工作與家人的和諧:打造更幸福的人際關係 (Work-Family Harmony: Building More Fulfilling Relationships)

工作與家人的和諧:打造更幸福的人際關係 (Work-Family Harmony: Building More Fulfilling Relationships)







“家庭不是一件重要的事情。它是一切。” ——Michael J. Fox

“家庭是父親的王國,母親的世界,兒童的樂園。” ——Ralph Waldo Emerson



故事舉例假說: 阿明因業績表現優異得以晉升主管,但他為此投入大量時間在專案上,疏於陪伴家人。某天,他發現孩子的生日他也錯過了,妻子顯得失望,家中關係出現緊張。直到身邊的前輩提醒他:「工作可以有替代方案,但家人無法替代。」阿明逐漸意識到,如果家庭不幸福,工作上再成功也難以真正感到滿足。


  1. 家人給予的支持與溫暖,能成為工作成就的後盾。
  2. 健康、穩定的家庭關係亦能讓個人專注工作、減少後顧之憂。
  3. 單面追求事業,易犧牲家庭,失衡後恐造成長期遺憾。


故事舉例假說: 小華同時是公司主管與新手媽媽。她常感到忙不過來,既擔心孩子又害怕錯過公司專案。她透過列出各自領域的重要性與需求(孩子健康、員工指導、主管績效等),發現必須重新劃分時間與資源,並與先生或父母合作共擔育兒。此舉不僅讓她在工作上更有效率,也讓家庭生活更有秩序。


  1. 不同身分有不同需求,先認清每個角色的重要性。
  2. 與家人或夥伴協調分工,共同分擔責任更具效率。
  3. 建立「角色意識」,分別兼顧,而非混雜或失衡。


故事舉例假說: 小玲覺得每天都被Email與會議淹沒,下班也疲憊不堪,無法好好陪伴長輩或孩子。她開始使用行事曆與「待辦事項清單」區分「重要但不緊急」「緊急但不重要」等項目,將可委外或簡化的工作剔除,每週亦預留固定家庭時間。透過更明確的時間運用,她能更專心工作、準時下班,也騰出精力享受家人共聚時刻。


  1. 有效規劃「工作事項」與「家庭時段」,避免相互擠壓。
  2. 區分任務優先級,對不必要的工作學會「說不」或尋找替代方法。
  3. 保持「準時下班」與「家人固定約定」等習慣,防止時間流失在零碎事務。


故事舉例假說: 小安經常覺得妻子對他工作忙碌不理解,妻子則抱怨他「家事分擔不足」。某次他從心理課程中學到「同理心傾聽」技巧:先耐心聽妻子的感受再回應,避免立即辯解。結果妻子也回頭傾聽他的工作壓力,雙方互相理解後,決定尋找家事分擔的新做法、設定每晚孩子睡前20分鐘親子時間。由此衝突減少,夫妻感情更佳。


  1. 用同理心「聽」而非「吵」,能讓彼此情感更接近。
  2. 與家人溝通,先關注對方感受,再表達自己的需求。
  3. 找到家庭間可共同協議的新模式,促成雙方一致且和諧。


故事舉例假說: 小強曾害怕向公司表達自己要照顧家人、希望彈性工時。深怕上司覺得他不敬業。但有一天公司開會討論員工福利,他鼓起勇氣提出:「我希望在符合進度的前提下,每周一天在家辦公,以便照顧年邁父母。」出乎意料的是,公司認可他先前貢獻,願意嘗試這種遠端工作模式。反而讓小強在家與父母相處更充裕,效率也未受損。


  1. 不要假設公司一定排斥家庭需求,誠實溝通才有機會。
  2. 先展現工作績效與價值,有助爭取合理的彈性福利。
  3. 勇於表達家庭必要性,不僅保護自己,也幫助企業建立更人性化政策。


故事舉例假說: 阿宏在創業初期壓力極大,幾度想放棄。妻子與他深談,一起分析專案風險、也協助規劃財務,讓阿宏感到不再孤軍奮戰。於是他重拾信心,也決定定期更新家庭成員近況,並在週末與家人聚餐交流。這樣的情感支持令他更安心投入創業,同時也能為家人打造共同願景。


