從名人辭世談失智預防、抑鬱防範、輕生干預、臥床老人照護與人生深層思考 (Discussing Dementia Prevention, Depression Control, Suicide Intervention, Elderly Bedridden Care)
故事舉例假說: 小明的父親在78歲時開始出現記憶混亂,從忘記每天的新聞內容,到不知道自己的房間在哪。小明最初抱持僥倖心理,覺得父親只是「老了,難免健忘」。然而一年後,父親出門買菜卻找不到回家的路,被鄰居送回時,神情茫然。醫師診斷為早期失智,建議小明與父親調整生活方式。若在父親還相對健康時就開始安排固定運動、腦力遊戲(如拼圖、益智問答)、參與讀書會、社區舞蹈課程,或許能延緩病程。
故事舉例假說: 小美是一位在人際關係中表現圓融的女子,她在職場經常笑容滿面,解決問題游刃有餘。然後,下班後的小美卻陷入深深孤寂,難以入眠、對食物毫無興趣,總是覺得「我活著到底有什麼用?」一日,她鼓起勇氣求助心理師,在諮商過程中,她發現自己在童年時期曾遭遇家庭矛盾的傷痛未癒,職場壓力與自我要求過高加劇了抑鬱。透過諮商與藥物調整,以及參加團體療程,小美學會更溫柔地看待自己,適度放下完美主義,慢慢走出抑鬱陰影。
故事舉例假說: 小強發現室友小安近來表現異常,常在深夜低泣並自言自語「或許離開才是解脫」。小強沒有視而不見。他先耐心傾聽小安傾訴,再查詢輕生防治資訊,協助小安聯絡24小時心理求助專線與心理諮詢中心。透過專業人士的介入,小安暫緩了輕生衝動,並開始長期心理治療。事後,小安感謝小強:「幸好你沒有忽視我的狀況。」
故事舉例假說: 小林的祖母因中風長期臥床,一開始家人只顧物理照護:餵食、清潔、翻身,但祖母神情死寂。小林後來想到祖母年輕時愛聽瓊瑤電影主題曲,便天天放老歌給祖母聽,並邀請社區志工來訪,分享昔日故事。慢慢地,祖母用微笑、眼神與微弱的手勢回應,似乎重新感受到被愛與重視。
故事舉例假說: 小安是一名普通的上班族,聽聞瓊瑤輕生、中山美穗意外猝逝後,她決心將「關懷」落實在日常。她每週去參加社區讀書會,分享一些正向心理學的書籍;假日時擔任老人院志工,播放音樂給長者聽;在公司裡,她主動關心那位常常獨自吃午餐的同事,問問對方最近心情如何。小安說:「我或許無法改變整個世界,但至少能改變我周遭的世界。」
-李士展 (Shi-Zhan Li)
英文版(English version)
I sit at my computer desk, browsing through fragmented reports and messages. One piece of news after another appears before my eyes: On December 2, 2024, renowned musician Liu Jiachang passed away from cancer at the age of 83; on December 4, 2024, the well-known writer Qiong Yao died by suicide due to depression and the pain of life, aged 86; on December 6, 2024, the Japanese actress Miho Nakayama (aged 54), famous for her role in "Love Letter," was found dead at home—later clarified as an accident rather than suicide, yet still profoundly shocking. Even though I am not very familiar with Qiong Yao's works, nor have I delved deeply into Miho Nakayama's filmography, I have listened to many theme songs and soundtracks related to Liu Jiachang and Qiong Yao’s creations. Those melodies once guided me to feel the sweetness and bitterness of love. Now, the consecutive passing of these celebrities strikes like a bell in the twilight, reminding me to examine the vulnerable aspects of life: dementia, depression, suicide, bedridden seniors, and death itself.
Though these issues are numerous and complex, I hope that through more detailed exploration and examples, I can offer a path for thought: how to prevent dementia, how to face depression and suicidal tendencies, how to care for bedridden seniors, and how to find meaning in a life full of uncertainty. Let’s discuss more deeply and lengthily, letting this newsletter become a vessel of thought—holding multi-layered reflections on life’s challenges.
1. The Challenge of an Aging Society: Dementia Prevention and Early Action
As average lifespans continuously lengthen, dementia has become a global public health concern. Dementia affects not only an individual's memory, cognition, and judgment but also burdens family caregivers, causing both physical and mental stress.
Hypothetical Example: Xiaoming’s father, at 78, began showing memory confusion—from forgetting daily news to not knowing which room he was in. Initially, Xiaoming hoped it was just normal aging forgetfulness. However, a year later, his father left home to buy groceries and couldn’t find his way back. Brought home by a neighbor, he looked utterly lost. The doctor diagnosed early dementia and advised Xiaoming to adjust his father’s lifestyle. Had they started earlier—scheduling regular exercise, mental games (like puzzles, trivia), joining reading clubs, or community dance classes—perhaps the disease’s progression could have been slowed.
Practical Suggestions:
2. Into the Psychological Abyss: Preventing and Healing Depression
Qiong Yao’s suicide highlights the hidden nature of depression. Depression is not simply feeling blue; it can distort a person’s thinking over the long term, making the world lose its color and life lose its meaning.
