コミュニケーションインサイト6 英語でのコミュニケーションが必要な日本のビジネスプロフェッショナル向け
Jeff O'Dea
Inspiring Japanese business professionals to engage & connect, reduce hesitation, take action and add value. Coaching & training in Assertiveness & Leadership. If you like posts on communication & Japan, please follow me
繰り返しますが、あなたは愚かで自意識過剰で不十分である、と感じるかもしれませんが、一貫して発言すると、会議の他の出席者(日本人および外国人)が実際はあなたを勇気ある人と見なす可能性が高くなります。彼らは、あなたの不完全なスキルにもかかわらず、あなたが率直に話し、積極的に関わり参加しようとしていることを認めます。人々は勇気を称賛します。あなたが必要なスキルをすべて持っているわけではないかもしれない、という事実にもかかわらず、あなたが行動を起こすと人々はあなたを賞賛します。繰り返しますが、「勇気とは恐怖がないということではなく、むしろ、恐怖より重要な何かが他にあるという考えである」のです。 「ブロークンイングリッシュ」は受け入れられ、沈黙よりもはるかに良いのです。ブレること無く試し、あきらめないでください。
ちなみに、会議中に自身の不十分さを感じても、慌てないでください。それはよくあることです。非常に一般的なので、特別な名前が付けられています。 「スポットライト効果」です。 (分からなければ検索してください)
Simplified Communication Core Values / Ground Rules to be read at the start of a meeting
1. We all value curiosity, and recognise that no question is too small or stupid.
2. By speaking up when we do not understand, we show Integrity.
3. By participating actively in discussions, we add value, and demonstrate a growth mindset.
4. Regardless of English competency, those who have courage to speak up are valued. Broken English is acceptable
6. We all make a commitment to positively impact the atmosphere, direction, decisions and outcomes of today’s discussion.
English version follows
‘Broken English’ is acceptable, AND far better than silence.
I received some feedback from a few people who used the ‘Core Communication Values’ guidelines that I provided in Insight 5. One person told me that reading the guidelines at the start of a meeting with his Japanese, Korean, and American colleagues, “had an impact on creating a more open and honest engagement in our meeting.” This was fantastic news. He said his team plans to use the ‘Core Communication Values’ guidelines, at the beginning of each monthly meeting. If you have not yet seen the Communication Values’ guidelines, I have added them again to the end of this Insight. However, you can get a more comprehensive understanding by reading Insight 5, posted previously.
In essence, when you read these ‘Core Communication Values’ at the start of a meeting, you strongly proclaim to all attendees of the meeting, that ‘Broken English’ is acceptable, and far better than silence. That mistakes and misunderstandings are natural.
The ‘Core Communication Values’ also remind all meeting attendees, that the first goal of communication is ‘mutual understanding’, and the second goal is, ‘to positively impact the atmosphere, direction, decisions and outcomes of the discussion’. Both these goals require you to have courage to take action and speak. When you work in a global company, this is an expectation, not just a nice vision.
If you are a manager, chairperson, or meeting leader, I urge you to take responsibility for creating an inclusive, and welcoming meeting environment. An environment, that encourages everyone to participate, regardless of their communication skill and confidence. Starting your meeting, by reading the ‘Core Communication Values’ is a positive step to achieving this inclusive and proactive environment.
For a moment, let’s assume that you are NOT a confident, courageous or fluent speaker of English right now. Any time you have to communicate In English, in any sort of detail, there is a chance that you will not be able to express yourself clearly, or as you intended. This is not a problem for non-Japanese speakers. They can deal with your broken English, The issue seems to be, that you may feel stupid, self-conscious or inadequate.
Now, while you may FEEL this way because of what you believe is ‘your poor English communication skill’, this does not mean you ‘look stupid’ to others. How you feel, is actually often very different to how you are perceived by others. As humans we are often more critical of our own actions, than others are.
Again, while you may feel stupid, self-conscious or inadequate, when you consistently speak up, it is highly likely that other people in the meeting ( Japanese and non-Japanese) will actually see you as someone who is courageous. They will recognize that you are trying to speak up, engage, and participate despite your imperfect skills. People admire courage. People WILL admire you when you take action, even though you may not have all the necessary skills. Again… “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear”. ‘Broken English’ is acceptable, and far better than silence. You just have to consistently try, and make sure that you do not give up.
Additionally, if the non-Japanese attendees in the meeting are in the same company as you, then they will have the same company core values as you do, and as such they will willingly support you in your efforts to positively impact the decisions, directions and outcomes of the meeting. So take action without fear of criticism, because if you do, you will be recognized and appreciated for your courage.
And by the way, if you do have that feeling of inadequacy when in a meeting, don’t panic! It is common. It is so common, that there is a special name for it. ‘The spotlight effect'. (Google it)
Additionally, confronting this feeling of inadequacy, and speaking anyway is unfortunately the only way to build more confidence and to grow as a communicator. Of course, you can help your growth by studying more and improving your technical English skills, but you must do this concurrently with your efforts to communicate actively. Do not wait until you have a certain level of technical English proficiency before you start speaking in English meetings. You have to improve both together. Develop technical skills by studying. Developing communication skills by speaking. Every meeting is ‘on the job training’ for your English communication growth. And… ‘Broken English' is acceptable, and far better than silence. Using Broken English is courageous. Being silent is not.
Be courageous.
AI Ethicist, bridge between Japan and overseas, Storyteller, Market Entry, Co-hosted MedTech Show at Clubhouse, Marketing, marketing research, competitive analysis & consultation
4 年Better than nothing! Say something is more important than being mute.