情緒管理與自我成長:十個章節的深度探討(Emotional Management × Personal Growth × Success)
故事舉例假說: 阿明時常因小事而煩躁不安,甚至大發脾氣。後來他在一本心理書中發現「生氣並非一種錯誤的情緒,而是提示自己需求或界線被侵犯」。他開始觀察自己怒氣的來源,發現多是因同事無視他的意見、或是某些狀況讓他自我價值受到挑戰。他轉而嘗試先「承認自己生氣」,再思考如何解決問題,而非直接宣洩怒火。
故事舉例假說: 小華想在事業上更上一層樓,卻常因情緒失控影響決策,或在團隊合作中與同事衝突。後來他發現情緒若能妥善處理,不僅能穩住表現,還能在失敗時汲取教訓、不自我懷疑。藉由情緒管理,他改變對失敗的看法,也更加專注於調整策略,進而快速進步、累積正面聲譽。
故事舉例假說: 小玲發現自己對「被否定」十分敏感,只要同事或主管提出批評,她就忍不住防禦或爆發。後來她開始在筆記本中記錄每次生氣或沮喪的觸發點,並回溯「當下想法」與「身體反應」,才發現自己害怕被視為無能。明白這點後,她在日後面對批評時,會先深呼吸並分辨「這是指工作方法的問題,並非全盤否定我」,從而緩和衝突。
故事舉例假說: 小安在專案失利後陷入低潮,覺得自己不配談成功。她嘗試壓抑沮喪,但越想忽視,情緒卻越反撲,導致精神狀況惡化。經一位諮商師的建議,她開始「擁抱失敗」,寫下失利中的學習點,再將這些心得製作成一份自我檢討報告,與團隊討論如何改進。透過「轉化」,她的負面情緒變成進步動力。
故事舉例假說: 小強在面臨一次極度緊張的專案簡報前,試著使用 4-7-8 呼吸法(吸氣4秒、屏息7秒、吐氣8秒),穩定生理反應;同時,他也採用自我對話法「我能做到,我只是有些緊張,但準備充分」,修正腦內的負面聲音;最後,他找到一處安靜的空間進行自我排練,避免外界干擾。結果簡報大獲好評,他深感「身體、思維、環境三者並重」才是高效情緒調控。
故事舉例假說: 小宏屢次在會議時因不同意見與同事衝突,造成團隊氛圍緊張。後來他學到「情緒智慧」(EQ) 概念:先理解對方立場,再用提問方式尋求雙贏。新一次會議時,他在被反對的瞬間先聽、再詢問對方顧慮,並表達自己想法與目標,希望找到交集。結果雙方達成共識,他的領導力也因此而升華。
故事舉例假說: 小英同時擔任主管、母親與研究生身份,每天都在應付眾多任務,壓力山大。有次她覺得無法兼顧而想放棄研究所。她向一位學長請教,學長告訴她:「壓力可以是幫我們理清優先順序的好工具。」於是小英重新檢視自己任務,調整安排與時間分配,偶爾還尋求家人幫忙接送孩子,結果反而使她效率提升,進度更穩定。
故事舉例假說: 小芬在面臨專案困難時,常抱著「這不是我的問題」「我只想躲開」的念頭,導致她一次次失去表現機會。後來,部門新任主管鼓勵她嘗試領導一個小專案,儘管她起初逃避,但終因團隊期待而接受。執行過程中,她感受到主動解決問題的快感,也發現擔任責任與決策者的成就感。她由此理解,面對挑戰越主動,收穫便越大。
故事舉例假說: 阿安以為自己在本業已是專家,於是停滯學習。當市場轉變時,他手足無措。看著同行不斷精進新技術,他才醒悟自己落後。於是他參加線上課程、向資深人士請教,不斷反思過去方法落伍在哪裡,一段時間後成功跟上趨勢,重獲市場認可。他發覺「定期復盤與學習」才是成功維持的關鍵動力。
故事舉例假說: 小安創業成功後,不忘回饋社會,聘僱弱勢青年並設計培訓課程。公司裡形成一種共榮的氛圍,員工更有向心力,也吸引志同道合的人加入。她深刻體會「成功是一種資源」,若能善加運用在幫助他人上,將讓成就升華為人生更廣闊的價值。
結語:情緒管理 × 自我成長 × 成功
-李士展 (Shi-Zhan Li)
英文版(English version)
Previously, I shared the secrets of success. Today, I want to talk about how to effectively manage emotions!
Emotional management is not only a short-term solution for dealing with stress or negative feelings, but also an important bridge connecting personal growth and life satisfaction. When you learn how to properly adjust and utilize your emotions, you can find balance in adversity while further refining yourself in times of success. The following ten chapters move from basic concepts to practical methods to mindset transformation, showing how emotional management can be a powerful catalyst for ongoing personal growth.
1: The Core of Emotional Management—Understanding Yourself and Embracing Emotions
Hypothetical Story Example: A-Ming often became irritated or even lost his temper over small issues. One day, he read in a psychology book that “anger itself isn’t a bad emotion; it’s a signal indicating your need or boundary has been violated.” He began observing the sources of his anger, realizing it usually arose when coworkers ignored his opinions or challenged his sense of self-worth. Gradually, he learned first to acknowledge his anger, and then think about how to solve the underlying problem, rather than simply venting.
