

腾讯 腾讯 公司前任CTO张志东说,科技向善。诺基亚 诺基亚 用一句Slogan提醒世界,科技以人为本。各个UED团队都说,以用户为中心进行设计。在现实的世界和岁月中,腾讯网的频道制和字节跳动 字节跳动 的算法之间比拼的是信念, Web标准化组织 W3C 与苹果 苹果 微软 微软 谷歌 谷歌 等公司以及所谓的“网页超文本应用技术工作小组”在XHTML还是HTML5的选择上态度如同泾渭。知易行难。本世纪以来,科技加速改变了人们的生产和生活方式。什么样的生活值得一过?生产革新的目的又是什么?一代人成长,一代人书写,每一代人要为自己和他人留下些什么?命题巨大,古典互联网人行业出圈,留下一些对社区、对用户有正面影响的痕迹,很是不易。

2012年,北京的雾霾还很大。那年苹果 苹果 公司发布了4寸屏幕的iPhone。在中国,移动互联网的访问量开始超越PC端,中国的互联网环境开始发展出自己的独特之处。微信 Weixin/WeChat 公众平台刚刚起步,自媒体概念刚刚兴起。心理学出身、人狠话不多的王坚博士开启了阿里巴巴 Alibaba Cloud 的大数据时代。2013年,百度 百度 在移动互联网开始掉队,阿里巴巴 蚂蚁集团 推出余额宝,互联网金融兴起,一种叫做“二维码”的新事物随着大大小小的创业公司的推广进入百姓眼帘。2014年,中国通信设施服务股份有限公司 China Communications Services ,即铁塔公司成立。中关村创业大街 Innoway 隆重开张,互联网公司接二连三从中关村搬迁至西二旗。阿里巴巴 阿里巴巴集团 在纳斯达克 Nasdaq 上市,微软 微软 的MSN MSN 在中国大陆地区停止服务。




Workshop Topics by a UED Team 10 Years Ago

Former CTO of 腾讯 , Tony Zhang, once said that technology should aspire to do good. 诺基亚 reminded the world with a slogan that technology is "Connecting People". Various User Experience Design (UED) teams advocate "User Centered Design". In reality, the competition between Tencent News' channel system and 字节跳动 's algorithms is a battle of beliefs, while W3C and companies like 苹果 , 微软 , and 谷歌 , along with the so-called "Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group," have distinct attitudes towards choosing between XHTML and HTML5. It's easy to talk about ideals but hard to put them into practice. Since the beginning of this century, science and technology have rapidly changed people's production methods and lifestyles. What kind of life is worth living? What is the purpose of production innovation? Each generation grows up and writes its own story, leaving something for themselves and others. This proposition is huge, and it's not easy for classical internet professionals to leave a positive impact on communities and users.

In 2012, Beijing was still heavily affected by smog. That year, 苹果 released an iPhone with a 4-inch screen. In China, mobile internet traffic began to surpass PC traffic as the country's internet environment started to develop its unique characteristics. Weixin/WeChat public platform was just starting, and the concept of self-media was emerging. Dr. Wang Jian, who has a background in psychology and is known for being tough yet quiet, ushered in Alibaba Cloud 's big data era. By 2013, 百度 began to lag in the mobile internet sector, 蚂蚁集团 launched Yu'e Bao, and internet finance began to rise. A novelty called "QR codes" entered the public eye through the promotion of startups large and small. In 2014, China Communications Services was established. The Zhongguancun Entrepreneurship Street Innoway officially opened, and internet companies moved one after another from Zhongguancun to Xierqi. 阿里巴巴集团 went public on Nasdaq , and 微软 's MSN service ceased operations in mainland China.

Against this backdrop, the Tencent Weibo design team also wrote their chapter at their headquarters in the Yinke Building. At that time, the front-end restructuring team organized some technical sharing sessions and workshops, conducting cross-departmental exchanges inside and outside the company. These activities were held twice a month regularly, with participation ranging from 8 to 40 people per session. The activity maintained a good reporting and reward mechanism, creating a wonderful experience mixed with the spirit of mutual assistance characteristic of the classic internet era and the aroma of fruits and snacks bought from Xiyuan Market (represented by durians and watermelons). The themes of these activities revolved around seven dimensions: team building, professional theory and thought, work processes and standards, mobile internet, new technologies and tools, design-related topics, and front-end code. The theories and discussions were ultimately all realized in the project. Some of these topics were later discovered by an editor friend at the publishing house, leading to the publication of related books, which was very satisfying.

In the age of AI, revisiting old work and listing the themes of those decade-old share sessions or workshops can offer insights to today's internet professionals in an era where more people are too busy to look up from their paths. It prompts us to ask how technology should serve humanity and how individuals can achieve a win-win situation between personal development and corporate interests while leading a meaningful life in the workplace.

Each new era brings its answers.

(Translated by Qwen , a large language model developed by Alibaba Cloud .)

