专家解答:激光雷达上市公司AEye创始人 Luis Dussan KellyOnTech自动驾驶系列

专家解答:激光雷达上市公司AEye创始人 Luis Dussan KellyOnTech自动驾驶系列

这期回答宝宝们关于上期介绍的激光雷达在自动驾驶汽车里面的应用中提出的问题。我专门找了这方面的专家激光雷达上市公司AEye的创始人Luis Dussan 本尊,从专业角度给出解答。

问题一 :摄像头有什么不足?

我在上集提到 “摄像头具有良好的分辨率和色彩信息,但在光线不足或恶劣的天气条件下效果要差得多。” Luis Dussan 补充,

Luis Dussan 关于摄像头的解答 KellyOnTech

Luis Dussan 关于摄像头的解答

"但不要忘记,即使在良好的照明条件下,摄像头也存在对比度不稳定性。例如,白墙前身穿白衣的人很难甚至不可能被发现。 它们还具有范围/对象的模糊性,例如,在摄像头的计算机视觉算法看来,一辆半挂车后面的自行车就像是一个自行车手,即使它只是一张照片。"


Luis Dussan 专门写了一篇文章解释这个问题,总得来说他认为马斯克的理由是,




除了上期介绍的特点外,AEye的激光雷达可以做到瞬间的分辨率提升。当系统检测到一个只有几个点的物体时,可以在该物体移动(哪怕一厘米)之前迅速重访,并对其进行超级解析。 目前,AEye是唯一具有这种能力的激光雷达公司。另一点是AEye是唯一能够在合理的预算内使用微小到1毫米的微机电系统 (MEMS)的公司。

图片来源:AEye, 激光雷达LiDAR  KellyOnTech

图片来源:AEye, 激光雷达LiDAR



Luis Dussan 关于车路协同的看法 KellyOnTech

Luis Dussan 关于车路协同的看法


问题五 - AEye的投资机构有哪些?

"在这里再补充一下,Kleiner Perkins 和通用汽车(与上汽关系密切)是AEye的主要投资者,英特尔和空中客车紧随其后。"

问题六 - AEye 如何提升盈利能力?

"为了提高AEye的盈利能力,我们与总部位于德国汉诺威的大陆集团达成合作。AEye 的远程、高性能激光雷达技术扩展了大陆集团用于乘用车和商用车的集成自动驾驶 (AD) 平台。他们推出的全栈解决方案结合了激光雷达、摄像头和雷达技术,完整系统和独立的基于 AEye 远程激光雷达的系统有望在 2024 年开始生产。"

Luis Dussan和团队亲述创业初心

这是Luis Dussan和他的团队讲述创业初心的视频的中英文对照文字版。(视频)。

图片来源:AEye, AEye团队 KellyOnTech

图片来源:AEye, AEye团队

“We all have been promised, you know, autonomous vehicles for a long time. Autonomous robots and help around the house. So I wanted to really create a robot and an autonomous vehicle because I felt like the technology was there and we were just not doing it right. “ Luis Dussan, Founder / CTO of AEye

“长期以来,我们都被承诺过,自动驾驶汽车,自动机器人和提供围绕房屋的帮助。 所以我想真正创造一个机器人和一辆自动驾驶汽车,因为我觉得技术就在那里,而我们只是做得不对。” Luis Dussan, AEye的创始人/首席技术官

“I was talking to him and he started to explain a very similar vision of how he saw the future of autonomous vehicles and how he saw specifically the knowledge that he had crude from his aerospace and defence background, and applying it and implementing this system that we now call iDAR.” Jordan Greene, Co-Founder, General Manager of ADAS

"我和他交谈,他开始解释一个非常相似的愿景,即他如何看待自动驾驶汽车的未来,以及他如何具体看待他从航空航天和国防背景中粗略获得的原始知识,并应用它和实施这个系统,我们现在称之为iDAR。" ADAS 联合创始人兼总经理 Jordan Greene

“There is nowhere in the world where you’re going to find advanced concepts targeting systems information surveillance, reconnaissance, remote sensing, the narrow space and defense. Those concepts and ideas are transformed across many many different things especially robotics and especially perception, and so that had a huge influence in the way I thought about what we were doing.” Luis Dussan, Founder / CTO of AEye

“世界上没有任何地方可以找到针对系统信息监视、侦察、遥感、狭窄空间和防御的先进概念。 这些概念和想法在许多不同的事物上发生了转变,尤其是机器人技术,特别是感知,因此这对我思考我们正在做的事情的方式产生了巨大的影响。” Luis Dussan,AEye 创始人/首席技术官

“My first impression was, you know, here’s a really smart guy who got very relevant experience particularly for military projects and the ideas that they were using in those projects made perfect sense. “ John Stockton SVP of R&D

“我的第一印象是,你知道,这是一个非常聪明的人,他获得了非常相关的经验,特别是在军事项目方面,他们在这些项目中使用的想法非常有意义。 ” John Stockton 研发高级副总裁

“I wanted to create a perception engine that was as good or better than human perception, but for me that meant a close knit, personal, sort of relationship between hardware and software that was missing, and I thought that you know if nobody else was gonna do it then I should do it.” Luis Dussan, Founder / CTO of AEye

"我想创造一个和人类感知一样好或更好的感知引擎,但对我来说,这意味着硬件和软件之间缺少一种紧密的、个人的关系,我想你知道,如果没有人要做,那么我应该做。" Luis Dussan,AEye的创始人/首席技术官

“The major aerospace and defense company wanted me to go to Silicon Valley and look for really interesting technology. And I remember Luis, he had a piece of tape over the LiDAR and you just saw the red dot swiggly around and he said we got some bugs. I said I don’t care about the bugs. You got the right idea. “ Dr. Allan Steinhardt Chief Scientist

