人的資本の情報開示に関わる欧州ルール European Rules on Reporting on Human Capital
English version follows the Japanese one.
国内外の多くの機関から人的資本レポーティングに関するガイダンスが提示されています。グローバルで最も重要な2つのガイダンス動向のうち一方はISO30414規格とIFRS/ISSB規格です。ISO30414規格は人的資本に特化したガイダンス規格、IFRS/ISSB はESGガイダンスの中に人的資本が含まれているというものです。もう一方のガイダンス動向で欧州で重視されているものはEFRAGE(The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group)です。EFRAGルールは、後で他の領域においてどんな規制が追加されそうかということへの洞察を提供してくれるので、興味深いです。
企業の人事部門に関連するEFRAGE規制の一部は、ESRS S1「自社の労働力 (Own Workforce)」、次いで興味深いのはESRS S2 「バリューチェーンの労働者」です。ESRS S1はかなり包括的で65ページにも及ぶ資料には次のような内容がカバーされています。
その資料ボリュームのため、ESRS S1に準拠するためには人事部門とIR部門のかなり多くの作業を要します。
ESRS S1: Own Workforce
ESRS S2: Workers in the value chain
※本記事はBoardHR Initiative(経営人事推進機構)メンバーのデヴィッド?クリルマンが執筆し、髙橋恭仁子が邦訳しました。
※BoardHR Initiative(経営人事推進機構)は、企業の取締役会と投資家との間で人的資本に関する建設的な対話を促進させることを目的として、日本およびカナダにおける経験豊富な組織?人事分野のプロフェッショナルコンサルタントらによって発足した組織です。当組織は経営の視点に軸足を置いた人的資本に関わるリサーチ&コンサルティングサービスを、グローバル品質にこだわって提供して参ります。BoardHR Initiative(経営人事推進機構)の詳細につきましてはこちら。
A number of institutions provide guidance on human capital reporting. Two of the most important ones are the ISO 30414 standard which is specifically about human capital reporting and the IFRS/ISSB standards which include human capital within the ESG guidelines. Another group that is important in Europe is EFRAG (The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group). The EFRAG rules are of interest because it provides an insight into what regulations might arise in other jurisdictions later.
Like the work of ISSB, EFRAG sees human capital as part of ESG reporting and does not distinguish between human capital metrics that are relevant to increasing value and those relevant to social concerns (such as human rights).
The part of EFRAG regulations most relevant to HR is ESRS S1 “Own workforce”; of secondary interest is ESRS S2 “Workers in the value chain”. ESRS S1 is quite comprehensive, it is a 65-page document and it covers:
●?????Policies, targets, action, plans and resources
●?????Performance measures
●?????Working conditions
●?????Equal opportunities
●?????Other work-related rights
Relevance to Japanese Organizations
One of the challenges with reporting on human capital is that it will likely take several iterations to work out the kinks, and an iteration only occurs once a year. If you think it will be necessary to do effective human capital reporting in a few years, then it makes sense to start now so that by the time it’s required the organization will have solid experience in creating the report.
EFRAG will be rolled out over a number of years to companies operating in Europe.??It will be useful to review the EFRAG rules to understand what would be involved in compliance. This understanding will help HR decide what data collection and reporting capabilities it needs to develop.
Further Reading
You can find the relevant EFRAG documents here:
ESRS S1: Own Workforce
ESRS S2: Workers in the value chain
If you are interested in enhancing the capability of reporting on human capital then feel free to connect on LinkedIn.
*This article was written by Mr. David Creelman of BoardHR Initiative.
*BoardHR Initiative is an organization that has been formed for the purpose of driving constructive conversations about Human Capital between company boards and investors.
All of the BoardHR Initiative members are professional consultants who have long experience in the area of HR both in Japan and Canada.????To learn more about BoardHR Initiative, please access it?here.