启动发动机时水箱向外大量喷水。这是什么原因? Radiator Spray Water When Engine Starts

启动发动机时水箱向外大量喷水。这是什么原因? Radiator Spray Water When Engine Starts

水气互窜引起的喷水.Water spray caused by the mutual?movement of water and gas.


?The cylinder head gasket is ablated,the joint surface of the cylinder head and the engine body is warped and deformed,the cylinder head and cylinder liner are cracked,?the cylinder head bolts are loose,the air compressor cylinder head gasket or the cylinder head is damaged and leaking.


When the high-pressure gas in the cylinder rushes into the cooling water jacket through cracks or gaps, the water flowing into the upper water chamber of the radiator through the water inlet pipe is severely impacted, causing water spray at the water inlet of the radiator.


Replace the ablated cylinder head gasket, find out the cause?and eliminate it,?weld and repair the cracked cylinder head,replace the cracked cylinder liner,?tighten the cylinder head bolts in the specified order and torque. In addition, check whether the oil has penetrated into water. If it has penetrated, the oil should be replaced and the lubricating oil circuit should be thoroughly cleaned.

水流不畅引起的喷水?Water spray caused by poor water flow


The radiator?core tube?is blocked,the inner layer of the water inlet hose of the water pump is degummed or is too soft and collapsed.


Clean or replace the clogged radiator core tube and water pump inlet hose.

水温过高引起的喷水?Water spray caused by excessive water temperature


The scale in the water jacket is too thick,the fan blades are installed reversely or the transmission belt is slipping,the water pump impeller is damaged and not work,the oil supply or ignition time is too late,the cooling water circulation is not smooth,the engine is overloaded for a long time.


When the engine is overheated and the water temperature of the cooling system is too high, the water will boil, causing the water inlet of the radiator to spray water outward. Its characteristics are: no water is sprayed when the engine is cold, and water is sprayed when the engine is warm; the higher the water temperature, the more urgent the water spray; the water spray phenomenon does not change significantly when the engine speed is changed.



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