中国影子银行的经济学分析:定义、构成和规模测算 (Economics of China's Shadow Banking: Definition, Composition, and Measurement)
中国影子银行的经济学分析之一(Economics of China's Shadow Banking Series: 1)
发表于《金融研究》。知网下载链接(CNKI Download Link):
Abstract: Since the global financial crisis of 2008, a major event in China's financial system has been the ascent of shadow banking. Shadow banking is rapidly expanding in scale, has an increasingly complex transaction structure, and involves a wide variety of market entities. According to our estimation, shadow banking in China amounted to RMB 51.1 trillion yuan at the end of 2017, which is 7.7 greater that at the end of 2008. At the end of 2018, shadow banking stocks were estimated at 48 trillion yuan.
China's shadow banking has exerted broad influence on monetary policy regulation and financial stability. Against this background, it has important theoretical and timely practical significance for understanding the business structure of shadow banking and accurately estimating its aggregate quantity change, thus helping us to grasp the business of shadow banking, strengthen our understanding of the financial sector in economic development, and conduct high-quality theoretical modelling and empirical research.
The main work and conclusions of this study are as follows.
First, this paper gives a definition of shadow banking based on functionality and analyzes different shadow banking businesses by type. This study summarizes the transaction structure, business entity, business substance, source of funding, legal basis, and balance sheet expression of all business types.
Second, this study accurately estimates the monthly data of shadow banking aggregates and balance sheet structure from 2002 till now. The detailed and accurate data in this paper also lays solid foundation for future research on shadow banking.