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Kiran Kurwade ??
Coached 5+ Lakh Professionals II Multi-Industry Professional || 29 Years - 15 orgs || Director - Office of Strategic Initiatives, Chitkara University ll Gallup Certified Strengths Coach II
#Avatar is an emergence of the best from the existence itself to #enlighten, enrich & empower life at its best !
What would be a #scientific logic of Avatars ? Let’s recall the avatars from Hindu Mythology like the first as ‘matsya’ (fish) in the era when life had began, then ‘kurma’ (tortoise) when amphibians ruled, then ‘varah’ (boar) when mammals appeared, then ‘narsimha’ when half animals – half human would have evolved, ‘vaman’ (dwarf) human and later so on & so forth. Ram…ideal human and then Krsn the holistic human. The avatars continue…..
#Management can derive many lessons from Krsn and his eternal Geeta. It can derive “#BusinessEthics”.
Krsn always supported ‘Dharm’ … Truth (not religion but righteousness) anybody who lived ‘#dharma’, Krsn was with him by all means.
Arjun’s agony to not fight the Mahabharat was not that he had become #compassionate to avoid such a big blood-shed. If the other side would have the people other than his near & dear ones then he would not spared anyone which he did many times in past and had conquered many kings and kingdoms. Arjun’s real worry was that his own blood relatives were on other side….how to fight against my own people who brought me up? Krsn enlightened him about ‘dharm’ thru #Geeta Updesh….everybody to be treated #equal and anybody who is not with ‘dharm’ irrespective of friend or foe must be punished….and moreover we are just the instruments to let ‘dharm’ exist eternally.
Krsn practiced and preached being Unbiased, Uniting & Universal !
#Truth alone Triumphs….??????? ???? ! ???? ?????? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ???? !
#Gratitude , Kiran