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Krushna Prasad Sahoo
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Hey Guys ???? !!
How are you doing, I recently gone through one of the fantastic technology i.e Hyperloop. Now let me take you through this amazing thing ..
?? Before getting into the topic tell me or just imagine the following situation. If you want to travel from Delhi to Bengaluru (around 1100 miles) then how much time you need ?
? Your answer might be 20 hours if you travel by car, may be 10 hours in train or you might take 5 hours in a flight , right !?
But think of some technology or some concept which can make you travel faster i.e you can travel those 1100 miles just in 2 hours ?? ...
Isn't it Amazing ??
Yeas that's possible by
This following picture shows the power of Hyperloop.
? So what is ?У????OO? exactly ?
- Hyperloop is an ultra-high-speed ground transportation system for passenger and cargo proposed as a concept by Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, in a white paper back in 2013.
- The system consists of sealed and partially evacuated tubes, connecting mobility hubs in large metropolitan areas, and pressurized vehicles, usually called pods, which can move at very high speeds, thanks to contactless levitation and propulsion systems as well as to the low aerodynamic drag. With this system the door-to-door travel time on medium-range distances can be considerably reduced compared to current connections.
- Moreover, with fully-electric operations the system aims at being climate-neutral.
? What makes Hyperloop different ?
- There are two big differences between Hyperloop and traditional rail. Firstly, the pods carrying passengers travel through tubes or tunnels from which most of the air has been removed to reduce friction. This should allow the pods to travel at up to 750 miles per hour .
- Secondly, rather than using wheels like a train or car, the pods are designed to float on air skis, using the same basic idea as an air hockey table, or use magnetic levitation to reduce friction.
- And supporters argue that Hyperloop is significantly better than high-speed rail. It is lower cost and more energy efficient because, among other things, the track doesn't need to provide power to the pods continuously and, because the pods can leave every 30 seconds, it's more like an on-demand service. It's also potentially two or three times faster than even high-speed rail (and ten times the speed of regular rail services).
? History behind Hyperloop ..
The idea of using low-pressure or vacuum tubes as part of a transport system has a long heritage. The Crystal Palace pneumatic railway used air pressure to push a wagon uphill (and a vacuum to drag it back down) way back in Victorian south London in 1864. Similar systems using pneumatic tubes to send mail and packages between buildings have been in use since the late nineteenth century, and can still be seen in supermarkets and banks to move money around today.
One clear predecessor of the Hyperloop is the 'vactrain' concept developed by Robert Goddard early in the twentieth century; since then, many similar ideas have been proposed without much success.
However, it was entrepreneur Elon Musk who really reignited interest in the concept with his 'Hyperloop Alpha' paper in August 2013, which set out how a modern system would work -- and how much it would cost.
In his Hyperloop Alpha paper, Musk set out the case for a service running between Los Angeles and San Francisco, which would be cheaper and faster than a proposed high-speed rail link. He argued that his Hyperloop could be safer, faster, more affordable, weather-proof, self-powering -- and less disruptive to people living along the route.
Musk said that a Hyperloop service could be the answer to travel between cities less than about 1500 km or 900 miles apart; beyond that, supersonic air travel would be more efficient, he said. "Short of figuring out real teleportation, which would of course be awesome (someone please do this), the only option for super fast travel is to build a tube over or under the ground that contains a special environment," Musk wrote. Nobody has got very far with the teleportation idea, alas, but a number of companies have seized at the potential of Hyperloop.
? How much it costs to build a Hyperloop ?
For the LA to San Francisco Hyperloop that Musk envisaged, he came up with a price tag of under $6bn. Musk envisioned an LA to San Francisco journey time of half an hour with pod departures every 30 seconds, each carrying 28 passengers. Spreading the capital cost over 20 years and adding in operational costs, Musk came up with the figure of $20 plus operating costs for a one-way ticket on the passenger Hyperloop.