(3 Key Points):
2: Why Emotional Management and Personal Growth Are Closely Linked
Hypothetical Story Example: Xiao-Hua wanted to excel at work, but emotional outbursts were hurting his decision-making and creating conflicts with colleagues. He discovered that by properly managing his emotions, he could stabilize his performance, and when he encountered setbacks, he would learn from them without doubting himself. Through emotional management, he reframed how he perceived failure, became more focused on changing his strategies, and thus rapidly improved, gaining positive recognition in the workplace.
(3 Key Points):
3: Identifying Emotional Triggers—From Cognition to Behavior
Hypothetical Story Example: Xiao-Ling noticed that she became highly defensive anytime her colleagues or supervisor criticized her. She started a notebook to track each time she felt anger or frustration, noting her immediate thoughts and bodily reactions. She realized she feared being seen as incompetent. With this awareness, she learned to pause and breathe when criticized and tell herself, “They’re challenging the method, not negating my entire value,” thus reducing conflict.
(3 Key Points):
4: Facing Negative Emotions—Transformation Instead of Repression
Hypothetical Story Example: Xiao-An felt dejected after her project failed, convincing herself she didn’t deserve success. Initially, she tried stifling her disappointment, but this only intensified her negativity. A counselor advised her to “acknowledge failure and convert it into something useful.” She then wrote down lessons from the failure and turned them into a self-reflection report to discuss with her team for improvement. Through “transformation,” her negative emotions became a catalyst for growth.
(3 Key Points):
5: Practical Approaches to Emotional Management—Body, Mind, and Environment
Hypothetical Story Example: Xiao-Qiang was extremely nervous before a major project presentation. He tried a 4-7-8 breathing technique (inhale for 4 seconds, hold breath for 7, exhale for 8) to calm his body’s stress response. He also used self-talk, telling himself, “I’ve prepared; this is just nervousness.” This approach reshaped his negative mental chatter. Finally, he found a quiet spot for rehearsal, minimizing distractions. The presentation received high praise, and he realized that aligning body, mind, and environment is crucial for managing emotions effectively.
(3 Key Points):
6: Emotional Intelligence—Elevating Yourself in Interpersonal Relations
Hypothetical Story Example: A-Hong repeatedly clashed with colleagues during meetings due to differing opinions, causing an atmosphere of tension. He learned about “emotional intelligence” (EQ): first understanding others’ points of view, then asking questions to seek a win-win. In the next meeting, he listened calmly when countered, inquired about their concerns, and then clearly stated his own objectives. Both sides reached a consensus, and his leadership emerged stronger than ever.
(3 Key Points):
7: Confronting Pressure—Turning Burdens into Motivation
Hypothetical Story Example: Xiao-Ying juggled being a manager, a mother, and a graduate student. Swamped by daily tasks, she contemplated dropping out. Speaking to a senior colleague, she realized “pressure can force you to clarify what’s most important.” She systematically reexamined her responsibilities, reorganized her schedule, and occasionally let her family help with childcare. Surprisingly, she became more efficient, completing tasks at a steadier pace. She discovered that stress can spur improved time management rather than stifle progress.
(3 Key Points):
8: Shifting Mindset—Moving from “Passive Resistance” to “Active Embrace of Challenges”
Hypothetical Story Example: Xiao-Fen typically avoided tough projects, thinking “This isn’t my problem” or “I just want out,” thus missing multiple chances to show her talent. When her new boss offered her a small project leadership role, she tried to duck it again but was motivated by the team’s confidence in her. Experiencing the joy of actively solving problems, she realized that taking ownership and making decisions was both rewarding and developmental. She found that the more she embraced difficulties, the bigger her return.
(3 Key Points):
9: Continuous Learning and Reflection—The Perpetual Engine of Self-Improvement
Hypothetical Story Example: A-An believed he was an expert after certain career achievements and halted further learning. As the market shifted, his outdated methods no longer worked, while younger colleagues who kept learning passed him by. Alarmed, he humbled himself, taking online courses and seeking mentorship from senior professionals. After upgrading his skills, he regained market recognition. He realized that “periodic review and learning” form the central force sustaining success.
(3 Key Points):
10: Success Is More Than Personal—“Sharing and Giving Back” for a Fuller Life
Hypothetical Story Example: Xiao-An achieved entrepreneurial success and didn’t forget to give back. He hired disadvantaged youth and designed training programs, creating a collaborative culture. Staff members felt more united, attracting like-minded talent. He grasped that “Success is a resource,” which, when used to uplift others, broadens its impact—granting deeper significance to his achievements.
(3 Key Points):
Conclusion: Emotional Management × Personal Growth × Success
Emotional management goes far beyond simply mitigating immediate pressures. It’s fundamentally tied to one’s mindset, daily behaviors, and long-term career and personal satisfaction. By understanding yourself, managing emotions effectively, and embracing healthy communication, you can remain resilient in adversity and continue thriving in periods of success.
Success is not achieved through a single grand moment but grows from consistently nurturing mental well-being, learning from mistakes, and forging alliances that amplify your efforts. As you refine emotional skills and remain attuned to your personal growth, you can chart a path toward sustained, multifaceted success that enriches both your professional life and your overall sense of self.
-Shi Zhan Li (李士展)
These are things I learned from taking many courses!
?李士展 2025 版權所有。
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?Shi-Zhan Li 2025 All Rights Reserved.
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這個太棒了! 原來這些年面對公司、家人、客戶、夥伴、同事、朋友、社團...的所有情緒反應、管理和自我成長的過程,都在這裡可以反思與學習啊! 感謝啦啦啦!