Points):
10: Celebrate Accomplishments—Gratitude and Giving Make Success More Meaningful
Hypothetical Story Example: Xiao-An achieved remarkable entrepreneurial success, winning multiple awards for his products. Yet he remained mindful of his origins and formed a social enterprise initiative, offering mentorship and job opportunities to underprivileged youth. His belief: “My success doesn’t belong to me alone; it should illuminate others.” His employees felt more cohesive, and the sense of giving imbued him with a profound satisfaction.
(3 Key Points):
Conclusion: Success is Not a One-Time Event but a Lifelong Journey of Growth and Sharing
Through these ten chapters, we view success not as an isolated symbol of wealth or status but as an integrated tapestry of personal achievement, healthy relationships, inner fulfillment, and social responsibility. Real success cannot be reflected in a single glamorous moment alone. It arises from continuously pursuing your ideals, transforming setbacks into resilience, and cooperating with others for shared gains. Paying attention to your inner self, family, and community leads to more resonant forms of success, capable of delivering both satisfaction and lasting significance. May you, on your own path to success, identify your unique values and pursue them wholeheartedly, enriching not only yourself but also those around you.
-Shi Zhan Li (李士展)
These are things I learned from taking many courses!
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?Shi-Zhan Li 2025 All Rights Reserved.
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