你追求什麼?What's your pursuit?
English Below
各位靜宜大學的師長、家長與畢業生們,大家早安!我是均一平台教育基金會的負責人呂冠緯。今天很榮幸在這裡跟你們分享一點點我的心得!我跟學校有兩個關係,第一思伶校長( Lucia Lin)在擔任教育部次長時恰好是我在首屆行政院青年顧問團擔任顧問的時候,思伶校長是當時指導的長官之一,而這已經是10年前的事。另外,在我的組織內,我們的體驗設計組組長( Ming Hsuan Chou)也是學校的優秀校友!
三層次的工作追尋 3C
第一個層次:追求 Cash,錢越多越好。
追求 Cash 坦白說,並沒有錯。在那個時候,我的收入早已超過我住院醫師的學長姐。甚至我當時的收入,是我畢業五年後再工作了5年才重新達到的。錢多可以照顧自己、照顧家人。
然而,金錢是具體的,那到底有沒有 Cash 以外的主軸呢?
第二個層次:追求 Career,變越強越好。
現在我是一個職場的老闆,我有50個同仁,我才意識到,這種人的追求重點叫做「Career / 職涯」,核心的關注是「怎麼成為更強的自己,可以解決更難的問題,帶領更大的團隊。」
也因此在大七時,雖然我接觸很多事物,但因為我覺得家醫科醫師的 Career 對我來說很清楚、很有吸引力,我想要成為一個很強的家醫科醫師,可以讓更多病人在末期不要這麼痛苦。但顯然,後來我並沒有這麼做,為什麼呢?
第三個層次:追求 Calling,回應良心的呼喚。
這種強烈的感受,像是我的良心一次次地打電話給我,Call我說這是重要的事!我也相信這就是 Steve Jobs 所說的:
"If you haven’t found it yet. Keep looking. Don’t settle."
但持續尋找的唯一方式不是東嘗試西嘗試,而是努力做好眼前你有熱誠的事。同時我們一定會遇到困難,而那種明明困難重重,別人都打退堂鼓,而你看見裡面的意義的,那或許就是你的 Calling。
我相信,一個找到 Calling 的人,只要他穩紮穩打,一定可以走出一個很特別的 Career。而只要有好的 Career,通常 Cash 不會太差。
三種增進工作的能力 3 AI
最後,我想分享比較實用的,也就是我們如何提升能力?我自己的體會是剛好三個 AI。
第一個 AI 就是 Artificial Intelligence 人工智慧。
最近的人工智慧,也就是語言模式或者是「生成式 AI」是我們最能感覺到 AI 像人的時候,可以溝通,有情緒的感覺。雖然有很多人說,AI 會取代人,但實際上 AI 會取代的應該是原本人要做,但人並不想做的事情,比如重複性很高的客服。
真正會跟我們競爭的,是更會用 AI 的人。一個數位行銷經理,如果更知道怎麼跟 AI 一起腦力激盪文案,甚至用好的 prompt 去引導出好的圖,那他會更卓越。一個軟體工程師,如果知道怎麼用 AI 幫他做 Code review,甚至下指令請 AI 幫他寫一些程式他的效率一定更好。甚至,一個想要出國學習的畢業生,知道怎麼用 AI 來協助提升英語的口說能力,她也可以省下鉅額補習費,但提升巨大的英語能力。
所以,最關鍵的事情是:學習用 AI、用 AI 學習。
學習用 AI 很簡單,就是各種嘗試,跟他當朋友,把他當助理。想到什麼就問他,你就會開始理解他可以做到什麼,不能做到什麼。舉個例子,我現在早上開車,會打開 ChatGPT,跟他說,我等等要去上班,第一個會議的內容是…..,然後有幾個工作同仁,你會建議我怎麼開會?然後他就會回答他的想法,包含我的態度、口吻,以及怎麼切入問題。回家的時候,我說最近我跟小孩有一些爭執,但我想用「無條件教養」跟他對話,你會建議我怎麼做。
你會發現,生成式 AI 是人類智慧的大集合,而且可以用最自然的方式 — 語言來交流。
那什麼叫用 AI 學習呢?我認為有兩大優勢,一個是學習語言,另一個是把它當家教,請他教你各種知識與方法。像是我平常講英文,沒有人給我回饋,但只要跟 ChatGPT 說,「我要跟你聊天,請你在我聊天過程中給我一些英文反饋,包含文法的正確性,以及語意的流暢度。」他就會在聊天過程中,指出我可以講得更順的地方。
大家知道過去的君王都有家教,亞力山大有亞里斯多德,康熙皇帝後來遇見南懷仁會士。但大家知道嗎?現在你我都有比這兩個皇帝更好的家教,就是生成式 AI,只要你願意好奇,什麼都可以問,還有幾個不同的 AI 家教可以問,ChatGPT / Copilot / Gemini 等等,我們可以交叉詰問。