“主要的航空航天和国防公司希望我去硅谷寻找真正有趣的技术。 我记得路易斯,他在激光雷达上贴了一块胶带,你刚刚看到红点在周围晃来晃去,他说我们有一些错误。 我说我不在乎这些错误。 你有正确的想法。" 艾伦·斯坦哈特博士 首席科学家

“I give Luis a lot of credit. His vision on building an active system that was smart and intelligent and modular so that innovation could happen at the hardware level without actually having to rebuild a whole new product. You know, I think was right on.” Blair LaCorte, AEye CEO

"我给予路易斯很大的信任。他的愿景是建立一个聪明、智能和模块化的主动系统,以便创新可以在硬件层面发生,而实际上不必重建一个全新的产品。你知道,我认为这是正确的。" 布莱尔-拉科尔特,AEye首席执行官

“My background and my training is in electrical and computer engineering, optics and photonics, quantum optics, computational quantum physics. The overwhelming result of that experimentation, years of study and analysis was that the hardware had to be software definable.” Luis Dussan, Founder / CTO of AEye

"我的背景和我的训练是在电子和计算机工程、光学和光子学、量子光学、计算量子物理学。这些实验、多年的研究和分析的压倒性结果是,硬件必须是软件可定义的。" Luis Dussan, AEye的创始人/首席技术官

“You know as an engineer you always want the most efficient way of doing things, and this idea of putting laser shots only where you needed them, instead of just sprang them everywhere just resonated with me as the correct way to solve the problem.“ John Stockton SVP of R&D

"你知道,作为一名工程师,你总是希望以最有效的方式做事,而这种只在需要的地方放置激光枪,而不是到处乱放的想法,让我产生了共鸣,认为这是解决问题的正确方法。" 约翰-斯托克顿 研发部高级副总裁

“The most important concept, I believe the most lasting, is the idea of decoupling the path that the light for the LiDAR sends on transmit and the path where it collects the light on receive. That’s really a stroke of genius and really is what allows us to have these flexible performances for the first time. “ Dr. Allan Steinhardt Chief Scientist

"我认为最重要的概念是将LiDAR在发射时发出的光和在接收时收集到的光的路径解耦。这真的是一个天才之举,真的是让我们第一次拥有这些灵活的性能。"阿兰-斯坦哈特博士 首席科学家

“For the first time, LiDAR is added to cameras and radar. I think we are going to allow things that move or things that track things to move to really be better than humans. “ Blair LaCorte, AEye CEO

"这是第一次,LiDAR被添加到相机和雷达中。我认为我们将允许移动的事物或追踪事物移动的事物真正比人类更好。" 布莱尔-拉科尔特,AEye首席执行官

“We started a number of programs at DARPA and what call vile mimicry. Mimicry is now a pretty common term for developing engineering systems by understanding how biology operates.” Dr. Allan Steinhardt Chief Scientist

“我们在 DARPA 启动了许多项目,以及所谓的卑鄙模仿。 模仿现在是一个非常常见的术语,用于通过了解生物学的运作方式来开发工程系统。” Allan Steinhardt 博士 首席科学家

“The human eye looks at certain regions. It gets cute off of certain motion shapes, and then the human brain will focus more attention on areas of interest and that’s precisely how we’ve emulated AI.” Dr. Allan Steinhardt Chief Scientist

“人眼看着某些区域。 它从某些运动形状中变得可爱,然后人脑将更多注意力集中在感兴趣的领域,这正是我们模仿人工智能的方式。” Allan Steinhardt 博士 首席科学家

“The ability to scan with agility, the ability to focus where you need without missing anything else, and the ability to do it both in an extremely fast way, but also simultaneously in the appropriate size, weight, power and cost profile that’s needed for the markets is second to none. " Jordan Greene, Co-Founder, General Manager of ADAS

"灵活扫描的能力,专注于你需要的地方而不遗漏其他东西的能力,以及既能以极快的方式,又能同时以市场所需的适当尺寸、重量、功率和成本状况来完成的能力是首屈一指的。" Jordan Greene,联合创始人,ADAS总经理

“Every shot, we can control the energy, the timing, the position. It’s like a salesman gets to pick which airplane he goes on to fly to which city first. That’s exactly how this LiDAR works. Wow it really is software defined.” Dr. Allan Steinhardt Chief Scientist

"每一个镜头,我们都可以控制能量、时间和位置。这就像一个推销员可以选择他先坐哪架飞机飞到哪个城市。这正是LiDAR的工作方式。哇,它真的是软件定义的。" Allan Steinhardt博士 首席科学家

“You need flexibility, adaptability in a system and so that’s today the iDAR concept and what we build.” Luis Dussan, Founder / CTO of AEye

“您需要系统的灵活性和适应性,这就是今天的 iDAR 概念和我们所构建的。” Luis Dussan,AEye 创始人/首席技术官

“It’s going to be in basically every car that’s built and still accomplish the mission of saving people’s lives.” John Stockton SVP of R&D

"它基本上会出现在每一辆被制造出来的汽车中,并且仍然完成拯救人们生命的使命。" 约翰-斯托克顿 研发部高级副总裁

“Why do I think it’s gonna be the right solution? Because it doesn’t ask you to create the solution today or standardize on anything today. It just says that we know that there is the right solution out there and whatever it is. The sensor will figure it out or you will figure it out with the sensor.” Luis Dussan, Founder / CTO of AEye

“为什么我认为这将是正确的解决方案? 因为它不要求您今天创建解决方案或在今天对任何事情进行标准化。它只是说我们知道那里有正确的解决方案,无论它是什么。传感器会找出来,或者你会用传感器找出来。” Luis Dussan,AEye 创始人/首席技术官




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