值此吉祥佳节之际, 我们恭祝您龙年大吉,万事如意
Stephan Loewentheil
Founder and President at 19th Century Rare Book and Photograph Shop
At the time of this auspicious festival, The Loewentheil Photography of China Collection sends you greetings for Chinese Lunar New Year of the Dragon.
Announcing our new exhibition
Dragon Women: Early Chinese Photography
On view March 14 - May 15
Please join us for an opening reception on Friday, March 15 from 6-9 PM.
Wishing you?health, prosperity, and happiness in the New Year.
From The Loewentheil Collection
史蒂芬·洛文希尔?Stephan Loewentheil
?杰克·洛文希尔?Jacob Loewentheil
斯泰西·兰姆布罗?Stacey Lambrow
托马斯·埃德索尔?Thomas Edsall