!!???? ??? ????? ??? ????? A good, productive, successful, healthy, fruitful, loving, caring, optimistic, enjoyable week to all of you, friends!!

This week I wish to continue my "vision" about helping to bring about global peace starting from the very epicenter of the world for millions of believers in the One G-d, The Temple Mount/The Noble Sanctuary. Perhaps the most tantilizing expression of "vision" appears in the following words found in Jewish liturgy: "???? ?? ???? ????, ????? ??? ?? ????." ) (Trans.: With a Word Hashem (G-d) created the Heavens, and with the Wind/Spirit His mouth all of Their Hosts (the rest of all Creation). We Are His Creations! You and I are among the Holy One's creations. It is, therefore, to our better interest to find ways to continue His creations in HARMONY with His WORD, that is to say, according to His ways since we are created in His likeness.

The composition of the group involved in the events from Week Six to Week Ten might be three theologians representing each of the world's continents.

Week Six of this program on The Temple Mount/The Noble Sanctuary

The most salient question by The Divine Presence for theologians in the 21st Century facing humanity for anecdotak disputation:

a. Why were humans created in this world?

b. What is the reason humans have been evloving into creatures decidedly different from all other living creatures in a world created by the One G-d?

c. According to Divine Revelations in Scripture, is the foundation for all humanity to perfect peaceful harmony, justice, caring, goodness and acceptance among human beings?

d. Is "irat ha'shamayim" (Heb.: fear of the L-rd) the raison d'etre for humankind?

Week Seven:

Who or what should determine the human compass? And, on the other hand, is there a different set of ethics for every culture in modern civilization? In theological terms, how does one define the definitive ethics and morality needed to bring about peaceful coexistence on earth?

Week Eight:

Can poverty, famine, and ignorance finally be demoted to the dustbin of history like the devastating physical maladies of yesteryear, such as the bubonic plague, cholera, typhus, diptheria, polio, smallpox, and anthrax? How might these monumental human achievements be engendered in our time?

Week Nine:

Since there is one eternal, immutable, omnipresent Creator of all there is, how can His creations bring a likeness of His peace to their quotidian existence; moreover how can such a peace be sustained and perpetuated?

Week Ten:

Among the L-rd's everlasting values can be found those constituting and ever-sustaining life. What formulations can His creations distill from the meaning of life vis-a-vis peace on earth?

I will continue with my "vision" on Monday, February 5, 2018.


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