?? ?? GOLDEN AGE TREASURE ; Happy , Healthy , Free & Sovereign 2025
Dear Ones at #LinkedIn #GoldenAge #Leadership #Community ,
enjoy my monthly postings at the GOLDEN AGE OF MANKIND .
All honest, heart-based people are invited to collaborate in GOLDEN AGE ABUNDANCE projects .
Wordpress has excellent statistics : we celebrate 16th year at the HERITAGE OF MANKIND :
Humanity is progressing fast into Golden Age : Pluto entered Aquarious already on Nov 19 2024 … Schumann frequency is escalating with huge photon waves bringing more and more Light to our planet Terra .? We can follow Schumann frequency at the site of HearthMath institute oin California . Frequencies are measured on different part of the planet , in Europe this place is in Lithuania.
Prisr?no,? mirno, zdravo, sre?no in upe?no?2025 .?
Lepo napredujemo v Zlato dobo ?love?tva?,
saj je Pluto stopil v ozvezdje Vodnarja (Aquarious?) ?e 19. novembra …?
Schumanova frekvenca ob?asno prina?a velike svetlobne valove na Zemljo (Terra) … —
Schumanove?frekvence lahko spremljamo preko portala?
HearthMath?in?tituta v Kaliforniji .
Frekvence merijo na rali?nih?delih planeta ,v Evropi je to Litvanija.
Corresponsing with evolution of Humanity into Golden age and Schumann frequencies rising , ?monetary system on the planet is also changing : Quantum Financial System is working on Quantum computers . Researcher from India has excellent article about this .
? ? Skladno s to evolucijo se spreminja tudi finan?ni sistem,
Kvantni finan?ni sistem deluje s? pomo?jo kvantnih ra?unalnikov :?
o tem podrobneje pi?e tudi raziskovalec iz Indije :
The financial sector is on the verge of a transformation, with quantum technology anticipated
?to redefine what modern banking can achieve. At the heart of this shift is the Quantum Financial System (QFS)—
an advanced framework set to offer a new level of security, speed, and precision in financial transactions.
? ?Finan?ni sektor je na robu preobrazbe s pri?akovano kvantno tehnologijo potrebno
?na novo opredeliti, kaj lahko dose?e sodobno ban?ni?tvo.?
V sredi??u tega premika je kvantni finan?ni sistem (QFS) –
napreden okvir, ki ponuja novo raven varnosti,?
hitrosti in natan?nosti pri finan?nih transakcijah.
? ? ? ?V okviru QFS Kvantnega Finan?nega Sistema bodo financirani mnogi Humanitrani projekti Zlate Dobe Blagostanja .?
? ? ?Moji Humanitarni projekti?so objavljeni na na?em blogu : Heritage of mankind /Zapu??ina ?love?tva .?
Subscribe to our blog and you will be informed in due time .
Naro?ite se na na? blog , tako boste pravo?asno obve??eni ….?
V preteklih mesecih smo? humanitarne projekte nadgradili ,?npr. dodali? ?arhitekturno preobrazbo?
Centru Podpore Skupnostim? v Mariboru : nov naziv : Golden Age Abundance Center :
Center Blagostanja Zlate dobe .
We also found now possibilities for the CULTURE OF LIVING IN THE GOLDEN AGE :
Space Capusles are the most advanced , most modern constructions now available on the market of Modular homes and Prefabricated houses . Space Capsules are completely equiped and? of high quality .
Prav tako smo dodali nove re?itve za Kulturo bivanja Zlate dobe :
Space Capsules so do sedaj najmoderneje,
? kar obstaja na podro?ju Modularnih in Prefab gradenj /mobilnih enot .?
So v celoti opremljene in zelo kvalitetne .
Imagine yourself living in such Space capsule somewhere on the sea side , because such ECO GOLDEN AGE COMMUNITIES are planned all around the world (Bangladesh, Vietnam, Europe…) .
Zamislite si bivanje v tak?mi?Space kapsuli?nekje ?ob morju ,
saj bodo tak?ne Eko skupnosti Zlate dobe?
nastale na ve?ih celinah (Banglade?, Vietnam , Evropa…)?
Predvideno?je, da bo imel vsak v svojem kvantnem ra?unu?
?e dodatnih pet podra?unov,?kjer bomo? lahko namensko var?evali?…
sredstva iz vseh podra?unov se bodo lahko zdru?ila .
Kako bo deloval va? QFS ra?un in kak?ni bodo podra?uni,
preberite v enem od prej?njih mailov …?
Join my 8406 contacts on the bussiness platform LinkedIn
and subscribe to my monthly newsletter GOLDEN AGE OF MANKIND .
Pridu?ite se mojim 8406 kontaktom na poslovni mre?i LinkedIn
? in se naro?ite na mese?ne novice? :?Golden Age Newsletter :
Our Divine Nature includes Abundance …
Na?a Bo?anska narava / Divine nature vsebuje blagostanje …?
We invite honest and goodhearted people to join us in accomplishing Humanitarian Projects of the Golden Age :
Vsekakor vabimo?po?tene, dobrosr?ne ljudi k sodelovaju?v?
Humanitarnih projektih Zlate Dobe :
zaposlitev v Centru Blagostanja Zlate dobe v Mariboru?
bo za obdobje?petih let … mo?nost podalj?anja .
Our priority is establishing CENTER OF QUANTUM MEDICINE at the Health resort Roga?ka slatina in Slovenia : many people urgently need swift and quality healing , not available in existing allopatic medicine .
? ? ?Na?a prioriteta je Ustanovitev Centra Kvantne Medicine?
v zdravili??u Roga?ka slatina , saj veliko ljudi potrebuje hitro in kvalitetno ozdravitev ,
neodvisno od sedanje alopatske medicine .?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Napravimo ta planet spet zdrav in uspe?en !?
When you find yourself at the Styria region in Slovenia , Poetovio /Ptuj city , give me a call and we can meet in relaxed atmosphere of Primus hotel loby /Terme Ptuj . You will be awared by organic healing tea from my Wellness? Holistic Medicine . From the Treasure of the Golden age …
Ko se boste nahajali v regiji okrog mesta Poetovio /Ptuj,
me kar pokli?ite ,se bomo sre?ali v lobiju hotela Primus , ob Terme Ptuj .?
Nagrajeni boste z gratis biolo?kim zdravilnim??ajem …?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?…iz Zakladnice Zlate Dobe?
Namaste , Alenka Bone ‘? ?Sovereign Humanitarian?
QFS Managing Director Training ZDA?
mobile 041 221 619?
Welcome to connect on professional network LinkedIn :
8406? followers (ツ) ??welcome to connect on LinkedIn
QFS Managing Director Training USA?
?March 2014??honor issuer: The LinkedIn Team
honor description: Dear TARA TULKU,
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December 31 2024 . Source : Schuman resonance , Facebook
??QFS SOVEREIGN HUMANITARIAN @Quantum Financial System
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