  1. 家人可提供心理、資源與行動上的支持,形成創業或職場成功的後盾。
  2. 與家人共享計畫與困境,能減少孤立感並讓決策更周全。
  3. 定期情感連結,鞏固家人能量,持續為工作帶來動力。


故事舉例假說: 小英是科技公司工程師,也是個有孩子的母親。她深怕缺席孩子成長,但專案又不能鬆懈。她試著與孩子訂下「每天20分鐘專心陪你」的約定,無論在家或工作出差,都透過視訊或電話進行「每日故事時間」。雖然日子忙碌,孩子卻感到媽媽的關懷始終在,他們的親子關係愈加緊密。


  1. 量雖不多,但「品質時間」能拉近親子距離與信任。
  2. 父母需克服「工作忙」的藉口,靈活用科技或規律方式維繫感情。
  3. 在教養上保持投入,也讓孩子體會父母工作努力的意義。


故事舉例假說: 小芬必須照顧生病的父母,但工作上也有重要專案。她覺得焦頭爛額,好幾次上班遲到,擔心被同事批評。她嘗試與主管坦誠說明照護長輩的需要,並提出替代方案:某些時段由她弟弟或看護協助父母,她則盡量在專案最需要時段到場,不影響團隊效率。主管理解後調整工作排班,也建議團隊遠端協作。最終兼顧父母醫療與團隊需求,皆能平衡。


  1. 照顧長輩時別隱瞞需求,誠實面對問題才有解決空間。
  2. 與家人、看護或社福機構合作,才能減輕個人負擔。
  3. 善用彈性工作方式,向公司提出確保工作進度的方案。


故事舉例假說: 小芬深受婆媳矛盾困擾,影響到她在職場的情緒與效率。她幾度想逃避回家,任由矛盾持續。後來在同事介紹下,她與丈夫一起找婚姻家庭諮詢師合作,建構新的溝通模式。衝突雖未完全消失,但透過專業協助與家族會議,緩和了彼此的意見對立,也讓小芬重新找回對家庭的歸屬感。


  1. 面對家庭衝突,需及早處理,否則長期拖延易影響工作與心理健康。
  2. 不要排斥外部協助,如諮商、家庭調解或專業意見。
  3. 衝突的解法在於願意聽見並理解各自立場,而非單方退讓或指責。


故事舉例假說: 小安在公司有著極佳表現,也維繫了和樂的家庭。她將孩子的教育視為對社會的投資:帶孩子參加社區服務,讓家人對她的工作投入也多了理解與支持。家庭聚會時,她也分享公司動態,徵詢家人的意見,形成「共同成長」的氛圍。最終,她不僅在事業上獲得更高成就,也在家中感受到家人對她人生目標的支持與驕傲。


  1. 在家庭中分享工作理念,讓家人理解並支持,能拉近距離。
  2. 工作成果也可回饋家庭,如提升生活品質或拓寬視野。
  3. 結合工作與家人目標,帶來更深層、可持續的幸福感。


透過以上十個章節,我們看到工作與家人的和諧並非對立,而是可以相互促進、成就彼此。工作上的成就能帶給家人保障與驕傲,家人的支持與理解也可以成為個人在職場上努力的源源動力。 關鍵在於找出多元角色間的平衡點,藉由有效的時間管理、真誠溝通、相互體諒和資源運用等方式,化衝突為合作,將壓力轉為動能,讓「人生」的多重面向都能健康發展。只有當工作與家人都維持良好關係,我們才更能體會真正的幸福與滿足,同時也在更寬廣的人際版圖中盡情發揮。祝福你在工作與家庭之間順利調和,締造更豐富、更溫馨的人生畫面。

-李士展 (Shi-Zhan Li)

英文版(English version)

The elements of success are largely influenced by family, such as coming from a good or bad family of origin.

However, we cannot choose our family of origin, and sometimes we can only rely on acquired efforts to help ourselves.

There are many famous sayings and theories about family, such as: “When the family lives in harmony, all affairs prosper” (Do you know the first three lines?):

"When the father is loving, the mother is respectful; when the mother is respectful, the children feel secure; when the children feel secure, the family lives in harmony, and all affairs prosper."

It’s truly fascinating—family is the foundation of everything. Without parents, we would not exist.