Hypothetical Example: Xiaomei excels in interpersonal relations at work, always smiling and solving problems with ease. After work, however, she falls into deep solitude, struggling with insomnia and no appetite, repeatedly asking herself, “What’s the purpose of living?” One day, mustering courage, she sought help from a therapist. During counseling, she realized unresolved childhood family conflicts and high self-expectations at work had intensified her depression. Through therapy, medication adjustments, and group sessions, Xiaomei learned to treat herself more gently, to ease her perfectionism, and gradually emerged from the shadow of depression.
Practical Suggestions:
3. Suicide Intervention: Reaching Out at the Edge of the Abyss
Suicide is not weakness but the end result of long-term, unaddressed suffering. Qiong Yao’s choice shows us that even those seemingly rich in talent and experiences can be defeated by psychological pain.
Hypothetical Example: Xiaoqiang notices his roommate Xia’an acting strangely lately, often weeping at midnight and murmuring, “Maybe leaving is the only release.” Xiaoqiang does not turn a blind eye. He patiently listens to Xia’an’s distress, then searches for suicide prevention information, helping Xia’an contact a 24-hour mental health hotline and counseling center. With professional intervention, Xia’an’s suicidal urges eased, and he began long-term psychological therapy. Afterwards, Xia’an thanked Xiaoqiang: “I’m so glad you didn’t ignore my situation.”
Practical Suggestions:
4. Bedridden Seniors: Late Life Need Not Be Merely “Waiting for the End”
Longevity does not guarantee a high-quality late life. Bedridden seniors face immobility, disability, chronic pain, and possibly long-term loneliness due to lack of social or cultural stimulation.
Hypothetical Example: Xiaolin’s grandmother became bedridden after a stroke. Initially, the family only provided basic care: feeding, cleaning, turning her over. The grandmother’s expression remained vacant. Later, Xiaolin remembered that his grandmother once loved listening to theme songs from Qiong Yao’s movies, so he played old songs daily and invited community volunteers to visit and share stories from the past. Gradually, his grandmother responded with smiles, eye contact, and subtle gestures, showing that she still felt love and value.
Practical Suggestions:
5. Unexpected Death and Impermanence: Lessons from Miho Nakayama’s Case
Miho Nakayama’s death was an accident, not suicide, reminding us that the arrival of death is not always predictable. Life brims with uncontrollable occurrences. Facing accidents, we can improve safety awareness, manage risks, and cherish ordinary daily life.
Practical Suggestions:
6. Reflecting on Life through Death: A Direction of Love and Action
These celebrity deaths make me ponder: since death is inevitable, what can we do for life? I realize life’s value isn’t in its length but in its depth and breadth. Can we, through love, care, education, and policy reforms, build a more resilient social network, ensuring dementia patients aren’t forgotten, depressed individuals receive help, those on the brink of suicide find a way back, and bedridden seniors aren’t isolated?
Hypothetical Example: Xiao’an is an ordinary office worker who, after hearing about Qiong Yao’s suicide and Miho Nakayama’s accidental death, decides to incorporate “care” into her daily life. She attends community reading clubs sharing positive psychology books; on holidays, she volunteers at nursing homes, playing music for elders. Xiao’an says, “I may not change the entire world, but I can at least change the world around me.”
7. Social and Policy Levels: Building Multi-Faceted Support
Individual effort matters, but without systemic support, effectiveness is limited. We need combined efforts from the government, NGOs, healthcare systems, and community organizations.
Practical Suggestions:
8. Cultural Dimensions: Understanding Life through Art, Music, and Stories
I have listened to many songs related to Liu Jiachang and Qiong Yao’s works—those tunes express the ups and downs of love and the bittersweet of life. Art, music, and literature are not merely entertainment; they are windows to understand life’s complexity. When we enjoy a song, a film, or a novel, we often find our own reflection in others’ stories, drawing courage from their experiences.
Practical Suggestions:
9. Implementing into My Own Life: From Thought to Action
I’m not just a bystander. After witnessing these news stories, I also examine my own life. Have I ignored my stress signals? Have I done enough for the seniors in my family? When faced with friends in emotional decline, do I escape or patiently listen?
I decide to take concrete actions. For example, schedule half an hour of meditation daily to check my emotional state; every month, set aside a day to visit elderly relatives, chatting and listening to their stories.
10. Turning Experience into an Action Blueprint
Life shines even amidst impermanence, aging, disease, psychological stress, accidents, and death—if we give ourselves and others more chances.
Comprehensive Action Blueprint:
Conclusion: Accepting Impermanence, Creating Warmth, Living with Depth
Whether it’s Liu Jiachang’s death from cancer, Qiong Yao’s suicide, or Miho Nakayama’s accidental passing, all remind us that impermanence is the backdrop of life. We cannot reverse time or halt death, but we can choose how to face it and how to act.
Confronting the challenges of dementia, depression, suicide, and bedridden seniors, can we view these events as learning opportunities? Let’s find needs within sorrow and inspire action amid shock. Though life is full of difficulties, through mutual support, policy reform, educational outreach, and artistic inspiration, we can make this journey more luminous and warm.
In this rapidly changing world, let’s cherish those around us, attend to our own health, and bravely meet every twist and turn. Then, when confronted with the grand question of life and death, we will not be at a loss, but instead hold a calmness and courage born from thoughtful reflection.
-Shi Zhan Li (李士展)
These are things I learned from taking many courses!
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