中国影子银行的经济学分析:对金融稳定的影响(Economics of China's Shadow Banking: the Impact on Financial Stability)
中国影子银行的经济学分析之四(Economics of China's Shadow Banking Series: 4)
发表于《金融监管研究》。知网下载链接(CNKI Download Link):
Abstract: China's shadow banking has been developing rather fast in recent years, in which all sorts of entities and financial institutions are involved. Shadow banking financing usually goes towards fields restricted by government policies. They also have complex transaction structure and involve several layers of financing nesting. These attributes make shadow banking a potential risk source and exert broad influence on financial stability. This paper analyzes the impact of Chinese shadow banking on financial stability from two aspects. First, it negatively affects prevention of financial risks, in pushing up asset prices and forming risk sources. Second, it negatively affects resolution of financial risks in twisting regulatory indicators of financial institutions. Li (2019a) estimates accurate time series data of aggregates and balance sheet structure of China's shadow banking. This paper for the first time utilizes these data to conduct empirical tests. SVAR model formed by economic growth, loan, shadow banking, consumer price and real estate price shows that shadow banking has a major effect on pushing up real estate price, while have little effect on economic growth and consumer price. This paper also recalculates the main regulatory indicators after considering shadow banking. In recent years, since financial regulation has been strengthened, some de facto regulatory indicators have improved and satisfied regulatory threshold.