主题列表 Topics

内容贡献者 Contributors:

Alfie He, Anita Huang, Color Li, Benny Zhai, Jelly Zhang, Letitia Wang, Yingzi Dong, Zex Zhang, 盼盼, 惠群.

Apr 2012:

  • HTML Agile Integration
  • 字符icon设计 (Designing Icon Font)
  • 响应式设计之FlexBox (Responsive Design with FlexBox)

May 2012:

  • IE Filter
  • 思维定势和惯性思维 (Mindset and Inertial Thinking)

Jun 2012:

  • CSS3 Transform背后的矩阵原理 (Matrix Principles Behind CSS3 Transforms)

Juy 2012:

  • HTML/CSS 组件化 (Componentization in HTML/CSS)

Sep 2012:

  • 响应式Web设计 (Responsive Web Design)
  • 腾讯财付通项目的文件架构 (File Structure for Tencent Tenpay Project)

Oct 2012:

  • Bootstrap初探 (Introduction to Bootstrap)
  • “悦读”项目中的响应式设计实践 (Responsive Design Practices in the "Yuedu" Project)
  • CSS inline-block实例解析 (CSS Inline-Block Examples)
  • Sublime Text

Nov 2012:

  • 再探SCSS (Further Exploration of SCSS)
  • HTML5/CSS3

Dec 2012:

  • Base64编码 (Base64 Encoding)

Jan 2013:

  • 淘宝团队的前端工作模式、职业发展及价值体现 (Front-end Work Model, Career Development, and Value Realization in the Taobao Team)
  • 通过同域代理测试移动设备的方法 (Testing Mobile Devices via Cross-Domain Proxy)

Mar 2013:

  • 开源图标字体iconMoon介绍与应用 (Introduction and Application of Open Source Icon Fonts: iconMoon)
  • “悦读”项目工作流程 (Workflow in the "Yuedu" Project)
  • 腾讯微博“微频道”和响应式设计的邂逅 (The Encounter of Tencent Weibo's "Micro Channel" and Responsive Design)

Apr 2013:

  • JavaScript PopStar Game
  • “微圈”项目的思考: 不盲目模仿,走自己的路 (Thoughts on the "Weiquan" Project: Not Blindly Copying, Forging Our Own Path)
  • SVG
  • 移动端Web开发实践 (Mobile Web Development Practices)

May 2013:

  • RESS
  • Sublime Text实用技巧 (Practical Tips for Sublime Text)
  • CSS3 Transforms and Transitions
  • 基于phoneGap的APP开发实践之初体验 (Initial Experience with PhoneGap-Based APP Development)
  • Font那些事 (All About Fonts)

Jun 2013:

  • Mobile Web App前端调试: Weinre & MIHTool (Front-end Debugging for Mobile Web Apps: Weinre & MIHTool)
  • 腾讯微博制作稿环境整理设想 (Conceptualizing the Production Environment for Tencent Weibo)
  • WebRTC

Jul 2013:

  • 网页图片优化 (Image Optimization for Websites)
  • Font那些事: 进阶版 (Advanced Topics on Fonts)
  • 下拉刷新 (Pull to Refresh)
  • A CSS Property: Border-image
  • W3C Geolocation API 初探 (Introduction to W3C Geolocation API)
  • SASS调试 (SASS Debugging)

Aug 2013:

  • CSS3 Gradient渐变基础 (CSS3 Gradient Basics)
  • All About "-webkit-box"

Sep 2013:

  • Setting Up a Blog on GitHub
  • B计划之那些年我们用到的WebApp技术 (In Plan B: WebApp Technologies We've Used Over the Years)

Oct 2013:

  • 认识CSS选择器 (Understanding CSS Selectors)
  • 那些年你所不知道的 Radio Button (Little-Known Facts about Radio Button)
  • 腾讯内容管理系统操作讲解 (Operation Explanation of Tencent Content Management System)

Nov 2013:

  • QQ客户端微博面板不得不说的CSS3技巧 (Indispensable CSS3 Techniques for Weibo Panels in QQ Client)
  • 声明文档类型 DOCTYPE (Declaring Document Type DOCTYPE)

Dec 2013:

  • 无线建站制作环境简介 (Overview of Wireless Site Construction Environment)
  • SASS变量 (SASS Variables)
  • Grunt应用 (Grunt Application)

Mar 2014:

  • CSS3 Loading特效 (CSS3 Loading Effects)
  • 正则表达式入门 (Introduction to Regular Expressions)

May 2014:

  • 物理:运动的小滑块 (Physics in Design: An Example with Moving Sliders)



  • 我的读书经历:来凤华老师讲座观后



  • 责任的六个层次:写给我的学生们



  • 中学古诗文中的“青”与“绿”



  • 中学现代诗歌创作的教与学



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  • 响应式Web设计十年记


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    China Internet: 2008-2019

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  • 中国互联网:2008-2019


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    1 条评论