Communication across generations with parents is also very important! Many families struggle with communication issues.

"Family is not an important thing. It's everything." — Michael J. Fox

"The family is the kingdom of the father, the world of the mother, and the paradise of the children." — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Modern life often brings increasing pressure; striking a balance between work and family has become a challenge for many. While we strive to excel in our careers, we also hope to maintain harmonious and loving relationships at home. When one side is neglected, family bonds may weaken, inner contentment may wane, and even work performance can suffer. In these ten chapters, we’ll explore how to simultaneously manage “work productivity” and “family happiness,” weaving a network of smoother interpersonal relations.

1. Why Seek a Win-Win Balance between Work and Family?

Hypothetical Story Example: A-Ming was promoted to supervisor due to excellent performance, devoting most of his time to projects and rarely being home. One day he realized he had missed his child’s birthday; his wife appeared disappointed and tension mounted at home. A senior colleague noted, “There’s no substitute for family, but solutions do exist at work.” A-Ming finally saw that if his family wasn’t content, even career success would feel hollow.

(3 Key Points):

  1. Family offers support and warmth that can become a solid foundation for work success.
  2. A stable home life can help one focus on work without constant worry.
  3. Over-fixating on career goals risks sacrificing family, potentially causing long-term regret.

2. Understanding Family Role Needs: Managing Multiple Identities

Hypothetical Story Example: Xiao-Hua is both a company manager and a new mother. She feels overwhelmed by dual responsibilities, worried about her child’s well-being yet also under pressure at work. She started listing out each domain’s priorities and needs (child’s health, staff guidance, managerial performance) and found she needed better time/resource planning. She coordinated parenting tasks with her spouse and parents. By sharing responsibilities, she worked more efficiently and attained greater order at home.

(3 Key Points):

  1. Different roles demand different needs; recognize each role’s importance.
  2. Coordinate with spouse or family to share tasks for higher efficiency.
  3. Maintain “role awareness,” addressing each domain properly rather than merging or neglecting them.

3. Time Management: Managing Both Efficient Work and Quality Family Time

Hypothetical Story Example: Xiao-Ling felt drowned by emails and meetings, coming home exhausted and unable to spend meaningful time with her children or parents. She began using calendars and to-do lists to categorize tasks as “important but not urgent,” “urgent but not important,” etc. This let her eliminate or outsource trivial tasks, and she blocked out consistent family time each week. With clearer time management, she focused better on her job and left work on time, creating space to enjoy family moments.

(3 Key Points):

  1. Plan “work tasks” and “family time” effectively so they don’t clash.
  2. Classify tasks by priority; learn to say “no” or delegate appropriately to avoid overload.
  3. Maintain habits such as “leaving work on time” or “fixed family appointments” to prevent time erosion.

4. Communication and Understanding: Reducing Conflict, Strengthening Bonds

Hypothetical Story Example: Xiao-An felt his wife didn’t understand his hectic schedule; his wife felt he didn’t share household tasks. He discovered “empathetic listening” in a psychology course: hearing out his wife’s feelings before responding. Consequently, she also heard him out about his job stress, leading them to compromise on chore distribution and schedule daily 20-minute bedtime reading with their child. Conflicts diminished, and their marital bond grew stronger.

(3 Key Points):

  1. Focus on empathy and listening—less arguing, deeper emotional connection.
  2. In family communication, try understanding the other’s feelings before expressing your own needs.
  3. Seek new patterns agreed upon by both sides, promoting mutual harmony and understanding.

5. Expressing Family Needs in the Workplace

Hypothetical Story Example: Xiao-Qiang was hesitant to inform his company he needed flexible hours to care for an elderly parent, fearing they’d see him as uncommitted. But during a team meeting on employee benefits, he boldly requested a day of remote work per week, provided he met project requirements. Surprisingly, his boss recognized his contributions and allowed the trial arrangement. He thus gained more time for his parents without hurting efficiency.

(3 Key Points):

  1. Don’t presume your employer rejects family concerns; honest discussion might reveal solutions.
  2. Demonstrating your work value helps when seeking benefits such as flexible hours.
  3. Voicing your domestic responsibilities secures your own well-being and can encourage humane workplace policies.