這個時代,是對於有心學習的人,最好的時代。我們在職場上遇到的任何問題幾乎都可以問生成式 AI。如果你想要賺多一點錢,當然可以買 AI 相關概念股,但我相信更重要的是,學習用 AI 跟用 AI 學習。
第二個 AI 就是中文的誒唉,誒代表好奇心、唉代表同理心。
你遇到一些你沒遇過的狀況時,是直接忽略跳過,還是會「誒,為什麼會這樣?」長保好奇心是職涯能勝出的關鍵。沒有好奇心,就會在原本的框框內做事,而原本的框框內,剛好是 AI 最能達成的。
後來我去看了他的 TED 演講、也查了他怎麼錄製影片,我很好奇,他這麼做在台灣會不會也有機會做?所以我就嘗試性地錄製一些內容,沒想到竟然有人看!
這件事讓我意識到,我並不真正理解其他人的想法。後來經過諮商師與一些業界 mentor 請益,經過調整,夥伴才慢慢感覺到我的「人味」,進而更願意跟我配搭。
第三個 AI 就是 ai 一起念,就是「愛」。
事實上,一個人不見得在什麼面向上都能「恆久忍耐,又有恩慈」。但有些人,對於孩子可以「恆久忍耐又有恩慈」,他可能成為卓越的幼兒園園長;有的人對於找到程式碼的 Bug 可以「很有恆毅力,又很謙虛」,他可以成為卓越的工程師;有些人對老人可以,那或許他可以投入長照。
也因此我逐漸體驗到這個 “Calling”。要檢查是否是 Calling 的最佳方法,就是感受自己內心的「愛」是否被啟動。
總結:明白3C的層次,掌握3 AI 的能力
希望各位在未來10年能遇到你的 Calling,發展你的 Career,然後該有的 Cash 也會跟著來。同時,學習 AI、學習「誒唉」(好奇心同理心)、學習愛,讓自己在腦袋、心理與靈魂都豐沛且飽滿,那麼接下來10年將成為你們人生最好的投資。
Distinguished faculty, parents, and graduates of Providence University, good morning! I am Guanw-Wei Lu, the head of the Junyi Academy Education Foundation. It is a great honor to share some of my thoughts with you today! I have two connections with this university: firstly, Principal Lucia Lin was one of my mentors when she served as Deputy Minister of Education while I was an advisor in the first Executive Yuan Youth Advisory Group, which was a decade ago. Secondly, Ming Hsuan Chou, the head of our Experience Design Department, is a distinguished alumna of this university!
However, today’s focus is on you, the graduates! Congratulations on reaching a significant milestone in your lives! Starting today, you will transition from a world of multiple-choice questions to a world of open-ended questions.
From elementary to high school, our lives were largely shaped by exams and grades, guiding our choices. In university, we had the freedom to choose courses and majors, but after graduation, there are no predefined options. We must constantly ask ourselves, “Why am I doing this?” and “What is the significance of this for me and for society?”
