为什么要加入VISA丨Why I’ve Decided to Join VISA

为什么要加入VISA丨Why I’ve Decided to Join VISA

一晃在SAP工作了整整6年,机缘巧合,居然要换工作了。惭愧,一共工作了20多年,只服务了3家公司(MBA毕业加入PWC Consulting很快被IBM收购,就不单算了)。我想了想,如下是我决心加入VISA的五大理由:

1 从CCB(建设银行)到IBM到SAP,都是三个字母的公司,VISA是四个字母,感觉自己有进步。: )---发现这几家logo都是蓝色基调的,说明我总体是喜欢专业大气的公司的: )。

2 乔布斯说人生的点都会连成线,谁说不是呢。从CCB的银行业到IBM和SAP的技术行业,到VISA的支付技术公司(请注意,VISA不是信用卡公司!),基本上把过去干过的两个行业做了一个交叉。希望这是我退休前最后一个工作了,然后我就解甲归田,去乡野徒步了,争取把徒步当成一个事业来抓。

3 雷军说:猪在风口上都能飞起来,我的体会是工作一定要找到一个好的行业、好的公司,在好的平台上工作会行云流水,事半功倍---显然,VISA就是这样一个公司。面试前研究VISA年报,被惊呆了,世界品牌排名、市值排名均在前10几的公司,居然只有2万员工,这是什么效率啊!世界很大,我必须得去研究一下!

4 我人生一直是学非所用,从学环境工程到学会计、财务、金融,最后偶然做了战略顾问,又半路出家做了营销。目前职业生涯里,营销算做的最长了,但是一直是在高科技领域的2B marketing,感谢VISA信任我,我也去玩玩2B2C,让我营销的职业生涯可以更完整,以后万一去学校误人子弟,也可以误得更广阔一点。

5 Last but not least, 我希望能够感恩和交到更多的朋友。从小到大,很多人是我的伯乐,帮助我,提携我,包括我的老领导、老同事们,我和他们大部分人都成了好朋友,保持着友谊。我希望在去VISA迎接新挑战的同时,也结识更多的朋友,帮助更多的人成功。




English Version Below

Time flies. After 6 years with SAP, I can’t believe it’s time to move on. It’s a shame that I’ve only had the opportunity to work at 3 companies over the past 20 years (not counting PWC Consulting as it was taken over by IBM soon after I joined as an MBA graduate). Hmm, I gave it some thought. So, here’re 5 reasons why I’ve decided to join VISA:

  1. From China Construction Bank (CCB), to IBM and SAP, all the companies come with 3 letters. “VISA” on the other hand, has four. That’s a step forward, isn’t it? Coincidently, all these companies share blue logos, meaning that I tend to be attracted by a professional and posh company : ).
  2. As Steve Jobs once said, “all the dots will somehow connect in your future”. I couldn’t agree more. From the banking organization CCB to IT companies IBM and SAP, to a payment technology company VISA ( VISA is not a credit card company! ), I’m connecting my past experience in the two industries. I hope this will be my last job before I retire. Afterwards, I want to “take off the armor and return to a farm”, go hiking in the countryside, and consider that to be my new career.
  3. Lei Jun, the Founder and CEO of Xiaomi once said, “even a pig can fly when it is hit by a tornado.” That’s why we should choose the right industry and the right company. VISA is such a company. I went through VISA’s annual report when preparing for the interview, I’m just stunned that such a global leading company, Top 10 Brand and Market Value in the world, only has 20,000 employees. How efficient they are! I’ve got to find out why!
  4. Throughout my life, my education always doesn’t match my job. I learnt environmental engineering, accounting, and finance in school, but I became a strategy consultant accidentally, and then switched to marketing as a newbie. I’ve stuck to marketing for a long time, but it’s always B2B marketing in IT industry. I really appreciate VISA offering me the opportunity to try 2B2C marketing, making my marketing career a whole. If I had a chance to share my modest experience in a university, then I would get more to say.
  5. Last but not least, I feel grateful to my existing friends and want to make more. Many people, my bosses and colleagues spotted my talents and gave me great help and support. We are still close friends now. And I hope I can make more friends and help them succeed while embracing new challenges at VISA.

PS: Thank you everyone for asking me out for dinner. But I’m afraid I can’t make them all unless you want to see a fat Lijun Sun. Anyway, I’m still in Beijing, around the East 3rd Ring Road. We can hang out at any time and report to you my new story at VISA!

Patricia Sun

Aug. 16th, 2021



Jasmine S.

MBA| Multilingual Recruiter|Global Human Capital Solutions

3 年

Enjoy ur new adventure! Plz update ur blog for we really appreciate It ??

Annie Cheng MCIPR

Head of Corporate Communications, Greater China

3 年

Welcome to Visa!

Xiani Zhang

Digital & AI Transformation

3 年

All the best !

Andrew Kung

Managing Director at SAS Taiwan/ 總經理

3 年

Congratulations and look forward to your another success!


All the best!!