Most of the cost of the system lies in building the tube network: the overall cost of the tube, pillars, vacuum pumps, and stations was calculated at just over $4bn for the passenger version of Hyperloop ($7bn for a slightly larger version that could also take freight). The cost of the capsules was put at around $1.35m a piece; with 40 needed for the service, the cost of these is around $54m (or $70m for a mix of passenger and cargo capsules). That's less than 9% of the cost of the proposed passenger-only high-speed rail system.
? What about safety ?
- The recent claim of Hyperloop Transport Technologies and other companies to offer the safest form of transportation on the planet seems premature unless it will have demonstrated successfully a sufficient number of test runs at maximum speed to prove the required safety integrity level SIL4 and acceptable levels of passenger travel comfort. The very short minimum headway time of 30 s between Hyperloop vehicles operated at very high speed, assumed maximum acceleration of 1g, and 0.5g for braking up to 1g for emergency deceleration, respectively will not guarantee fail-safe operation according to proven standards of high-speed railway ATP and ATO safety systems.
- Furthermore, the extremely high deceleration rates will guarantee neither high performance of the braking system at any time, nor vehicle integrity through safe headway distance in case of, for example, a combination or sequence of sudden technical failures (like power outage, lack of radio-based communication, rise of air pressure in tubes, malfunction of linear motor or mechanical braking) or missing of essential automatic vehicle control functions (movement authority, braking curve supervision, vehicle integrity, route setup and clearance), because the proposed relative braking distances between two Hyperloop vehicles are not fail-safe (i.e. may overlap and lead to collisions).
? Some Hyperloop companies are ..
- Virgin Hyperloop
- Hyperloop Transportation Technologies
- TransPod
- DGWHyperloop
- Arrivo
- Hardt Global Mobility
- Zeleros
- Nevomo (previously Hyper Poland)
How it really feels riding Hyperloop Pod ????
Watch the following video ..??????
The Pegasus pod used for the first passenger test, also called XP-2, was designed with help from famed Danish architect Bjarke Ingels’ design firm. It represents a scaled-down version of what Virgin Hyperloop hopes will eventually be a full-sized pod capable of carrying up to 23 passengers. It weighs 2.5 tons and measures about 15-18 feet long, according to Giegel. Inside, its lush white interior is meant to be familiar to passengers, who may not be immediately comfortable with the idea of slingshot ting through a vacuum-sealed tube at the speed of a commercial jet.
? Virgin Hyperloop Plans 3 Routes In India :)
They say "Given our holistic and long-term investment commitment to India, we have several plans in the pipeline. Through the feasibility study undertaken with the Bangalore International Airport Ltd., we are evaluating potential hyperloop routes connecting to and from Kempegowda International Airport based on their technical and economic viability. If deemed feasible, we would request a go-ahead from the Government of Karnataka to proceed in compliance with relevant procurement policies. A detailed project report will be undertaken thereafter."
The proposed Pune-Mumbai hyperloop project, which connects the two cities in under 30 minutes, instead of the three-plus hours via road will be the largest privately funded transport infrastructure project in the country. The constant dialogue with the state government since the onset of the pandemic has been immensely helpful and we look forward to working with the administration to progress this project as the COVID situation improves.
- Hyperloop is a technology that, for its supporters at least, could have a huge impact. It could reduce air travel between big cities, boost economies and trade, and reduce the pressure on housing in cities by allowing commuters to live further away. But none of this is anywhere near proven -- yet. There are major technical and business hurdles that Hyperloop technologies will need to surmount before they can carry passengers in comfort through a pneumatic tube, let alone change the world.
- The next stage for Hyperloop is to move beyond initial testing and feasibility studies, start longer distance trials of the technology and, even more importantly, testing the service with passengers. Another challenge will be to find commercial models that work around the world. Only when all this is done will it become clear whether Hyperloop can really become a success.
That's all from my side, hope you had a wonderful read about HYPERLOOP !!
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Associate Analyst at Globaldata l ESG Analyst
3 年Nice article ?????????????? ???????????? ??????????