It has been 12 years since I graduated from university, and my classmates and I have all taken different paths. Two years ago, during our 10th-year reunion, I deeply realized that what one chooses to pursue can significantly alter one’s life trajectory over time. Life, like an open-ended question, has no standard answers. However, it has main themes and motifs. Today, I want to share my story and my main themes as a reference for you as you write your own open-ended questions in life.
Today, let’s discuss a theme everyone will encounter: work. In my career, I’ve found that work can be pursued at three levels.
The Three Levels of Work Pursuit - 3C
First Level: Cash - The more, the better.
In my sophomore year, I started reading business magazines and books. Since I was tutoring about ten students and felt pressed for time, I decided to start a tutoring center for elementary and junior high students. Over time, the number of students grew to 50-60, and we even moved to a larger location, thanks to an investor who provided a 200-ping space.
By my fifth year, I had an opportunity to merge with a large tutoring center at Taipei Main Station. Despite considering my responsibilities to my students, parents, and partners, the most significant factor was the potential for more money and the prestige of operating in a prime location with a student base of 500-600.
Pursuing cash is not inherently wrong. At that time, my income exceeded that of my senior medical residents and even matched my earnings five years after graduation. Money allows us to take care of ourselves and our families.
However, if one’s life is solely focused on money, one might end up “poor with nothing but money.” I’m not talking about lofty ideals but real stories I’ve seen. People obsessed with money might engage in questionable activities, such as multi-level marketing or even illegal ventures, just for quick financial gain. Some even face corruption charges when they’re in critical positions.
But life isn’t just about cash. Is there a higher purpose beyond cash?
Second Level: Career - The stronger, the better.
In my fifth year, I became the “Executive Head Tutor” at the Taipei tutoring center. Despite the financial rewards, by my seventh year, I felt that I wasn’t growing in terms of skills. I knew how to teach, counsel students, and persuade parents, but there was no significant improvement.
In the clinical phase of my medical career, I realized the vastness of medicine. Watching senior doctors, I saw various career paths. Some pursued wealth by opening clinics, while others stayed in large hospitals to engage in research, teaching, and service despite lower salaries.
I noticed that I was particularly drawn to people who loved learning. They never stagnated and continually improved. As a manager with 50 colleagues, I realized that these individuals focused on their “Career” – becoming stronger, solving tougher problems, and leading larger teams.
Reflecting on my tutoring and medical careers, I saw different paths. For tutors, it meant teaching more classes and opening more branches. For doctors, it involved a series of training stages, from intern to resident to attending physician, and possibly even to top positions like hospital president or president.
In the hospital, I developed an interest in holistic care, particularly palliative care, which focuses on enhancing the quality of life for terminally ill patients. I spent my sixth and seventh years in palliative care wards, learning not just about medical procedures but also about family dialogue and patient dignity. I even wrote a song for my first patient, which was well-received by their family.
By my seventh year, I was clear about my career aspiration – to become a strong family physician who could alleviate suffering for terminal patients. But why didn’t I follow this path? Because I discovered the third level of work pursuit.
Third Level: Calling - Answering the call of conscience.
During my seventh year, I interned at National Taiwan University Hospital Yunlin Branch for six weeks. For a city dweller like me, this was a new experience. I learned about the urban-rural disparity, such as the 1:3 caregiver ratio due to financial constraints.
One night, I was called to see a patient who was in pain. In the room, I saw a woman and a young child. Trying to build rapport, I complimented her on how well-behaved the child was. She replied, “Oh no, she’s my granddaughter.” This revelation shocked me. She was only 36 years old with a 20-year-old daughter and a 4-year-old granddaughter.
Reflecting on this, I asked myself, “If I were this little girl, could I become who I am today?” My relatively privileged background, with supportive parents who were teachers, allowed me to focus on education and adopt a meritocratic belief. But this little girl, with limited interaction during her critical developmental period, had a vastly different future.
I realized that even my ordinary background was a privilege. This made me think of a quote by Dr. Lian Jiaen: “Fortunate children must give more, to make their fortune meaningful.”