6. “Family = The Backbone of Success”: Tapping into Family Support

Hypothetical Story Example: A-Hong endured severe stress in early entrepreneurship, nearly giving up. His wife sat down with him, analyzing project risks and helping organize finances, so he didn’t feel alone. He regained confidence and began updating family about his business progress, having weekly meals together for emotional support. This stable family base gave him peace to focus on the startup, forging shared vision for everyone involved.

(3 Key Points):

  1. Family can provide emotional, financial, or practical support, forming a strong cornerstone for career progress.
  2. Sharing plans and challenges at home reduces isolation and improves decision quality.
  3. Regular emotional connection with family recharges energy that fosters professional success.

7. Facing Children’s Growth: Balancing Work and Parenting

Hypothetical Story Example: Xiao-Ying works in a tech job but fears missing her child’s formative years. She sets a rule: “20 minutes a day, dedicated to you,” whether at home or traveling for work, using video calls or phone time for daily story-sharing. Though busy, her child feels her loving presence, strengthening their bond. She sees that it’s possible to maintain closeness through modest yet consistent commitments.

(3 Key Points):

  1. Even short, high-quality engagement can greatly reinforce parent-child trust.
  2. Busy parents can creatively employ technology or structured routines to nurture connections.
  3. Involving yourself regularly in your child’s life while explaining your work fosters mutual understanding of family values and parental dedication.

8. Caring for Elders: Balancing Respect and Work Adjustments

Hypothetical Story Example: Xiao-Fen must care for her ailing parents but also manage a crucial project at work. She sometimes arrives late, worried about colleagues’ judgment. Eventually, she candidly explained the caregiving situation to her boss, offering solutions: her brother or a caregiver could handle certain times, while she remains available during the project’s peak hours. Her supervisor was supportive, allowing for remote collaboration. Thus, she maintained her parents’ healthcare needs and her team’s workflow.

(3 Key Points):

  1. Caring for elderly parents should not be concealed; facing it honestly creates room for a solution.
  2. Relying on family, professional caregivers, or social services reduces personal burdens.
  3. Proposing flexible work strategies helps meet organizational goals while honoring eldercare obligations.

9. When Family Conflict Arises: How to Resolve or Seek Assistance

Hypothetical Story Example: Xiao-Fen struggles with in-law disputes, which spill into her workplace energy. She’s often anxious and dreads returning home. At a friend’s recommendation, she and her husband sought marriage and family counseling, developing a new communication style. Though tensions didn’t vanish overnight, they used professional guidance and family meetings to ease clashing opinions. Xiao-Fen regained a sense of belonging in her family, feeling less distracted at work.

(3 Key Points):

  1. Family conflict requires timely intervention; prolonged tension can harm work performance and mental health.
  2. Don’t overlook external resources like counseling, mediation, or expert advice.
  3. The key is mutual understanding of differing perspectives, rather than unilateral compromise or blame.

10. Integrating Life Goals: Let Family and Work Support Each Other

Hypothetical Story Example: Xiao-An excels at work while nurturing a loving family. She treats her child’s education as an investment in society, taking them to community service events. Family thus respects her dedication, and she routinely shares company developments with them to solicit their feedback. This fosters “collective growth,” giving her significant successes at work and having her family proudly back her life goals.

(3 Key Points):

  1. Sharing your work vision with loved ones promotes understanding and encouragement.
  2. Work achievements can tangibly benefit family, such as better life quality or broadening horizons.
  3. Merging professional and family aspirations leads to deeper and more sustainable fulfillment.

Conclusion: Harmonizing Work and Family for a Foundation of Happiness

These ten chapters show that work and family need not be adversaries; they can complement and reinforce each other. Workplace success can offer your family security and pride, while family support and understanding provide crucial emotional backing in your career endeavors. The key is identifying a balance between multiple life roles, using efficient time management, honest communication, mutual empathy, and resource-sharing. Turning conflicts into cooperation, transforming stress into motivation, and allowing each dimension of life to flourish—only when both work and family remain robust can we fully appreciate true satisfaction and contentment. May you harmonize your professional and family commitments, forging an even richer, warmer life experience.

-Shi Zhan Li (李士展)


These are things I learned from taking many courses!


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