中国影子银行的经济学分析:对货币政策调控的影响 (Economics of China's Shadow Banking: Impact on Monetary Policy)
中国影子银行的经济学分析之三(Economics of China's Shadow Banking Series: 3)
发表于《中国经济问题》。知网下载链接(CNKI Download Link):
Abstract: In recent years, the fast expansion of China’s shadow banking provides financial channels beyond traditional loans and bond investments, which changes the de facto monetary and financial conditions of real economy. On the one hand, monetary policy still targets traditional intermediate targets and monitoring indicators. On the other hand, much financing happens beyond coverage of M2 and RMB loans, which results in deviation of monetary policy regulation. From the perspective of monetary policy transmission mechanism, starting from 3 kinds of targets of monetary policy, and the two-tier banking system they rely on, this paper quantitatively analyzes impact of shadow banking on the two-step transmission, i.e. operating targets->intermediate targets->ultimate targets. This perspective has innovative uniqueness in current literature. This paper for the first time utilizes the time series data of aggregates and balance sheet structure of China’s shadow banking from Li (2019) and conducts empirical tests to above transmission mechanism. Tests results support the conclusion that development of shadow banking negatively impacts effectiveness of monetary policy, and deviates monetary policy regulation. This paper also finds that impacts of shadow banking on monetary policy is different at different development phase of shadow banking. When shadow banking grows faster, the impact on the effectiveness of monetary policy is more severe, which further supports the analysis of this paper.