What does giving more mean? I started to see that while I helped patients in the hospital, my interaction was limited to late-stage care and short-term treatment. Conversely, in tutoring, I could only assist those who could afford high fees.
These reflections clarified my passion for the “online free educational videos” experiment I started in my last two years of medical school. I realized that offering early-stage, affordable education to every child was my true calling. This intense feeling, like a constant call from my conscience, made me believe in the importance of this mission, echoing Steve Jobs’ words:
“If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.”
The best way to continue searching is not by trying everything but by diligently pursuing your passion. When you encounter challenges, and you see the significance in overcoming them, that might be your calling.
I believe that someone who finds their calling will naturally build a unique career, and with a strong career, financial rewards will follow.
Three Ways to Enhance Work Abilities - 3 AI
Lastly, I want to share practical advice on enhancing your abilities, which I term the three AIs.
First AI: Artificial Intelligence
The recent advancements in AI, particularly language models and generative AI, have made AI feel more human-like, capable of communication and emotion. While some fear AI will replace humans, it’s more likely to replace tasks humans don’t want to do, such as repetitive customer service.
The real competition will be with those who can effectively use AI. A digital marketing manager who knows how to brainstorm with AI or guide it to produce good content will excel. Similarly, a software engineer who uses AI for code review or programming will be more efficient. Even a graduate looking to improve their English can use AI for practice and save on expensive classes.
The key is to learn to use AI and use AI to learn. Experiment with AI, treat it as a friend and assistant, and you’ll start to understand its capabilities and limitations. For example, I use ChatGPT for advice on meetings or parenting techniques. You’ll find that generative AI aggregates human wisdom and communicates in the most natural way – language.
Using AI for learning has two major benefits: language learning and personalized tutoring. You can get real-time feedback on your English or any other subject. Historically, only emperors had personal tutors, but now we all have access to AI tutors like ChatGPT, Copilot, and Gemini. This era offers unprecedented opportunities for those willing to learn.
Second AI: Curiosity and Empathy (The pronounciation of 誒唉 is similar to AI in Mandarin)
When encountering new situations, do you ignore them, or do you ask, “Why is this happening?” Maintaining curiosity is crucial for career success. Without it, you’ll remain confined to existing frameworks, which AI can easily master.
My journey into my current field began with curiosity. One late night, after reading about Bill Gates’ favorite tutor in a newspaper, I discovered Khan Academy, the world’s largest online education platform. My curiosity led me to watch TED talks, research their methods, and experiment with similar content in Taiwan. This curiosity confirmed a demand for such educational resources.
But curiosity alone isn’t enough. Empathy, or “唉” (sigh), is essential for building trust. As someone on the autism spectrum, empathy was a weakness for me. As a leader, I realized my lack of empathy led to high turnover rates. Seeking advice from counselors and mentors, I learned to connect more deeply with my team, building trust and cooperation.
For career breakthroughs, both curiosity and empathy are necessary. They widen possibilities and deepen trust.
Third AI: Love
Love is a philosophical question, but we all recognize its importance. The essence of love in work is described as “patience and kindness.” Successful people are not always the most talented but those filled with love.
Patience, or grit, is the key to success, as it reflects true passion. Kindness ensures that despite your excellence, others feel comfortable and supported around you. Each of us has unique strengths; finding and nurturing what we love leads to our calling.
In summary, understanding the three levels of work pursuit (3C) and mastering the three abilities (3 AI) will set you on a path of personal and professional growth.
Dear graduates, while my life experience is limited, I am certain that the next ten years will be a period of rapid growth for you. The paths you choose will significantly impact your life beyond 35.
I hope you find your calling, develop your career, and achieve financial stability. Embrace AI, curiosity, empathy, and love to enrich your mind, heart, and soul. This will be the best investment in your future.
Best wishes for a prosperous journey ahead!
former Business Associate at BlueFloat Energy
8 个月it's a very good speech. Tks for sharing.
Capitaine chez C.E.S.A.R. | E-volve !
8 个月Congratulations on the successful speech. ?? Ray (Kuanwei) Lu